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 Archive -- Week 27: 12/29/02 - 1/4/03
Song of the week: Avril Lavigne - Things I'll Never Say
Well, the majority (10) of the people who took the poll said that they're looking forward to the new school year the most in 2003, but we all know the correct response was "The Return of the King."
December 29, 2002 - runaway train
And another day has gone by. Sometimes life feels so surreal... like when things are really good, or when they're quite the opposite. And sometimes you just don't know what to do with yourself. Life can be frustrating, it can be self-destructive. It can be an exhilarating ride. But sometimes, you just want to stop the train of life. Take a breather, so to speak. And some of us have ways to do that... maybe it's a person, maybe it's a place, maybe it's an activity; it's something that can take your mind off of life, make you laugh, make you feel a little more calm. And some of us have that, and we don't know it. We're not sure who it is, or where it is, or what it is. But one day we'll all find it; and it'll help us stop that train of life, even if for just a moment. 
Image of the Day

The night sky at St-Nérée Observatory, about 60 miles southeast of Quebec. The cloudy sky is getting clear...

(Photo by Dominic Cantin)

Lyric of the Day - REM

Sometimes everything is wrong,
Now it's time to sing along.
When your day is night alone, hold on.
If you feel like letting go, hold on.
When you think you've had too much of this life, well hang on.
December 30, 2002 - that tickles
Not much news from yesterday; it was rather quiet on the Ross front. To sum it up: I'm still shopping around for digital cameras, I saw Tara and Trevor's parents at Schlotzky's Deli, and I talked to a few friends I haven't talked to in a while. And it feels good to do that. I feel like I've cut off so many ties, and now I'm just kinda rebuilding them. Anyways, more tomorrow. Don't forget to take the poll!
Image of the Day

I don't know why, I just find this picture amusing...

Quote of the Day - Lynn Hall

We did not change as we grew older; we just became more clearly ourselves.
December 31, 2002 - reflect
Well, this is the last day of 2002. I won't be around the next time an '02 rolls around. And every time one of these last days of the year comes, I just kinda reflect on my year as a whole. You see, a lot of the time, I look ahead in time. I worry about my future, I make plans... and when I'm not looking at the future, I'm looking at now; I'm trying to live for the moment and such. But I make it a point on this day to look back; to reflect on what the year actually held for me. It's not such a bad idea. This was a very "growth" kinda year for me. I learned a lot about myself... I made a lot of friends, I lost a few, and I became closer with one or two. There were some low points; there were some high points. Some "goodbyes" that still haven't really been said... Decisions made, some right and some wrong. But then again, right and wrong is only a matter of perspective. All in all, it wasn't all that great of a year. But hopefully the next one will bring about a new beginning and refresh us, so to speak. Maybe it will bring new hope, new love, and new life.. I guess we'll see if that happened when I reflect back on it one year from now.
Image of the Day

"And when we think the world is in its darkest times, we must try to see the light..."

Last Words of the Day - Cecil Rhodes

So little done, so much to do. 
January 1, 2003 - two thousand three
And just like that I was shot down from my ongoing good mood. I don't know what it was, but I came home this morning at like 12:30 feeling really sad. I went to Leslie's for the celebration, and everything was fine and dandy... and then the alcohol arrived. When you're not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to be paranoid about, you know? But still, the party was alright. But as the countdown from 10 started, I wasn't into it. Hell, I didn't even count. I didn't say "Happy New Year!"... I don't know what it was, but I just didn't feel any joy. Maybe it was the fact that my life has been changing a lot lately, maybe it's the fact that I've missed out on a lot of time with my friends, maybe it's the fact that Betsy's new guy was there and realized how happy she must be... Dah, I guess there's nothing wrong with her being happy. I just feel like she got over me faster than I could get over her. But anyways, at midnight, I saw everyone else excited, and I just found myself asking "What's the point?" and "What's really to be happy about?"  I'm not saying that I'm taking everything good in my life for granted. But hell, some of the bad things are just so... I dunno, you just wish they weren't there and wonder why. Some deep thought is brewing in my head, I can feel it... But I'm not entirely sure exactly what that thought is.
Image of the Day

Maybe this was the "deep thought" that I've been thinking of... Then again, maybe not. Definitely seems like a good investment though...

AIM Conversation of the Day - Larry and Ross

therosser1022: i just had to get it all out of my system
Issiran: haha okay
therosser1022: oh wait
therosser1022: BAALLLSSSSS
Issiran: lovely
therosser1022: tree, two, one... and that's the ent of it
Issiran: .....
therosser1022: lol
Issiran: that can be your "Bad Lord of the Rings Joke of the Day" for your website
therosser1022: lol
therosser1022: thanks
January 2, 2003 - the aforementioned deep thought
The less and less I tried to think, the closer and closer I came to the following realization: I am two different people, and it's killing me. I go from extreme to extreme, feeling one way about something one day, and the complete opposite way the next. And my moods go right along with that, from a high-on-life awesome kind of mood do a bottom-of-the-barrel desolate kind of mood. Maybe I'm manic-depressive or something. Nah... I dunno. I just don't know what I feel anymore. Sometimes I feel powerfully independent, sometimes I feel lonely. I always make decisions and wonder about the other road, the one not travelled. But the problem is, I fail to use the current road, the one I did choose... I just go through life surrounded by "what ifs" and that's really gotta stop. If there's one thing I can get in this new year, it's to be able to be sure of myself at some point.

Hey! It's 1-2-03! 

As for last night, I hung out with Steve-O, Larrold, and Chelsea last night, and that was pretty fun, especially yelling "What?" and "Bitch!" as we listened to Snoop Dogg. But we eventually got to that point of boredom where no one can think of ANYTHING to do, but everyone would rather not be doing 'this'... whatever 'this' was at the time, which was mostly just sitting around and doing nothing. Although when the question about the Iraq war came up, I realized that I'm an idiot. Granted, I've known this for a while. But anyways, I've changed my mind about protesting 'Bush' and the war... I think I'll just take Steve's approach. I'm not really gonna actively support the war, because I don't know enough about it, but if people feel so compelled as to fight for something, then I'm not gonna actively protest it either. Basically, it's kinda a large degree of apathy, because not only do I not really care about it, I don't even care enough to try to learn more about it. Wow. I typed more than usual.

Smoke weed every day.
Image of the Day

One of my more cheesy humor IOTDs, but still... I just think it's funny that someone never thought to take out the word "Secret" when they were making a sign for it.

Link of the Day - Larrymania!
Yes it's true... For those of you who aren't compulsive guestbook readers I just wanted to let you know that Larry's site is back up!! 
--{{and there was rejoicing throughout the lands}}--
"Finally, something else to read besides Ross's pointless drivel!"

January 4, 2003 - "you're in hell, you shmuck"
I started making an update for yesterday in the morning, but I couldn't find an IOTD. I basically was just saying that I've been hanging out with so many different people lately. And it's like I don't have one specific group or anything. I feel almost... lost I guess. Not that I don't have fun, but it feels more like a 'one-time' fun, so-to-speak. Last night, I hung out with Ray, Jacqui, Cameron, Mike, Glen, and Marvin... I was in their movie, 'Brief Face and the Seems of Justice.' I got to see Cameron in nothing but a sock, a sight that made my life complete. Maybe I'll have a screenshot or two once we edit it. Aside from that, Ohio State won!!!!!! Not that I knew what the game was or anything, or even follow football. But aparently it was a big game, and the cop at Denny's kept us updated play by play as soon as he heard the news from a radio in the back. As far as my life goes, I'm still on this strange ride, and I can't get myself settled in anywhere, and I'm not really liking it. I'll figure it out I guess. My driving test (again) is at 10 this morning, so I'll probably update after that with the official results.
Image of the Day

A shot from a new batch of explodingdog pictures. It is titled "sometimes i stay up really late being bored". 

Friend Quote of the Day - Ashley

'i have been handed a HUGE lemon...so im just going to have to make a HUGE amount of lemonade.'