The less and less I tried to think, the closer and
closer I came to the following realization: I am two different people,
and it's killing me. I go from extreme to extreme, feeling one way about
something one day, and the complete opposite way the next. And my moods
go right along with that, from a high-on-life awesome kind of mood do a
bottom-of-the-barrel desolate kind of mood. Maybe I'm manic-depressive
or something. Nah... I dunno. I just don't know what I feel anymore. Sometimes
I feel powerfully independent, sometimes I feel lonely. I always make decisions
and wonder about the other road, the one not travelled. But the problem
is, I fail to use the current road, the one I did choose... I just
go through life surrounded by "what ifs" and that's really gotta stop.
If there's one thing I can get in this new year, it's to be able to be
sure of myself at some point.
Hey! It's 1-2-03!
As for last night, I hung out with Steve-O, Larrold, and Chelsea last
night, and that was pretty fun, especially yelling "What?" and "Bitch!"
as we listened to Snoop Dogg. But we eventually got to that point of boredom
where no one can think of ANYTHING to do, but everyone would rather not
be doing 'this'... whatever 'this' was at the time, which was mostly just
sitting around and doing nothing. Although when the question about the
Iraq war came up, I realized that I'm an idiot. Granted, I've known this
for a while. But anyways, I've changed my mind about protesting 'Bush'
and the war... I think I'll just take Steve's approach. I'm not really
gonna actively support the war, because I don't know enough about it, but
if people feel so compelled as to fight for something, then I'm not gonna
actively protest it either. Basically, it's kinda a large degree of apathy,
because not only do I not really care about it, I don't even care enough
to try to learn more about it. Wow. I typed more than usual.
Smoke weed every day.
Image of the Day
One of my more cheesy humor IOTDs, but still... I just think it's funny
that someone never thought to take out the word "Secret" when they were
making a sign for it. |
Link of the Day - Larrymania!
Yes it's true... For those of you who aren't compulsive guestbook readers
I just wanted to let you know that Larry's site is back up!!
--{{and there was rejoicing throughout the lands}}--
"Finally, something else to read besides Ross's pointless drivel!" |