Well, I passed my driving test yesterday! Althoughfor
the second week in a row, the instructor told me to go in one direction,
and I went in the opposite, as I can't figure out left and right that quickly.
The instructor this week got mad and told me that if I didn't listen to
her, she wouldn't take me any further on the test. So I passed nonetheless,
even though she was pissy the whole time after that. But since I'm such
a nice guy, I still said 'thanks' as she was leaving the car... (Granted,
after she closed the door I said 'bitch.' But still, for the record, I
thanks.) Anyways, I have my license, and soon I'll have access to a car,
once my sister heads back to NY on the 14th. So y'all better watch out,
because I'm gonna be tearing up the streets like a bat out of hell! Speaking
of 'watch'... I really want a pocketwatch, and a silver one at that.
Image of the Day |
Quote of the Day - I have this in my quotes file without an author...
"... And so maybe now it was time
... time to throw in the towel and call it quits. All good things must
someday come to an end. So what if today was my day, and this was my end?
Nothing lasts forever ... I've learned that the hard way.
So maybe it's time to put my Fantasyland to
rest for good. To stop reaching for what isn't there, and stop living in
what I wish could be. Somewhere between truth and fantasy lies reality.
The reality of life, and people, and hopes, and dreams. The reality that
maybe all dreams don't come true; no matter how hard we try, all things
aren't possible.
The future brings uncertainty, the past brings
pain, the present brings the here and now in which we live. They say that
life is a game and each day we move our pieces, trying to get closer to
winning. Well, maybe this is one game where not everyone wins, and maybe
I just happen to be a loser in this game of life. Do not pass Go, do not
collect $200 ..."