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 Archive -- Week 28: 1/5/03 - 1/11/03
Song of the Week: Jimmy Eat World - Believe In What You Want
45% of all people agree that Larry is the greatest thing to spring from Canada.
(He was born in Montreal.)
January 5, 2003 - life's a bitch
Well, I passed my driving test yesterday! Althoughfor the second week in a row, the instructor told me to go in one direction, and I went in the opposite, as I can't figure out left and right that quickly. The instructor this week got mad and told me that if I didn't listen to her, she wouldn't take me any further on the test. So I passed nonetheless, even though she was pissy the whole time after that. But since I'm such a nice guy, I still said 'thanks' as she was leaving the car... (Granted, after she closed the door I said 'bitch.' But still, for the record, I did say thanks.) Anyways, I have my license, and soon I'll have access to a car, once my sister heads back to NY on the 14th. So y'all better watch out, because I'm gonna be tearing up the streets like a bat out of hell! Speaking of 'watch'... I really want a pocketwatch, and a silver one at that.
Image of the Day

Quote of the Day - I have this in my quotes file without an author...

"... And so maybe now it was time ... time to throw in the towel and call it quits. All good things must someday come to an end. So what if today was my day, and this was my end? Nothing lasts forever ... I've learned that the hard way. 

So maybe it's time to put my Fantasyland to rest for good. To stop reaching for what isn't there, and stop living in what I wish could be. Somewhere between truth and fantasy lies reality. The reality of life, and people, and hopes, and dreams. The reality that maybe all dreams don't come true; no matter how hard we try, all things aren't possible. 

The future brings uncertainty, the past brings pain, the present brings the here and now in which we live. They say that life is a game and each day we move our pieces, trying to get closer to winning. Well, maybe this is one game where not everyone wins, and maybe I just happen to be a loser in this game of life. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200 ..."

January 6, 2003 - something really subversive
Man, what a messed up break it's been. My relationship has been in shambles.. and I hung out with the most unexpected people. And by 'unexpected', I mean that if someone told me to predict who I'd be hanging out with during break, I probably wouldn't have said some of the people that I ended up hanging out with. Nonetheless, I guess any break is a good break, but this one probably wasn't one of my best. It just seems like I've been hanging out with so many people lately, yet I feel I have no one to talk to, and I don't know why. And furthermore, I feel like if I had someone to talk to, I would have nothing to talk about. It's all quite weird. I'm kinda lost in a sea of something and I don't know what it is. That's all for now...  Take the poll of the week.
Image of the Day

The infamous "Ghost Nebula"... I don't really know what the deal with it is, but the nebula itself reminds me of the bad guys in the movie "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within" (which despite the animation, wasn't all that great)

Quote of the Day - Erica Jong

Do you want me to tell you something really subversive? 
Love is everything it's cracked up to be. 
That's why people are so cynical about it. 
It really is worth fighting for, Being brave for,
Risking everything for. And the trouble is,
If you don't risk anything, 
You risk even more.
January 7, 2003 - and the break is broken
Well, it's back to school for me today. I really kinda pulled my research paper together haphazardly, and I don't know if I did all that great on it. But that's alright, I guess. I'll get over it. I actually did something productive yesterday as far as my site goes. I added an "excerpts" section... yet another page no one's gonna want to read. But it's more for my own sake than anyone elses. One of these days, I'm gonna get bored, and I'm just gonna read through them and it will relieve my boredom for fifteen minutes. Speaking of my page, my mates section has gone to Hell, and I've got to do something about that soon. I just realized that my site is more than a half a year old... Wow time flies when you're too busy to think about it, eh? Alright, that's all for now.
Image of the Day

I figured I haven't had an optical illusion on here in a while... though this one isn't all that exciting. It kinda makes my eyes hurt after I look at it for too long. Too many disappearing black dots I guess...


Lyrics of the Day - Christina Aguilera, "Beautiful"
(I like the video to this song...)

No matter what we say,
We're the song inside the tune, 
full of beautiful mistakes
And everywhere we go, 
 the sun will always shine
And tomorrow we might awake on the other side
'Cause we are beautiful 
no matter what they say.
January 8, 2003 - employment enjoyment
Blah... not much news today; I really am not in the mood to be back at school yet. I dread getting back into a routine. In fact, that's something I dread in life in general. After college, I don't want to spend the rest of my life in some boring routine. Get up at 8... Work til 5. Come home to my family. Watch a certain TV show. Go to sleep. It just all seems so drab. I'm the kind of person that likes spontaneity in life. And if I would have to have an eight to five job, I'd much rather have a job where I didn't have to do the same thing every day. Something that requires creative thought would be nice... But I guess I have many of these idealistic thoughts. And when it comes down to it, I'm going to want to support a family. So I'm gonna have to get a steady job that pays well. I dunno... I mean, I guess a job doesn't really matter as long as I can find some enjoyment in it while I work. Nonetheless, like I was saying, I'm not a big fan of set schedules. Some people really like having structure and routine in their lives; I guess I'm just not one of those guys, eh?
Image of the Day

An attempt in the Philippines at making mall police officers seem less intrusive and more friendly... Seems to be working pretty well. 


Quote of the Day - Bob Dylan

What's money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.
January 9, 2003 - on the road again, for the first time that is
I got a taste of what I'll have a week from now. I got to take the (soon to be my) car out last night; I went to the bank for some cash money and then went and pimped hoes the rest of the night. Actually, I went to the swim meet, which was actually rather enjoyable. Betsy, the former (and i guess i could say still) object of my desires got first place in everything. I guess that's why she's always had first place in my heart... lol, anyways, yeah, we're still not together, and there is no development in that area, and we both seem to be making it fine without each other. Someone from my guestbook has been e-mailing Betsy and telling her that our relationship was bullshit anyway... and that we were just dependent on each other. So yeah, if you're that special someone, could you let me know who you are? Thanks. Blah, I'm now very bored, as no one has e-mailed me today and everyone on AIM is away. (I'm lying when I say it's the 9th, because it's still the 8th.) But in school news, we're reading The Tempest by Shakespeare and I'm actually really liking it. There will probably be an excerpt or two coming from that one... 'ats all for now.
Image of the Day


Link of the Day - The T'Inated Rosser.com
(via the T'Inator)

January 10, 2003 - feel the power between your legs
Boy, am I glad it's Friday! This week was so boring, and I guess I wasn't in such a great mood throughout it. Today, I heard my sister talk a lot about the events that have been transpiring in her life. She gave a talk to the mediators at EHS and told them her story. I really respect her for standing up for what she believes in. She said that some people think it's "going too far" to break a law for something you believe in... Yet, she said, it isn't too far, for training the soldiers who slaughter innocent civilians in Colombia is much more of a crime and a travesty than any trespassing. Anyway, it was cool to hear her talk about it all. She faces trial soon... Some of her group plans to plead guilty, but with apologies and promises not to do it again. These people probably will face no jail time. Some plan to plead innocent and most likely will be found guilty and face some jail time. And the remaining group, including Marie, plans to plead guilty, without promising that they will not commit an act of civil disobedience again. It seems that jail time is inevitable for her. But I agree, that if you're gonna take a stand on anything, take a strong one.
Image of the Day

And if you don't want to take a stand, how about taking a seat on this Dodge Tomahawk Motorcycle... it's a concept vehicle, but it looks awesome, in my opinion.

Quote of the Day - Harry Truman

"I feel as though the moon and all the stars and all the planets have fallen on me."
January 11, 2003 - yawn
Now that I've updated like every day this week, I have NOTHING to talk about. But ah well, I'll get over it. Yesterday, I hung out with Larry and Natalie for a bit, then Larry, Brian, and Ashley. While it may not have been the most actively entertaining night for me, I do like to just sit back and hang out once in a while, and that's basically what we did. Grr... I just talked to Betsy on the phone. Sometimes I get myself so frustrated. Anyways, like I said, it was a slow news day.
Oh, and instead of serving jail time, criminals should be forced to build elaborate edifices like pyramids and ziggurats.
Image of the Day

The NASA space shuttle Atlantis being launched from a distance on July 12th, 2002. It was on it's way to visit the International Space Station. 

Quote of the Day - Stephen Chbosky, via Brian

"The girl was unconventionally beautiful. They are the best kind of girls, I think."