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 Archive -- Week 31: 1/26/03 - 2/1/03
Song of the Week: Bon Jovi - I Want You
No poll of the week.
January 26, 2003 - free at last
Last night, I hung out with Scott and Joe, two mysterious figures from my past. We watched M Night Shyamalan's "Signs"... which was pretty good in my book. It puts a somewhat religious aspect on my whole anti-coincidence thing, but I still like it. I've always been interested in aliens and extraterrestrial life, I guess. Yet another boring week of school lies ahead. Big Show pit orchestra begins this week... and in less than three months, I'll be chilling in Chicago. Hopefully we get a snowday this week.
Image of the Day

Movie Quote of the Day - Signs

"Is it possible that there are no coincidences?"
January 27, 2003 - superblow
So... the Superbowl was not up to par in my book. The halftime show wasn't exciting, save the awfulocity of Shania Twain's lipsyncing. I only watched it for the sake of the commercials, and those weren't even great. Anyways, before that, we went to Joe's to film some of Larry's movie. It was hella-freezing, and we only filmed like 3 shots, but it just reminded me how awesome Joe is. Anyways, the best part of the evening was the first "bam!" moment of the year... like, one of those times where everything is suddenly so clear and life is put into perspective. It happened as I was leaving Leslie's, carrying my 24 pack of wild cherry Pepsi... as I went out her front door, I missed the first step and tumbled down the other one to the cement below. It happened so fast, and the next thing I knew, I was lying face up in the snow, dented Pepsi cans scattered here and there... and I just looked up the sky, and "BAM!" I just started cracking up, because... well, I don't know why. Maybe because life can be so silly sometimes that you just can't help but laugh. Or maybe I was just re-realizing that life is so short that we've just got to enjoy it. Or maybe it was just funny because I am really clumsy at times. Who knows.
Image of the Day

Do whatever it takes! Shoot out their tires! Ram them off the side of the road! We cannot allow them to merge into OUR lanes!!!

Online Game of the Day - isketch
Well, I got this site via Kirk's, but it's HELLA awesome, so I couldn't pass up linking it. Look for 'therosser' (me) or 'sreagleeye' (steve). (And Kirk's username is 'kisrael.com'.)

January 28, 2003 - therosser through chris's eyes
Hi my name is Ross. Nothing is going on in my life right now. Blah Blah Blah. I used to date Betsy but now I don't. Blah Blah Blah. Okay. That's all for now.
Image of the Day

Here's a cool picture of a planet.

Something in red at the bottom.
January 29, 2003 - snow what i mean?
Well, I just shovelled my driveway. And when I was about 9/10 of the way done, I stopped and asked myself, "Why am I doing this?" I could have just parked on the snow or something. But I didn't. I shovelled the driveway. Maybe it's because I'm friends with Steve-o, and maybe it's something he'd do? Maybe not. I dunno. (Sorry about the boring update, once again.)
Image of the Day

I'm sure the initial instinct is to make a joke about these people being fat... but just look at they're faces. They just seem so incredibly happy... (and fat).

Important Fact of the Day (via Derik's profile)

"Never underestimate the will and ability for nerdy guys to accomplish their goal."
January 30, 2003 - past with flying colors
Maybe I'll have a legitimate update today... Then again, maybe not. Last night, I went to see Chicago with Michelle. It was a good movie, I'd say... I liked the music. As for the company, it was good as well, as I haven't hung out with her in a month and before that, like three months. But I spent the remainder of the evening watching quality television like the Bachelorette and Celebrity Mole. Somehow I feel like this week has been one of my connecting more with my past. I got an e-mail not too many days ago from someone I knew only through an online message board three years ago. The old days of VirtualKid (now GovTeen). And then just tonight, a former neighbor IMed me out of the blue, getting my screen name from the archives of my website (which he found by searching for "ross salupo" on a search engine, as did the other person I mentioned). So is it all just a coincidence? Nope. 

In other news, just to keep y'all updated, my sister had her sentancing a couple days ago: $500 and three months in prison. But I definitely give her props for that one. That's all the news for now. Stay tuned for more news at ten to the hour, every hour, right here on MTV.
Image of the Day

I happen to like the contrast in the sky in this picture, from the deep red to the bright blue, with a little bit of white mixed in there. (Screw you Chris, I don't care if you don't like my tast in IOTDs!)

Quote of the Day - Isabelle Eberhardt

"The farther behind I leave the past, the closer I am to forging my own character."
January 31, 2003 - love and marriage
You know what I think is ridiculous? These new marriage reality shows, like "Married By America"... I mean, marriage just shouldn't be taken so lightly and neither should divorce. It's just like... is nothing sacred anymore? And if you can just 'change your mind' and get a divorce, why get married in the first place? And sure, sometimes we can think we meet the right person but after time realize they're wrong for us... But hell, how are you going to marry someone you JUST met through a TV show. It's just absurd.
Image of the Day

Quote of the Day - John Dryden

"Let grace and goodness be the principal loadstone of thy affections. For love which hath ends, will have an end; whereas that which is founded on true virtue, will always continue."
February 1, 2003 - "The Columbia is lost."
Yikes... this is what, the third space tragedy to occur around this time of year? The first was Apollo on January 27, 1967. And of course Challenger on January 28, 1986. And now Columbia on February 1, 2003. As far as the Columbia itself goes, the shuttle was NASA's oldest, making 28 flights. It should have been retired after 25. While new shuttles are expensive, that investment is worth it compared to losing seven astronauts, one being the first Israeli astronaut in space. Overall, space intrigues me, and there is no doubt in my mind that if I ever had the chance to go into space, I'd take it, no matter the risk. And all seventeen people killed in NASA missions took that risk as well. They are all true adventurers.
Image of the Day

"Mankind is led into the darkness beyond our world by the inspiration of discovery and the longing to understand.Our journey into space will go on. In the skies today, we saw destruction and tragedy, yet father than we can see, there is comfort and hope." - President George W. Bush

Coincidental Event of the Day
So I woke up this morning at about 8:45... I got in the shower, and for some reason, the Armageddon version of "Leaving On A Jet Plane" was in my head. I just envisioned astronauts leaving and saying goodbye and singing that song. And this was roughly 5 minutes before the explosion of Columbia. 

...earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust...