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 Archive -- Week 34: 2/16/03 - 2/22/03
Song of the Week: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Pretty Little Ditty
Ninja cheese is better than cheddar, 10 to 5.
February 16, 2003 - more than just love-sick
Yikes... I've been MIA for two days now in the online world. Love week came to a crashing close when I woke up Friday with a terrible fever (And not Peggy Lee's type). I spent most of the weekend lying in bed... I really am not one to get sick very often, so when I do, I generally cope with it pretty well. I do as much as I can to give me some normality, and what it took this time was a bottle of apple juice, a washcloth, and a pair of old school sunglasses. I become hyper-sensitive to light when my temperature is up, you see. Either that or I'm just crazy. You make the call. Well, that's all she wrote for today. I've got to rest up a bit more so I can be completely healthy for school Tuesday. Just my luck, I get one of those stay-home-from-school-for-four-days kind of illnesses, and it aligns perfectly with a four day weekend.
Image of the Day

One of my less exciting, more tranquil images of the day... Next to candlelit dinners and long walks on the beach, the a night sky can be quite romantic.
(personally, I'd take the starry night anyday.)

Quote of the Day - Kevin Arnold, The Wonder Years

All our young lives we search for someone to love, someone to make us complete. We choose partners and change partners. We dance to a song of heartbreak and hope, all the while wondering if somewhere, somehow, someone perfect is searching for us.
February 17, 2003 - not-so-great update
Not much to say for President's Day. James A. Garfield, the 20th president, has always been my favorite ever since I was a child... why? I have no idea; I don't know what he did as far as the nation goes. All I know is that he has the same name as an orange cartoon cat. Maybe that's why I liked him in the first place. As for George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, I guess they're pretty good guys in my book, too.
Image of the Day

The last of my meant-for-love-week photos... Maybe something better tomorrow (I hope).

Presidential Tidbit of the Day

George Washington's brother was the uncle of our country.
February 18, 2003 - social structure
I've been trying to restructure my life for a while. Ever since the turn of the new year, I haven't really had much stability. So now I'm trying to sort things out. Not really as far as school and band and work go or anything, more like socially. I need to find some comfort zone socially, so I don't feel so outcast. Not like I think that no one wants to be my friend or anything, nor that I don't like the people that are my friends now. It's just a matter of me not actually hanging out with the people who I'm friends with. In self-analysis, I don't like structure or routine as far as everyday life goes. Not in school life, work life, spiritual life, anything. However, when it comes to social life, I like stability and certainty. I don't like to think "man, who am I gonna hang out with this weekend?"... I'd much rather think "man, what are we gonna do this weekend?"  I generally prefer a steady continuous group of friends, or even a select few friends that I can expect to hang out with where it's abnormal to not hang out on a given friday or saturday or whatever. Throughout high school, I have been friends with a vast number of different such groups, varying much in preferences and style... but for some reason, I seem to alienate myself from groups. Maybe it's a self-image issue, where I think I bug people too much so I keep my distance. I dunno. At the moment, I definitey have a scattered group of friends who I really like and I do hang out with from time to time. Maybe my problem is that I am holding on too much to the friendship style of last summer, where we were a close-knit group of people who hung out basically DAILY. Nonetheless, I'm done rambling for today.
Image of the Day

Before there was Joe Millionaire, there was Joe White, the man who tried to trick young sailors into thinking he was gay just so he could rob them. As you can see by the picture on the left, he was great at pretending to be gay.

Lyric of the Day - "Living In Your Letters" by Dashboard Confessional

Continually failing these trials,
but you stand by me nonetheless.
And you won't let me sink,
though I'm beggin' you.
I'm beggin' you.
February 19, 2003 - dances, bats, and ninja cheese
Well, I watched the finale of the Bachelorette tonight. I was hoping Ryan would win, and he did. Heh, I generally support the somewhat insecure idealistic dreamer over the confident realist... maybe just because I am of the first type. Anyways, now with both reality shows over, I'll have to find something else to look forward to. Speaking of things to look forward to, Winterfest is Saturday. I'm pretty much all set to go, I guess. Although I'm kinda feeling weird about my group, only because it's me and a bunch of people I really don't hang out with. But hey, I'm always open to new experiences and such, and they seem like a generally good bunch, and I'm sure I'll have a good time. Still, I'm kinda nervous about it all. 
Image of the Day

Away Message of the Day - Derik

Go Ninja Cheese !!!
DAH! There is no such thing as Ninja Cheese!
February 20, 2003 - today's update brought to you by the letters "M" and "T"
Well, this update is short. 'Nuff said.
Image of the Day

Just something via kisrael.com...Jokes are being made about the terror threat level right and left. I read this one the other day on cockeyed.com. I just hope we never get to an Elmo threat level...

Quoted Hypothetical Question in a Guestbook Entry of the Day - Hilary

"What if you slept? And what if, in your sleep, you dreamed? And what if, in your dream, you went to heaven and there plucked a strange and beautiful flower? And what if, when you awoke, you had the flower in your hand? Ah, what then?" 
February 21, 2003 - an off day
Don't have much to talk about... it's been a busy day. The Lakeland Jazz Festival went well... we didn't botch things too much except for speeding up the tempos a bit. Earlier tonight, I was beginning to have one of those "man, i don't like who i am" kinds of times. I'm hesitant to say things like that on this site, because I don't like throwing myself little pity parties or whoring myself for encouragement. But alas, I feel like I need an outlet. So yeah, during the basketball game, I just sat there being mad that Betsy and Jason were in front of me... I miss her; I miss having someone to talk to and such. Throughout the night, I sat thinking to myself how I wish I weren't the way I was, I wish I just was like... a normal teenage guy. But I'm not, and for some reason, that just upset me. Nonetheless, after the game (pep band), I had nothing to do, so I just drove around for a bit. I initially had no destination, but I ended up driving past all the places I've walked and been at in Euclid throughout the course of my high school years. It brought back lots of memories for me. I waste a lot of time, I think. Dah, I'm sick of whining about stuff. Winterfest's tomorrow. G'night.
Image of the Day

While stupid criminals may amuse some people, I think I need to find some good sources for images of the day.. 

Quote of the Day - Saint Francis de Sales

Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering you own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them - every day begin the task anew.
February 22, 2003 - winterfest
Well, today's the day of the second-last dance of my high school years. Only thing left to go is prom... I'll start screening try-outs for my date in a week or so. Just joking of course... The try-outs aren't for a month. Heh, anyways... I hope I have a good time tonight, I'm sure I will. I tend to have a good time a lot, I'm generally a pretty positive person. As for my nearly depressive thoughts of yesterday, I'm upbeat again today. I got a hair cut, which somehow always seems to brighten my mood. Not that I like getting my haircut, I hate it; it leaves me feeling exposed. But I go to an actually barber shop with just one barber, like the old fashioned kinda thing. And we just chat for a while as I get my ears lowered. Anyways, I'm rambling now, and I have to go get ready for tonight. I look like a cheesy gangster, but hey, maybe it'll be the new trend in style.
Image of the Day

I don't really know why Steve sent me this, but he did.

Lyrics of the Day - Vertical Horizon

I've gotta be honest 
I think you know 
We're covered in lies and that's okay 
And there's somewhere beyond this, I know 
But I hope I can find the words to say 
Never again, no,
Never again.