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 Archive -- Week 45: 5/4/03 - 5/10/03
Song of the Week: Wheatus - Teenage Dirtbag
People would most want the powers of "Professor X" or "Storm" with 3 votes each.
May 4, 2003 - 05/04/03 02:01:00
Last night was relatively uneventful, but still enjoyable. I've always been the kind of person that is perfectly content sitting around with friends even if we don't go out and "do something". I like to relax, I guess. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like this week will be all that relaxing, although I have a few AP review days mixed in with the boredom of the actual standardized tests. By the time I am done with all this AP stuff, I will only have 8 full days of school left. I'm just counting down the days now for summer vacation to kick in.
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Quote of the Day - Harry Truman

"It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit."
May 5, 2003 - Time to tighten those blue jeans again.
Today's update is dedicated to the Man Show, a shrine to chauvinism and a retreat to good old fashioned male humor. The last episode aired last night on comedy central. This show was with me for nearly my entire high school career, and though I wasn't an avid every-week watcher, if I was flipping through the channels and saw it on, I would be sure to follow the episode to completetion, including the ever popular "Girls Jumping On Trampolines" section at the end of every show. The greatest skit of all time was the "Stop Woman's Suffrage" booth they set up... I'd like to see that one again someday.
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R. I. P.
"The Man Show"
June 1999 - May 2003

Quote of the Day - Adam Carolla on Loveline
(To a 15-year-old girl who wants to date an 18-year-old guy: )

CALLER:Well, we have a lot in common, and—
ADAM: Let me tell you what you two have in common: he's horny, and you have a vagina. 
May 6, 2003 - personal jesus
And another chapter of life is almost over--band that is. As dumb as it may sound, band kind of was the first thing that brought me through the barrier of shyness once I hit high school. Freshman year I went to the first day of band camp wearing my un-trendy glasses and a Spam shirt... right then and there, I declared "I am a giant geek, do not talk to me." But through band I spent every Friday night out and got to know many people who I may not have otherwise.. Hell, I met three of my four girlfriends through band (how horribly depressing). And I'm especially thankful for the people I met who weren't really in any of my classes, but band brought me together with... spefically those in the class of 2002 and 2004 (with a hint of 2005 in there). So despite what I may say about band being drudgery, I don't regret taking it all of high school. I'm not saying I'll miss it or anything, but still. And when I talk about band, I must talk about a certain person who made it each day a little less torturous... Cameron. I think he was my first new friend in high school, actually. We hung out at Virginia Beach, New York City, and a couple VC trips (all of these with my man Jason and the latter two with the Paulmeister), as well as the occasional out-of-school get together. Cameron's the kind of guy that can make any event more interesting, and who can find joy in the small things. Once I get my mates section up again (and yes-- I do intend to do that), there will surely be a part for Cameron, the Camburger, the Prophecy, or as Dean would call him--"Chester". Thanks Cameron for making band (and life) more bearable. 
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(for those of you who don't know, this is Cameron.)


Slightly Paraphrased Conversation of the Day - from 5-6-03

Mr. Wensing:What do you want on the pizza?
Larry: Hmm... I want chicken if they have it.
Mr Wensing: Oh, okay, I'll go order it now.. I'll see if they have chicken, and if not I'll get the pepperoni.
Ross: So basically, you're going to get pepperoni, and then just tell Larry you asked and that they don't have chicken?
Mr. Wensing: There you go... now you're beginning to understand the key to marriage.
May 7, 2003 - test fest
Two of my AP tests down, two to go. Spanish went alright today, though I woke up with a sore throat...I thought my speaking part of the test would sound quite raspy.  But no worry, Dan May brought me some tea and I quickly recovered (vocally at least). I'm hoping for a 4 on English, a 3 on Spanish, and a 4 on Calculus and Physics (not sure about the latter of those last two). But with the Spanish one today, I think I got over my biggest hurdle, and come Monday after the Physics test, I'll have nothing to worry about (except prom and my commencement speech). Adios for now.
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World problems.


Deep Thought of the Day 

Sometimes when I lie in bed at night looking up at the stars, I think to myself, "Man.... I really need to fix that roof."
May 8, 2003 - drink and derive
The Calculus test went alright today, though I have only gotten more ill since yesterday. So academically I'm doing fine, physically not so good, emotionally hanging in there, but socially...herein lies a frustrating situation. Prom is soon, and though we all know it will be fun when it gets there, there are plenty of things that have to be planned and settled for it. The problem with me is, it doesn't matter to what limo we take, or if we take one at all, or where we stay afterwards, or any of it. I am perfectly content anywhere. This "flexibility" can cause problems for me, like when I have to give an opinion or make a decision. I am glad that I have friends who take initiative in making plans, because otherwise, we "content-doing-anything" people of the group would never do anything at all. We'd sit there being fine sitting there without making choices about where we go or giving input on what we do. But yes, I sense some frustration between myself and those who are trying to get things figured out, which I intend to attempt to resolve soon. 

On a lighter note, I am trying to start drinking water regularly today. That is, I've never much been a fan of water, I really don't drink it unless it's ALL someone has. The only time I drink it is when I eat dinner with my family, and it's only about half a glass if that. But I feel like I'm shafting one of natures greatest resources if I just toss it to the wayside without giving it a fair chance. Plus will all my intake of sweets lately, my mouth is dying for something bland. 
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(via Becky)

I've always wondered what Ring Wraiths do when they get bored.


Quote of the Day - Madeleine L'Engle

"That's the way things come clear. All of a sudden. And then you realize how obvious they've been all along."
May 9, 2003 - time to get ill
Slowly but surely, illness is grabbing a hold of me once again. Perhaps some hidden allergies of mine have decided to come out to celebrate my week of AP tests. My nose started to run for the English test, my throat enflamed itself for Spanish, and my sinuses and cosinuses started bugging me for the Calculus test. Now my eye has either fallen ill or become embarassed, because it's been red all day. I can only imagine what the God of Health has in store for me on monday for the Physics AP... a fever? blindness? malaria? the bubonic plague? Or perhaps all four. Hopefully my body will pull itself together soon because Ross and sickness don't get along very well. I tend to keep on going through life as normal, no matter what malady comes my way. Sometimes (like in February), the sickness just opens up a can of whoop ass on me and I am down for days. I guess only time will tell...
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Quote of the Day - Leo Buscalgia 

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. 
May 10, 2003 - i like my lack of a like-like like
Not much news for today, 'cept that I am still falling ill. My life feels like it's taking on some indefinite shape, like nothing feels certain. For the first time in a long time, I don't feel like I *like* anyone in particular (like the Kevin Arnold "like-like" kind of like). I don't have a hidden crush, I don't have ulterior motives to spend time with a certain girl. I'm just some guy not actively or passively pursuing anyone.. or anything for that matter. Nothing seems clear in my mind. Perhaps it's because I've been used to this high school routine I'm in, and soon enough I'll venture of into somewhere less known. Or maybe my sinuses are just getting to me. 
Image of the Day

A shot of the Peter B. Lewis building at case, which was the site of a university shooting yesterday. 

Conversation of the Day - from 5/2/03 

Mr. Petrovic: So what are you looking to go into?
Ross: Math, probably... What can you do with a Mathematics degree?
Mr. Petrovic: Bus tables.