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 Archive -- Week 73: 11/16/03 - 11/22/03
Song of the Week: White Town - Your Woman

November 17, 2003 - knit wit
Sorry for the lack of updates... just consider it part of the celebration of National Do Something Stupid on Your Website Awareness Week. But yeah, I just worked out my class schedule for next semester. I'll post it Wednesday after I talk to my advisor about it (I'm sure everyone's dying to see what I'm taking...).  Hrmm.. today's thought: I need to get me/knit me a scarf. There was this girl sitting in the lounge of Baker today while we were both waiting to go to sociology class, and she was knitting a scarf, and all I thought was, "Man, I wish I knew how to do that." Yeah, yeah, I know it may not be macho, but I find something innately cool about knitting. So I think someone who knows how to should teach me how to knit, and then, once I learn how, I'll get all the knitters of the world together and we can make ourselves clothing. It will be a rule that we can't sell the clothes to anyone else, and only the knitters can wear it. We'll call it "For Us By Us", or FUBU for short. It will be sweet.

Image of the Day

Quiz of the Day  - Which Season Are You?

I'm Autumn, how bout y'all?

November 18, 2003 - happy birthday larrold!
Well, Larry and I have had countless good times. Heh, just kidding, it was actually 526 good times, but still.. that's a lot. Anyway, nothing really in particular to discuss today. I'm just working on my final project for C++... My group is making a computer version of the game Mastermind. Hopefully it will take enough code, but if it doesn't, ah well. I'm hoping for a B in that class. Right now, I'm listening to 80's music... I've been on this 80's kick lately, and it's awesome. All I can say is "mmm... 80's." That's all for now.

Image of the Day

Larry takes some awesome pictures...

Lyrics of the Day  - "Grenade Jumper" by Fall Out Boy, via Lawrence P. Taylor

"My heart ticks in beat with these kids that I grew up with."

November 19, 2003 - happy birthday chris!
So I was thinking today... So far, college hasn't turned out to be much different than high school. It's easier in some regards, because I don't actually have to do homework ever... like there's not much I have to do that I turn in (except for a few papers, of course). But for the most part, it's just like, "Here, read this for our next class." So I read it. And that's that. Most of the time, I don't even have to read it thoroughly because the teachers go over everything during their lectures. So yeah, I probably could have done without a few of those books I bought... Anyway, to change around the old phrase, I feel like 90% of college is just showing up. (Or for those who prefer it, 90% of college is just reading a book.) Actually, let me rephrase that so it works for either case. 90% of college is just learning stuff. "Wow, Ross... that's deep. And to think, all this time I thought the goal was to AVOID learning." Anyway, that's it for now, happy b-day Chrisman.

Image of the Day

A shot of Christ Messiah himself.

(yes, yet another picture from that day we went to Friendly's.)

Quote of the Day  - Henry David Thoreau

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

November 20, 2003 - happy birthday Duane Allman!
I figured there's been so many birthdays lately, I don't want to break the streak today. My day was alright, nothing too exciting... I spent most of the day working on my final project for computer science. Ohh... also, I scheduled my classes for next semester, and they go as follows: Mon., Wed., and Fri. I have Advanced Calculus III, and "Math From A Mathematician's Perspective" (So basically, I'll have very mathy mondays). Then on Tuesday and Thursday, I have an Astronomy class "Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe", and then Intro to Music, and finally English Composition. I still think it's dumb that I have to take that course. I talked to the dean about it and told her about my scores on standardized writing tests and whatnot, but she said no, I must take Freshman Composition. I mean, it's not even like I'm being an engineering student and I don't want to take english... I told her that I wanted to take a further class, a creative writing course. But I guess I'll just have to wait on that one. Alright, that's all for now.

Image of the Day

Life Advice of the Day  - Duane Allman

"Just rock on, and have you a good time."

November 21, 2003 - happy birthday bjork!
Well, it's a lovely Friday... Stephanie is gonna be in town tonight, so we're gonna kick it with Larrold and Joey (and possible even Steve-O!!). So yeah, it's gonna be a good time. I don't have anything specific to say I suppose, plus Larry's sitting here naked in this chair behind me right now, and I don't want to be rude to my company by not paying attention to him. So yeah, I'm out for now, and I'll update again tomorrow!

Image of the Day

While searching for the correct word for without pants (i.e. 'pantless' or 'pantsless'), I came across the mysterious site

Interview Quote of the Day  - Bjork

"Ive always been happy, silly, sad, boring, furious, ecstatic, in love, the whole scale, all at the same time... It doesnt make me unhappy, if you see what I mean."

November 22, 2003 - happy birthday andre gide!
Ever have a grilled cheese sandwich with vegetables and sunflower seeds on it?? Well, you should. I had one last night at Tommy's, and it was quite good. Nonetheless, it has come to my attention that the only I put on my website nowadays is a recap of my daily events. So I apologize for the boringness of updates, but you know, sometimes I just don't have much to say. Hope y'all have a lovely rest of the weekend. Adios for now.
Image of the Day
(via my astronomy teacher)

Quote of the Day  - Andre Gide

"Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it."