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Archive -- Week 81: 2/1/04 - 2/7/04
Song of the Week: Theme from 'Welcome Back Kotter'

February 2, 2004 - coming out of the cold
Whether or not the the groundhog sees his shadow today, I decided that it's time for therosser.com's winter to end. I've had a good bunch of weeks to rest and think about what I can write, and now finally I have come out of hibernation! So I hope to continue on with therosser, with more regular updates than I had previous to my "falling out" of sorts. If all goes as planned, there may be a few other things updated on this site... but those updates will be discussed later. Hope y'all had a lovely break, and it's good to be back.

Image of the Day

Since I haven't been updating lately, I've been occupying most of my time with Neopets.com. Now I know it may seem like it's for kids or something, once you get into it, you'll find out that it's very entertaining and very addictive. The Frog-like creature (a Nimmo to be exact) to the left is "Gollarutan", my pet. Want to know where I got the name? Just figure out what it says backwards. If anyone decides to sign up at neopets, use this link and I'll get some Neopoints out of it :P ... oh, and also, be sure to add me as your Neofriend. (Wow, I sound really cool.)

February 3, 2004 - it's about time
Can it be? Two days in a row? Amazing. You know, yesterday was Groundhog Day and all... And that must be the weirdest national holiday ever. Who even thought of it? I mean, it sounds like a presidential practical joke or something: "Heh, call a press conference, I'm going to make up some holiday centered entirely around a prophetic rodent!"

Anyway, enough of that. I have to write a 10-12 page research paper for my English class. I was thinking about doing it on an aspect of American society. Originally, I was going to write the paper about how the media feeds people idealized versions of families and love... like the families in Full House or Boy Meets World or Step By Step (They may have some problems, but they always work them out in a matter of 30 minutes), or the theme of love prominent in many movies and songs ("All you need is love", etc.), and how seeking for love leads to mismatched partners, hasty marriages, and in the end, mass divorce. I started to rethink that topic, however, and I think now I will focus on the American obsession with money and time; Both are economized and sought after. Many people go to school simply because they want a good job that will make them money, rather than because of a desire to learn or a devotion to a certain subject. Also, the 8 hour work day of the turn of the century has slowly become a 9 or 10 hour day, with an added hour and a half of commute time in between. I think I'll reflect on these ideas a bit more and try to narrow it down and figure out what I'm going to write on. [Oh, speaking of that last phrase, when I was originally presented with the assignment, I immediately thought of choosing the paper-making process as my topic... just for the satisfaction of writing a 10 page report on paper. I mean, what else would (or should I say 'wood') you write it on?]
Heh, that's enough out of me, adios for today.

Image of the Day

This is a fire engine owned by the Hawaiian Fire Department. It is a jet-powered 1940 Ford and can go up to 407 mph. It's without a doubt "the most powerful firetruck in the world," as the website states.

Quote of the Day - Jane Austen
Oh! do not attack me with your watch. A watch is always too fast or too slow. I cannot be dictated to by a watch.

February 4, 2004 - what i'm talking about
Had a somewhat busy day today, just got back to my dorm now at 10:22. I was talking to the Mildster a bit ago about talking. Think about it for a second. Talking is weird... Like, our bodies make these vibrations with our voiceboxes, and our lips and mouths make those vibrations into distinct sounds, and through our learning skills, we understand what those distinct sounds mean. We can understand people with different pitched voices, different accents... Language and talking are very peculiar things.

Image of the Day

Heh, for those of you who know Neopets, this image should remind you of a certain place in Tyrannia... This is a shot of French chefs making a giant omelette. They used over 3200 eggs and a frying pan over 12 feet in diameter to make this beast of a breakfast food.

Quote of the Day - Albert Guinon
There are people who, instead of listening to what is being said to them, are already listening to what they are going to say themselves.

February 5, 2004 - walk on the wild side
Man, I am so unproductive at school now thanks to Neopets. Ah well, I almost dropped the ball on the daily update thing, but I remembered to update just now, and it's only 11:45! So my random thought of the day: I wonder what animals think when they see us. Do sloths see us as fast, birds see us as slow, ants see us as mountain-like?? Or do they not even comprehend us at all? I guess that's why they invented the dog translator. That's all for now.

Image of the Day

Man, that's a rough policy... "I'm sorry, Jim, but we're gonna have to let you go; unanticipated sickness will not be tolerated!"

Quote of the Day - W. C. Fields
I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.

February 6, 2004 - nuobodi diena
Hmm... not a whole lot to say today I suppose. At the moment, I'm sitting with Larry and Milda trying to figure out what to do tonight. I think that one of these days I should just make a list of like a hundred things I want to do in my life, and then each time we're bored, I can just bust out my list and get one of those things accomplished. Unfortunately, making a list of those hundred things is probably not on that list of a hundred things, so at the times when I'm bored, I never really want to make the list. Therefore, I will always be bored no matter what, so I might as well go off and figure out something to do. I'm not really focussing on what I'm writing right now, so I'm sure it makes absolutely no sense. Alright, Larry just came up with a great idea, so we're all about to go clubbin'.

Image of the Day

Site of the Day - Movie-A-Minute
In case you ever wanted to see/remember a movie but don't have time to watch it, just take a look at these extremely condensed text versions of feature films.