So yesterday after math class, I heard the teacher telling this girl that if she's having trouble, she should ask someone to help her. A few minutes passed, and she walked over to me... I was expecting her to ask if I could help her with the next chapter of math. She said, "Hey, I'm Labaniqua (or something to that effect), what's your name?", and I was like "Ross"... and she asked, "I was wondering if you could 'zeerockz' your chapter three for me." And I said, "Wait, what did you want me to do about chapter three?" And she said "Zeerockz". I thought to myself, "Man, she must be asking if I could rock the chapter for her, like explain it hardcore. 'Zee' must be the new hip lingo, like the whole 'izzle' thing." So I answered her, "Sure, no problem." She left, and after about 10 minutes, I realized what an idiot I was. She wasn't asking me for help, she was asking if she could copy my chapter. Like, you know... Xerox? Whoops, my bad.
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Image of the Day
Heh, for lack of a better picture, I chose this one.