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In Loving Memory
of those lost on
September 11th, 2001
© Kim Anderson


Welcome to 'Things I'll Never Say'! This is the place where you
can find some of the most personal things to me. For the first time ever,
this page was not created for the sake of anyone except myself. I'm
sure others will enjoy the quotes & lyrics section & some of the things
in 'Suny Rain', where anything goes. My family & friends will be able
to get more from this webpage than somebody who doesn't know me.
In any case, I hope you enjoy your stay! This is me inside & out.
So have fun getting to know me! : )


I’m tuggin'
at my hair

I’m pullin'
at my clothes

I’m trying
to keep my cool

I know it shows

I’m staring
at my feet

My cheeks
are turnin' red

I’m searching
for the words
inside my head