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What is your history like?

1. The real stories began

Back in January of 2001, I started my longest story yet called "The Rise of Atlantis". I wrote this story almost nonstop until I finished in August. It was a record-setting story in both length, and quality. My Wonderful Adventure series were dwarves compared to this story because it was so good [except for the humor]. During this time, I've spent a lot of effort into it.

2. Video games and computer go downhill

Yet, I was still playing video games at a high rate of occurance, but it was gradually dropping. I was not much into computer games for a while, nor computer/internet. I only used the internet for checking my E-mail or for school-related purposes. Other than that, I didn't use it for much.

3. From fair to good grades

During May of 2001, when school was ending, I did something I haven't done in over five years! During my grade school years, all my grades were mainly just C's, and occasionally B's and D's, but there has never been an F, nor an A. Well, I was on medication then from all the bad status effects of OCD, but basically, in March of 2001, I actually discovered that the medicines did almost nothing, and stress was a major factor of difficulty. There was nothing else that doctors basically could do about it, and I still don't think they will either. Stress turns out to be 95% or more of the problem.

I've been involved with one on one teaching since the second half of the tenth grade. There are no mirrors or stairs in the whole school, that majorly reduced the stress levels. There were no students involved at all [except in after-school activities, but I was far from them], and that alone did more reducing than the stairs and mirrors combined. As the stress was at an all-time low, boredness kicked up a lot!

It was until the last day of school that I realized the actual effects to what had happened. My grades were nothing but B's. Every subject [even literature and ^^^comprehension^^^] had nothing but B's for a grade. With this, I came to a conclusion that stress was the factor of having low grades because I just couldn't concentrate. I liked the fact that my discovery of the Status System and it's power to me, it actually helped my comprehension. I even came up with a new law for the Status System as well from it. Ever since, the comprehension scores from 2001 jumped from a weak level 45* [about the middle 2nd grade level] to a shocking 111 in just six months [111 is about the late 5th grade level]. As of now, it's around 134 [6th grade level]. Remember those novels I mentioned in my 5th grade years? Those novels would probably be at my levels now. As you may have read, they were just nearly impossible, but now, I should be able to do them without too much trouble and with a suitable grade [typically a C]. My only problem now is practically questions that are being asked that aren't that directly stated in the text. In conclusion to this, my law of learning abilities goes as follows [also known as "The Law of rapid levelling up"]: "Abilities level up the fastest if you do things at your ability's level and no higher or lower."**, If you're training for a job or something, this law is probably the most useful. Of course, when you get the material, you wouldn't know what level it would be at.

4. It's a powerful wave of heat!

In July of 2001, the weather where I live was going odd. For one thing, there were at least 3 or 4 tornadoes in North Dakota, and one of them was just a few miles from me. We were fishing once, and suddenly, someone came by and said that there was a tornado. My family quickly left and while on the highway, it started hailing, so we had to protect our car. At least it was okay. That was quite scary in a way, but with my guardian spirits, I know basically what to do to avoid harm. There were at least 4 major storms during the night, and it was generally hailing with very wild lightning. July was basically a month of incredible storms.

In August of 2001, the weather, again, was odd, but rather not as stormy. We once had 120 degree heat indexes from 90 degree air and dangerously high humidity levels. If you mix that, the heat indexes were probably records, or close to it. Also, this 120 degree heat index felt like 105 to me because of my strength against fire elemental objects***. I don't recall anything this severe in change at any point in my lifetime!

5. Going internet crazy!

In July, I found a great source to getting answers to a whole train-load of questions. With this, my time of being on the internet jumped from only about 4 hours a week to over 50! I had several mind-boggling questions that I couldn't get answered for years, and yet, I get an answer here in about a week or less! With this, I started really getting into the internet and now HTML scripts.

I thought of starting my own site on the internet and that started the birth of my site as you can see here. I've had a lot of progress into the site so far, and it's still growing! My site first started in August of 2001, early August, and has grown since. I've had one in July, but their standards are way too strict, and I totally dislike them, so I moved to Angelfire, and liked them ever since [until they put this pay garbage on, I was well-satisfied].

6. Completion of my two longest stories

In August of 2001, my story called "The Rise of Atlantis" was finished. It was composed of 374 pages consisting of 84 scenes and 17 acts. This was no where near that of my previous stories. Yet, this entire story has been rewritten from scratch to make it sound much better and less than half as long. I started up a new story a short while later though, and currently is 400 pages in length and finished. This 400-page story that I wrote will be the story in the game I have planned on creating.

7. Record-setting boredness

During the entire Summer, especially from July 15 [estimated] to August 25 [whenever school started], I was so bored, that I was actually setting record amounts of boredness after another. It was bad enough that I was setting record after record. If it did start on July 15, 2001, I'd break the 15th's record on the 16th, break the 16th's record on the 17th, break the 17th's record on the 18th, and so on until the first day of school.

8. The birth of my website

I thought of starting my own site on the internet and that started the birth of my site as you can see here. I've had a lot of progress into the site so far, and it's still growing! My site first started in August of 2001, early August, and has grown since. I've had one in July, but their standards are way too strict, and I totally dislike them, so I moved to Angelfire, and liked them ever since [until they put this pay garbage on, I was well-satisfied].

9. Cold windchills

During December, we've had some spikes in cold weather with wind chills close to 30 below [It feels like 70 to 80 below zero to me [YIKES!] due to my weakness against ice element.]. Now, with my weakness against cold even worse, that 30 below may feel like 80 below! Get this, I was near frost bite conditions in 40 degree air [above zero] with almost no wind. About 15 minutes later, my ears felt like they were burning as if the actual temperature felt like 0 degrees for me.

Timeline: [note: Although they may be out of order, the first 4 are basically school-related. The last ones that follow is an entire year's [or 2 year's] worth in events.]

My basic information
My favorites
My mysterious dreams
My mud dreams
Other dreams
My major fears
Jan 1984 - May 1996
Mar 1996 - Oct 1997
Oct 1997 - Nov 1997
Jun 1996 - Jul 1997
Jul 1998 - Jan 2001
Jan 2001 - Dec 2001
Jan 2002 - Dec 2003
Jan 2004 - Dec 2005

* Level is generally how strong your ability is or how much experience you have using that ability or doing that job. To learn more, read sections 2 and 6 here.
** This law is explained in more detail in section 8 here.
*** Fire and ice are 2 of the 10 elements. To learn more about them, see sections 2 and 3 here.