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What is your history like?

1. Jan through May of 2002

January of 2002 went rather slow. I never played my video games, even though I wasn't grounded from them or anything. Yet, I still had my angelfire site up, but the rate of updates went down. There were no other major events that I can recall.

In March of 2002, the weather was unusually warm here, however, because I was weak against cold and the warmer than normal weather, I was often very cold. However, still, nothing much has happened.

In April of 2002, my site's traffic shot up to over the limit, often, way over! This was the time I thought of getting my own domain and stuff. Also, in April, I started the quest in which I leveled up 2 [name of some character I got from the early 1800's in my mind game*]. I later on got Chief Mandar in my mind game. However, not much happened for quite a while until the April 28th event that Speed predicted occured.

In May, things were starting to look both grim and good. First, I feared that the summer of 2002 was going to be just as boring as the last summer maybe a little worse. However, this is the month in which some serious house repairs have been in progress. Yet, it snowed here when it was supposed to be in mid to upper fifties as an average. Also, May was the first month in which I had my site up. It started on May 29, 2002.

2. I acted in a Shakespeare play!

May 30, 2002 was another special day, really special. It's not what you expected however, someone invited me to help permorm in a play by Shakespeare [sp.?]. I didn't have any words, except one: "But". All I had was actions and there were no stairs or anything [although three stairs, I can simply jump up those]. This was rehearsals though. I've never done this before, so, I was on level 1** with zero experience***. By the end, it was on level 28 and 28.4% of the way to 29. During this play, when I wasn't on, I ran my mind game and leveled up Chief Mandar and 2 to the extreme. Just in that time, I've got 2 from LVL 704 to over 940! I find these gigantic monsters in my mind game [game config menu], and they were used to level my characters up. Just one ultima6 wiped all of them out! I once ran so low on my spell power that it was almost black [0%]† and ‡! Of the 313 SP I had at the time, I hit 31! I even got a warning in the Fifth Status because of it! The rehearsals extended out until June. So much has occured in May, that the list would go on.

In early June, the play rehearsals still continued. It was three days later when I memorized one part. Sometimes, instead of playing my mind game, I went out quite aways from the "tent" as they called it and the stage and glanced at the clouds. I do this to find out what kind of weather is expected in the next few minutes. Weather is one of my high-level interests as just about any sciences. When the performances came, I made only one big error out of the five one-hour performances. However, the fifth performance was the most amazing!

The fifth performance was actually the most amazing event that has ever occured in my recent history! It gave me about 2400 ability points†† and nearly 80,000 experience from it. On the fifth performance, I noticed a really bad group of clouds. However, the amazing thing about this group of clouds was that it was a severe thunderstorm. I sensed over there and got a very bad feeling on it. I then looked up at the clouds to figure out what direction they were going. Yep, that severe weather was headed straight for us! I gave the actors a warning that the estimated time of arrival [ETA] was 45 minutes. I constantly monitored the clouds except when I had to go on or was about to. It was actually 38 minutes before the storm really came. Indeed, it rained so hard that it didn't stop for quite a while. That warning and knowledge of the clouds came in so useful that day. Yet, because I used ESP, the 2400 ability points went to that ability and the 80,000 experience as well‡†! It was the most amazing thing yet in recent history! Since the rain cancelled the performance, most of the actors had to take shelter under the stage as it was the only thing there was. It had a roof on it, otherwise the whole group would've been drenched and everything ruined. That day was probably the best one yet in the last two years' time!

3. Major hourse repairs

Aside from the stage, I've helped my dad build the porch [it was so weak that it couldn't support you and you were risking falling through!]. That was replaced and it wasn't as hard as I thought. I kept missing the nails though because I wasn't concentrating that well. Yet, the nails were very weak and easily bend. I was laughing so much when I bent a nail from pounding it, and sometimes I intentionally bent a nail just to get entertained.

Also, in late May or so, we, that is, my dad and I, had to replace a whole network of pipes because one of them was eroded so badly that it would've bursted at any moment. Luckily it didn't! If it did, we'd have a flooded basement of cold mud water! Dad just tapped one of those adjustable wrenches on it lightly and it broke loose. It was that bad. That was a two-day project worth 4000 ability points and 60,000 experience toward construction. It wasn't as big, however, I was totally new to it, so 60,000 experience was enough to get from level 1 to almost 7! Our house's value may have tripled in the last month from all these fixes! In my scripts, the repairs could've been completely finished in only 4 seconds, the time it takes to cast a spell†‡.

Another thing that's taken over a month is the roof. Because it gets scorching hot during the day, we have to limit the construction time or continue when evening comes. Again, because I'm bad at pounding nails and tend to miss, my dad gave me something that would help speed it up. My dad's three times faster than I am at it, however, he's more experienced in every field that he applies there [level 150 estimated on around my 15, making him about 95 times more experienced than I was at the time.

4. Very hot weather and air conditioners

Around June 25th or 26th or so, the weather was incredibly hot, yet, because of air conditioners that I hate, I got too tired from the cold they emitted. At this time, I was waking up at 10:00 PM, not AM. Because I'm the coldest at 7:00 and 8:00 AM, the air conditioners had a huge impact on me. I told my parents to limit the use of them, even though it was going to get close to 100 degrees for a few days, they still did, and my times were never back where they're supposed to be until the weather cooled down enough so that they would limit it. I hate hearing forecasts of 90 degrees plus, even though I can stand it quite well. I don't like being outside that much, because I like computers, and computers are indoor things. The thermostat reads 65, yet, the furnace still kicks on! 65 is like 50 to me, very cold. I have my door closed in my room to keep the heat in there. My room is the warmest. Unfortunately I don't have a window that opens [well, it opens, but it's been stuck for years] to let even more heat in to warm up. If I get too cold, I fall asleep. If you think heat puts you to sleep, I'm the opposite, it actually helps me, only to a certain extent. The cold from the air conditioners is often estimated at 40 degrees to even 35. I often call my house a "refrigerator" because the temperature is about that of a refrigerator! My room is like 68 degrees. Sometimes, I wish I could simply kick the furnace up to 70, turn off all air conditioners [I've done this a few times, and it prevented me from falling asleep twice, one of them was because I was too late.] Then, when my parents come home, I often reset everything back the way it was when they left. They sometimes think that I didn't turn them off [according to Speed], nor the furnace up to 70. I do it sometimes whenever I get the chance to and when my sister isn't here.

5. The job app and computer restoration

Also, on June 29 or 30, I got a job application for something that has minimal things that are blocked by my problems. The biggest one, still, is the schedule. Because I sleep at totally unexpected hours, I fear that I'll get fired from it because I cannot keep to a schedule, but, I'd like to get the money as well. I don't usually care what the pay is.

On July 19, I did something I never did before. My system was acting up so badly that I needed to reformat the entire system. I backed up all my files and stuff and redone everything. I've never done a complete system restoration before up to this point, but the event was worth it.

6. Boredness monitoring

On July 26, I started to monitor my boredness and happiness levels, and rather than setting a record for boredness, there was one day, because of what my mom did, that made a huge valley‡‡ in the graph and set a record. The next day it was even lower thus setting another record. I was really mad at her for doing that. She hasn't since. That was like August 5th or something....

When school started again, the boredness went up [boredness was not as strong] on the graph, thus a good sign.

7. Modernizing old stories

Because of not editting my site for an extended time and my seemingly weakening memory, much of the rest of 2002 has been forgotten. However, around February of 2003, I decided to "modernize" my old story "The Wonderful Adventure". What I mean by "modernize" is to change the Status-System-related terms to what the Status System is now†††. I completely redone it, and practiced my editting skills on this simple, rather boring story. When it was near completion with the editting, I decided to cancel the editting as I remembered "The Rise of Atlantis".

I went to that story, but since it only went to Act 9 out of the 17 there was, I had to finish typing it. I was really motivated as I almost forgot what the story was about! That's what kept me going and while doing so, I set some records, especially typing the most pages in a single day [17.2 pages, using font face arial, font size 12 with half-inch margins on each side]. The other record I set was the most pages typed in the shortest period of time. For 4 days consecutively, I was getting very close to the 17.2 page record. The fifth day was about 3/4 of this. It only took 6 days to finish what I had left, which was about ten times faster than what I did with the "Wonderful Adventure" series. I then started to edit the script. While editting, I added images [sort of like a miniature story board] for some sections of each act. Upon nearly completing the editting [I noticed one minor flaw, but then there was a fatal flaw that made me have to rewrite the story from scratch.], I sent it to copyright to get a copyright on it. Upon noticing the fatal flaw, because I forgot completely about time zones, I had to rewrite the story.

8. Rewriting the Rise of Atlantis

I started to rewrite it in early August of 2003. While rewriting it, my guardian spirits offered some super suggestions on how to do the story's content. Speed suggested that the main character, Knuckles, should be the narrator, not an outside one. He says that this'll make it slightly easier on the filmmakers. He also said to cut the length from a shocking 196 pages [180 of the actual story] by at least half. This went very well. In fact, the story is now about 250 to 400 times more likely to be accepted, although it is estimated to still be over 5 hours long. Speed also suggested that I provide more features at the end of the story for them like a character database to explain the characters, story basics information to help the filmmakers understand the layout and script design, very repeated actions [like spell effects], and more.

The actual length is not really known. I can only estimateࠠ. Estimates will be taken though. The 320-minute estimate is accurate to within 90 minutes. I'd like to get it within ten minutes. I first noticed the real length of the script as if it was a movie when I was in the third round of editting. Upon doing so, I tried to cut out as much of the story as possible to get it within 250 minutes estimated time. A typical VCR tape holds about 160 minutes of video. This would mean that it is a 2-tape movie. That's pretty long!

After about 1/4 of the way through my script in the second-to-last stage of editting, I decided to really get working on my site again and getting it back to normal. My site, ^^^IS^^^ a very essential part of the script as it's referred to to help explain things further and so the filmmakers can see approximations of the spell's effects†‡† used in an animated form.

On Dec 3, 2003, My story was completely finished but couldn't be printed due to an ink-related issue: no ink. It was another day or two before I finally got ink to print my story. Printing came out much better than I originally expected, especially the logo's colorful text. After printing it, I sent it out for copyright. In the meanwhile, while I'm waiting, updating my site and making a storyboard for the script††‡ is my main plans for the next few months.

9. The most interesting Christmas yet

When Dec 22, 2003 came, I was in for a lot of luck, all bad. Usually, on the 22nd day of any month, I have bad luck. Mondays, mornings, and August is the worst combo [thus, on August 22 and during the Monday morning, my luck is horribly bad]. First, one big machine broke down. The washing machine, starting with a small squeak now failed to even run, though it was very old, at least 15 years. That was a bad time of year for expensive, essential machines to have to be replaced. I think that this called for less gifts from the family from the sudden loss of money from having to buy a new washing machine.

Dec 24, 2003, when I woke up at around 9:00 PM was the story of the year of 2003. Lots of clues have been found over Santa and parents. That Christmas, strangely enough, I was awake throughout the entire night and didn't encounter Santa. In fact, my music running in the background [Winter Land from Ristar] actually teased me quite well with a strange high-frequency sound that sounded like jingle bells. I found out that the same sound occured in the exact same spot in the song everytime, thus concluded that it was the song that caused the strange sound. That year, I've noticed something suspicious with my parents. When daylight broke, I was quite despirate to open gifts. On Dec 24, 2003, I took one last glance at the gifts under the tree. Knowing my odd sleeping pattern and that I was on the night shift [awake all night, but sleep all day], that would take me from Dec 24, 2003 at 9:00-something PM to Dec 25, 2003 at 10:00-something AM, the time area where Santa should usually come down the chimney to put gifts under the trees, I felt that, if I were to go out of my room, Santa wouldn't come. Indeed, when daylight broke, I didn't see any changes at all for the gifts under the Christmas tree. Then, when everyone was awake, the parents were despirate to send me and my sister to our rooms. I wanted to eat, but they wouldn't let me for some time. I took one good look at the Christmas tree then went to my room. Secretly, I listened in very closely and tried to cover as much of my listening presence as possible. The basement door opened and closed multiple times [The basement door makes a very unique squeaking sound and close sound, no other doors come close.]. After listening in for about 5 minutes or so, I took out Sonic Mega Collection and started up Casino Night Zone with debug enabled [something that I love a lot]. After about 20 to 30 minutes, I finally was called out. I left the game system running with the game paused with the character almost off the screen [from falling too fast [exceeding 16 pixels per frame causes this] when jumping from very high places to very low places]. Then I went out to look at the Christmas tree and to my surprise, there were twice as many gifts under the tree than expected [even knowing that the washing machine completely broke down and the family had to buy a new one], 3 times as many as there were before. Sometimes, if the conditions are right, I could make a fairly decent detective, though, my abilities are quite limited to a certain point‡†‡.

10. Heading for year 2004

Past Christmas of 2003 was the same stuff going on constantly. Wake up, eat, turn on the computer, watch the news [at 5:30 PM only on weekdays and when I'm awake during that time], return to the computer [if I'm not too sleepy], then go to sleep with one other occasion of eating. Even the new year seemed like an ordinary day, though, because of my odd sleep-wake cycle, now known to have a pattern, I couldn't stay up to the time the clock changed to midnight meaning the year of 2004 has started.

Upcoming was my unlucky 20th birthday. I still didn't get any replies from the filmmakers, though, now I'm tempted to go to the library to find some new addresses to mail the story summary to to see whether they're insterested in my script or not. This remains to be on the list of things yet.

Timeline: [note: Although they may be out of order, the first 4 are basically school-related. The last ones that follow is an entire year's [or 2 year's] worth in events.]

My basic information
My favorites
My mysterious dreams
My mud dreams
Other dreams
My major fears
Jan 1984 - May 1996
Mar 1996 - Oct 1997
Oct 1997 - Nov 1997
Jun 1996 - Jul 1997
Jul 1998 - Jan 2001
Jan 2001 - Dec 2001
Jan 2002 - Dec 2003
Jan 2004 - Dec 2005

* My mind game is my futuristic video-game-like "game" I play in my mind often. To learn more about it, click here.
** Level is generally how strong an ability is or how much experience you have using that ability or doing that job. To learn more, read sections 2 and 6 here.
*** Experience determines an ability's level and is needed to level the ability up. Learn more sections 2 and 6 here.
Spell power is the amount of energy available for use of special abilities. To learn more, read section 3 here.
Black is referred to the condition. It is related to the color coding of the Fifth Status. It symbolizes the worst possible condition, like the flu causing you to nearly die. To learn more about it, read this very short page.
†† Ability points are ability-learning "points" that are rewarded from clearing events. To learn more, read section 1 here.
‡† This is an example of the During Life Event System, also known as the Seventh Status. To learn more about it, read this page.
†‡ Spells are an active part of my mind game and my stories. To learn more about the Spell System, go to this report.
‡‡ A valley is a sudden drop in a graph that suddenly rises again forming a small valley. This is only applicable to line and bar graphs. The opposite is a spike in which there is a sudden rise then a sudden fall back to normal.
††† The Status System's history, if you want to learn more, is described in detail, go to this page.
‡†† Estimating the story's length isn't easy‡‡†. To estimate the length of the story, first, I time myself for a small section of the script ignoring actions. Then I do the math and work it out from there. One page typically takes about 4 to 5 minutes to play in my mind. Taking that times 80 pages is 320 to 400, much too long. Included in this estimate, I must factor out images and diagrams, as well as the footnotes as they are of no importance to the length of the story. Also factored out is the page breaks at the end of every act and section. The end-of-act page breaks are being discarded as I'd like to save paper.
†‡† You can see these spell effects too! First, click here then, in the table, click the cooresponding spell's effect you wish to see, then download the dual-compressed video. Instructions for viewing the download is given on the page.
††‡ The storyboard will be available for you to see as well. The storyboard [first act only] is available here. There are predicted to be about 120 images.
‡‡† This method is the old method of estimating and is often very inaccurate. The new method takes much more time, but is nearly twice as accurate. Here's the step-by-step process I use to calculate the story's length:
  1. Save the document as a separate file to prevent the loss of data to come.
  2. Delete all images and their captions.
  3. Delete all scene and act start and end markers.
  4. Delete the extras section on the end [this section contains introductory information incluiding how I wrote the script and it's layout, the character descriptions in detail, all repeated effects [spell effects are the most common], and the image database].
  5. Delete all footnotes.
  6. Separate the first page from all other pages.
  7. Calculate the estimated time consumed for all actions on the first page.
  8. Delete all actions after the calculation is done.
  9. Time myself to see how long it takes to read through the first page at about how the characters are projected to saying it in the movie.
  10. Add the time for the speech and the actions together.
  11. Multiply this value by the number of whole pages.
  12. Make some slight adjustments as some areas take more time on one page than another and less than others, best done from extreme memorization of the entire script.

‡†‡ These ability limitations are quite small. For example, I'm able to see a 512th of an inch quite clearly if I'm within like 5 inches from the target. The minus side for this ability is viewing objects in the distance. Though they aren't fuzzy as someone who is near-sighted would see, they appear strangely course. Up close, everything is very fine-looking, but far away, they are the opposite. It's like being able to see this text from 3 feet away, but being magnified to make it so that the surrounding text looks unusual. Another ability is my sensing ability, but, due to a very low level and infrequent use, the ability is less than .01% effective, thus not worth using. Giving the sense wave distortion ratio formula, I couldn't predict events happening any more than 3.6 seconds into the future and have 50% or greater accuracy. This is so great of a distortion that the effect is merely unforseeable.