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What is your history like?

1. Teaching a real class

Get this, for finishing all of my school work with some time left over, I can actually TEACH IN A REAL CLASS WITH 25 STUDENTS SOMETHING ABOUT MATH!!!!! This was the most amazing feature about me. I'm in 5th grade, teaching 4th, 3rd, or even 2nd graders. Now, when it comes to teaching the class, I usually go with what the teacher has scheduled such as if they write 2 digit multiplication (the page and questions), I usually show them how. I can multiply 5 two, three, or even 4 digit numbers in a row without even doing two at once*! But at the time, I usually kept it simple. I was liked by about 18-20 students of the 25 there. I was even offered to do it once more again! So I thought of it, and after about another month, I set another schedule for it, this time, it was 3rd graders, who were looking forward to this, because they heard of how well I did last time [? not sure]. This time, they were doing geometry with circles and triangles, and even area. I never gave the assignments (I didn't want to anyway), but that went quite well too. 16-18 students of the 22 there. This record was basically the same as the previous. This time, I even got to correct it [That is, mark wrong answers and give a score]! Then, I even came to doing a spelling class once in a unique style of my own. This occured in my sixth grade year.

When in my sixth grade, the spelling class went well for 2nd graders. I thought of trying to improve my records, and used my own strategy to try and get a better record to get rid of the tie (that really isn't that bad of a record, but it is still a good record). I said the word, I used it in a sentence of my own, and said the same word once more with using their level of difficulty [usually around level 40 or so]. After I finished with all 20 words [that's how many were in a typical spelling test for a "chapter" or "unit"], the teacher came across with the idea of letting me correct it. I think her name was Mrs. Iverson (? 80% sure of the name). She was very friendly and kind. When I finished correcting, about 14-16 of the 20 students liked it (another tie). This was a whole different subject too, but I was just as good at it as with math [spelling, math, and grammer were my top three excluding gym]. My 7th or 8th grade year was even better though.

2. The end of my teaching

At this time, my old teacher, Mrs. Lund, changed teaching ideas to teach first graders. I was in Erik Ramstad Middle School [a school that supports 7th and 8th graders such as a "pre-high school" in a sense]. This would be the last time of actually teaching for quite a long time. However, because of my Status System I now had, I was trying to edit it to be easier and better. That was made in 1996. The Status System leads to many new discoveries, but they are explained with it's history as well. Now, I got to teach 2 subjects: science, and math. They were doing weather (dew, frost, etc.), and they also did simple math questions of reading a clock. When it came to time of teaching, I was given a clock, and I randomly chose a time for them to read (within 30 minutes accuracy though). Let's say I set it to 6:30 by moving the hands accordingly. I showed them the clock, and only 6 raised their hand (about 30% of the class of the 20 there [? number who raised their hands is not known]). I have a good strategy well on the way. Then the teacher told me to go to the 15 minutes (they started with half-hours, and then they got a little harder and got to quarter-hours). I can read a clock, and even detect the minute-hand's movement after a ticking sound occurs. After I finished with the math, I showed them some experiment about weather-related things [the teacher gave me the experiment]. I took a glass jar and filled it with cold water. I told them to watch the jar and to not mess with it. They soon noticed that water droplets appeared on the outside and told them what it was. Then I went on to explain why this happened by teaching them the day's lesson. Of the 20 students there, all but 2 liked it. I was so proud of how well I did this. These were my greatest years yet. But, what about the times inbetween times of teaching? The next page shows you all of it.

Timeline: [note: Although they may be out of order, the first 4 are basically school-related. The last ones that follow is an entire year's [or 2 year's] worth in events.]

My basic information
My favorites
My mysterious dreams
My mud dreams
Other dreams
My major fears
Jan 1984 - May 1996
Mar 1996 - Oct 1997
Oct 1997 - Nov 1997
Jun 1996 - Jul 1997
Jul 1998 - Jan 2001
Jan 2001 - Dec 2001
Jan 2002 - Dec 2003
Jan 2004 - Dec 2005

* To learn how to do this, refer to this multiplication trick.