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What is your history like?

1. My third guardian spirit

On June 13, 1996, A new, equal-in-power [weaker stats, but much stronger abilities than Speed*] guardian spirit** came in. Knuckles***, another spell caster, has one attack and a maxed DEF‡ and †† that Speed doesn't have. He's much younger than Cinos [by a long shot [318 compared to about 4,901,000,000 [!]], but may be stronger. He is immune to all damage and disease, and every thing else will either do no damage or, if elemental‡†, do loads of cure.

2. YMCA camp fun - day one

Now, the best part of the summer came in 1997. This event lead to several long-term events being cleared. I gained about 1,200,000 AP in just a week!

During the Winter of 1997, I started to think about going to a camp. This camp was called the "Triangle YMCA Camp". You may have heard of it before, but when it came around July 13, my excitement level was in the red zone and was noted in the Fifth Status as bad status†‡ and ‡‡. It made me lose several hours of sleep, and I often wrote stories, my main interest that started with simple 79-page stories to today's 400. By July 19, the day before it started, I packed my stuff along, and I thought of taking my guardian spirits with [they always follow you, even if they don't ask you, but they don't bother you at all]. If my guardian spirits were so good back in 1996 with them suggesting the story writing idea, I found that very useful, and at this moment, my longest story is 400 pages exactly [!]. They were giving so much opportunity to help make things better. On July 20, 1997, Y-camp started. My guardian spirits never told me much about the future except that of a huge war they are predicting at the time to be sometime in 2002. This war was on their home world. Just a few hours before leaving, I was really getting excited, and was an amazing dark red color in my Fifth Status meaning that it was considered very bad status. This event, well, events will lead to a major AP boost!

As I waited in the car to get there, and since I didn't know where it was, I took along a map [one use of them huh?]. This journey was quite short considering it was about 50 miles away. Also, when it comes to the time of unpacking, I told everyone about my story I was writing. I practically memorized the text of an 80-page written document. Why? I recorded it on tape so many times spotting errors and fixing them while doing so.

Then it came for a swim test [for the rope swing] at about 4:00 PM or so. I was so afraid of water at the time that I just kept very far from it, and I never got within two feet from it! I told them that I hated water so much, that I really didn't know what it was like in a lake, pool, or pretty much anything [except showers]. There was a dock there, but, however, I didn't go near it, because I was afraid that I'd fall in. My guardian spirits told me that it was very sturdy, and had a high defense around 3000 [this value is by today's Status System standards, back then, this wouldn't have been so]. I was then afraid that someone would push me in, so I always kept my "safety".

After the swim test was over, they ate, and went to sleep. While they went to sleep, they wanted to hear my story. Since I didn't have it with me, I depended on memory and my guardian spirits. I told the story about 5/6 word-for-word. Since they interrupted after even 5 words said of the main story, I set a baseball thing of three interruptions [as in strikes], and no more stories for the rest of the night. Three consecutive nights would be never telling anymore of it [three outs]. Since I never knew about guardian spirits until another 2 years later, I really didn't know what they were. However, they did seem important to me, especially after the mile run event. After just this alone, I realized that these "guardian spirits" had some amazing power, and decided to do some research on them during 9th grade. This research came after I got back home.

3. Ycamp - day two

Day two was the first of the main event. I saw some things on our daily schedules to try activities [sailing, windsurfing, riflery, archery, etc.] I then noticed the water activities, and was so scared to even think about it, or even doing them. My guardian spirits told me that when the activity "pond" comes [It's just swimming in a miniature lake nearby that resembles a pool], things will change. They didn't specifically say what will change, but they actually forecasted the future a few hours ahead of time. The accuracy, given their capabilities, is pretty high, about 99.9975% according to the sensing distortion factor formula. Since my excitement was converted to scared almost instantly [red-orange], I got very worried. I told my guardian spirits to tell me. They told me, and thus began a long conversation while getting dressed for the first event:

Speed: I have an idea.
Me: Like what?
Speed: Try asking one of the counselors there when pond comes. They'll give lot's of information and offer help.
Me: Which one?
Speed: Any counselor will do it that is by the pond.
Me: What about the windsurfing and sailing?
Speed: [senses] I can't quite tell yet, but it's just too long ahead of time.
Me: This is weird.

Just this little intro gave all of the information neccessary to clear one event worth 460,000 ability points [? estimated and don't have a source, could be from 200,000 to even 700,000]! After the first events came, it soon came to pond.

After I got there [usually by running since I was dependent on speed and leveling up my speed pluses†††], I remembered what my guardian spirits said. I didn't see any counselors at the time, but only because I was quite far from them. My guardian spirits showed me where one was, and I had to go on the dock with the crowd "ready to push me in". I decided to wait until a counselor came to the rocky part.

This is a map of the area, and still remarkably well known, thanks to my mind game. Even a rough idea on the color of the dock and the ropeswing ball is pretty accurate [except the water, as I don't know the exact color yet [I'm getting a light gray and around 15/16 transparent according to some calculations, or about E0E0E0F0†‡†....]. On this map, I don't know what direction north is, however, I believe that north is straight up on this map once I got up much higher in my mind game. Anyway, things to note is the green dock, the brown board, and the yellow ball. The brown board and yellow ball is the ropeswing area and the water's deep where this area is. Also, the rocky area mentioned is the area just south of the dock away from the water.

4. I got rid of a key fear!

I started to tell him/her that I was so afraid of water that I won't want to get near. Now for the funny part, after I got about 2 feet from the dock, my guardian spirits casted a spell on me somehow acting on the physical worldࠠ, and for some reason, I didn't seem afraid. The counselor told me that there really isn't much wrong with water, except in deep areas. He/she let me walk out a little way, but when I was only one foot in, I jumped out onto the dock, and ran back to the rocks. From this point on, I got deeper and deeper until I got in to my neck. I learned an ability of climbing walls in water. They told me how to go under water as well. I went under for just a quick moment [less than a second].

That same day lead to another ability I so call, "the ceiling crawl". The name is simple. I walk along the ceiling underwater. Since I noticed that I seemed lighter than normal due to buoyancy, I tried it once, and I succeeded. Buoyancy does 95% of it. After the day ended, I gained an amazing 550,000 ability points [? estimated without a weak source] just in that one day, or 10-hour period [minus eating]. Since the land was so big, I liked to run around, attacking any bugs such as mosquitoes, flies, and a few others. There were so many flies in the building getting into the food, someone wanted to get rid of them. My guardian spirits told me to do this, because I can gain extra experience. They are worth a bit less than 2 experience each [and have only 110 hit points or so according to the HP formula], and isn't really much of anything.

5. The biggest AP gain on record

After several days went by, the water activities came. They were so amazing, and fun, that I could outrun everyone by at least one mph at their fastest [thanks to the speed pluses that I always have equipped]. Then, the biggest ability-point-gaining event came. It was worth about 580,000 ability points [? estimated with a weak source; could be from 300,000 to up to 800,000] in just a 5-minute period!

As I was out quite a ways, and I could outrun everyone, they depended on my speed. Suddenly, a gust of wind came and knocked over one of the sailboats. Since two kids were in the water and couldn't get back, I used up stamina, raced there, let them get on, and raced them back before the last windsurfer came back. My guardian spirits told me that there were no others to get, so I headed to shore. I gained a whopping 580,000 ability points in that simple five-minute event! Knuckles, and Speed both get ability points far faster than that because they have numerous AP pluses [Knuckles has 63 of 'em!]. So far, no other event has come within even 1% of this except the graduating from school event which was only worth about 140,000 ability points!

Most of my recent history actually goes with the Status System!

Timeline: [note: Although they may be out of order, the first 4 are basically school-related. The last ones that follow is an entire year's [or 2 year's] worth in events.]

My basic information
My favorites
My mysterious dreams
My mud dreams
Other dreams
My major fears
Jan 1984 - May 1996
Mar 1996 - Oct 1997
Oct 1997 - Nov 1997
Jun 1996 - Jul 1997
Jul 1998 - Jan 2001
Jan 2001 - Dec 2001
Jan 2002 - Dec 2003
Jan 2004 - Dec 2005

* You can learn all about Speed as he is today by reading his own report.
** You can learn more about guardian spirits on this page.
*** You can learn all about Knuckles as he is today by reading his own report.
You can learn all about the spells and the Spell System by reading this report.
Defense is your resistance to physical damage. To learn more, refer to this page.
†† Although it is supernatural to have a maxed defense, this just means that you are completely immune to all forms of damage.
‡† The 10 elements are described in details on this page.
†‡ The Fifth Status and bad status effects are explained in detail on this page.
‡‡ The Fifth Status didn't actually exist until more than 4 years later. These are only estimates. To learn more about the history of the Status System, refer to this page.
††† Speed pluses, or abilities that raise your speed stat by a percentage determined by the ability's level, were never heard of until 1999. To learn more about speed pluses and other plus abilities, refer to this page, and this one.
ࠠ The physical world is the world in which humans and "monsters" live in. Spirits and ghosts live in the spiritual world adjacent to the physical world. To learn more, read this page.
†‡† The color system isn't just for the six digits, instead, it's expanded out to a full twelve digits. The next two past the usual six is that of transparency. 00 means that it is absolutely transparent, and FF is fully visible, common to most objects. For more info, read section 7 here.