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What is your history like?

1. The usefulness of my Status System

What about the times between teaching? Well, not much really went on. The biggest features were the discovery of the Status System, and running the mile in 4th place with the gym class. Because of the knowledge of my Status System, and the fact that I have an ability called "status control"*, I can equip myself for speed, stamina, spirit, and strength**. I only need spirit to use my spell power to override some things, and spirit reduces the use of spell power for longer use. This stragety can take a very long time to explain it and it's VERY complicated, so I'm not going to explain much.

When it came to my 8th grade 1 mile runs, I was taking as much as 12 minutes to run the mile. The first one was something like 12:14 or so because I almost lost my balance. The second mile run came in at 11:40, still too rediculous. My third mile run was cancelled because of a very bad upset stomach [bad status effect*** from medicines caused it] and couldn't concentrate because of it. When it came to the 4th one, it was cancelled because of stormy weather and postponed to the next day. This was cancelled because of a doctor appointment at the time. The second to last one came in at 9:50, but I had a huge jump when it came to the last one!

2. A remarkable finish time!

About two days before the run, I developed a great strategy to use when I was mentioning it over with my 3 guardian spirits. Knuckles came on June 13, 1996. They told me to raise my maximum speed and go with what is the best possible speed. "Start off running fast, and run until 3/4 of your stamina is used up. Then, run at a pace that you like in which restores your stamina. When near the finish line, in the last straight line, use up the last of your stamina." They told me this the night before, but the big day was next [the stamina stat didn't actually exist in the Primary Status, however, it was in the Quaternary Status†† and ‡† as I saw the lack of importance at the time].

At the start of the mile run, I equipped my status with my guardian spirits telling me how to do it. I had a mean and very cruel teacher following me everywhere, so I just flat out ignored her when she told me to stop doing what I was doing. I got my abilities equipped and my guardian spirits told me what to do as I went along. They first told me to start fast. "When I say slow down, 3/4 of your stamina will be used up. Maintain a good speed so your stamina stays the same". The run began, I did exactly what they said, and everyone was being left behind. I then ran at my guardian spirit's recommended speed, and when I was near the finish line, I ran fast again and used up all but .5% of my stamina and finished in 7:23. This was a huge jump! I came in fourth [4th to finish the run] and had to wait for someone who took 20 minutes. [They had asthsma [sp.?].].

3. A new understanding of GS

Guardian spirits are very rewarding! Now at this time, I realized to how much power and strategy they turely have. Speed was the one that had most of the information. Boy, how neat huh? It's like I solved a mystery! This mystery was why I was bad at comprehension, and not learning it. It was during the beginning of the 9th grade that I started to investigate what my guardian spirits really were. Until the end of my high school education, I relied on them a lot more than I ever did. I increased my rate of ignoring the teachers who tell me to leave the "imaginary friends" alone.

What about times outside of school? Well, in just one week alone, so many things occured. What things did occur? Consider reading the next page [No, I don't have any tough comprehension questions for you to answer [whew!], rather I don't have any questions.], and find out.

Timeline: [note: Although they may be out of order, the first 4 are basically school-related. The last ones that follow is an entire year's [or 2 year's] worth in events.]

My basic information
My favorites
My mysterious dreams
My mud dreams
Other dreams
My major fears
Jan 1984 - May 1996
Mar 1996 - Oct 1997
Oct 1997 - Nov 1997
Jun 1996 - Jul 1997
Jul 1998 - Jan 2001
Jan 2001 - Dec 2001
Jan 2002 - Dec 2003
Jan 2004 - Dec 2005

* "Status control" is an ability that lets me manually set which abilities I wish to equip for learning and use. For more info, see this page, this page, and this page.
** These are all status terms. To learn about them, refer to this page.
*** A status effect is a status abnormality either good or bad. They are usually diseases or abnormal feelings. To learn more, read this page.
You can learn all about guardian spirits here.
You can learn all about Knuckles as he is today by reading his database.
†† The Quaternary Status displays statistics that don't belong anywhere else. To learn more, read this page.
‡† The history of the Status System is described in details on this page.