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What are your favorites?

Favorites and dislikes list last updated on Jul 10, 2004 at 9:05 AM. What is your favorite and hated...

1. Color?
Almost all 16,777,216 colors that I can name with just 6 digits*! Darker shades of colors are generally higher with compatibility**, but not by much. Other favorites are that of 30C000, 205000, 00C0C0, and sometimes, but rarely FFC000.

Mainly colors that are too gray and dark yellows, like 805080, and 706010.

2. Number?
Basically anything that has to do with a power of 2 (i.e. 16, 64, 256, 1024, 65536, 1048576, 16777216, etc., but not 48, 15, 35, etc.), any prime number especially 43, in addition to 23, 73, 2339, etc., any decimal value with nonrepeating digits like what you get when you get the square root of 2. Recently, a new add on is large number names especially after the vigintillion series starting with trigintillion. One of my top favorites is 10 duotrigintillion, which is another name for a googol. Following that is is quattuorseptuagintillion, mainly becuase of the length of the word. To learn the complete list of large number names from the millions and billions you know to the centillions and beyond, see the FAQ page. Also, other favorites are 9, 999 [a common max speed limit for the speed-O-meter in my mind game], 999,999,999 [the max for MAG and SPR†‡], and 9.99999E99 [a google minus one to be precise; the maximum allowed for display in the stats‡†].

Not much is worth noting in this category, probably 22 and 222, just about anything that's all twos.

3. Food?
As of the latest update, cheese outranks everything. Primarily, it's Mozerella cheese that tops the list. Following that is pizza and Hamburger helper. [Note, I do not cook the Hamburger helper meals with the hamburger. I highly dislike meat. Instead, I cook it up in a special way I've made on my own.

Almost every kind of food that looks scary [like pineapples, the kiwis [due to the interior], and all kinds of meat. I haven't had meat in... close to a year. The only exception for meat is with McDonald's double-cheeseburders when degreased.

4. Object?
Mainly that little dot that appears at the end of every sentence. < like this one for example. < and this one.... < and these.... After that is computers, those little white things that appear when you stop in my animations [these are called "puffs"], then nothing else of A rank*** or better, though there's quite a few B's.

Hardly anything. Usually dangerous things or scary-looking things are the only disliked objects.

5. Song?
I've listened to well over 1500 possible songs, perhaps more than twice that [about 80 to 90% of them come from video games alone, the others are children's songs!]! Of these 1500 to 3000 songs, I've only got like 15 that are of rank B and higher. My top favorite, since the last update is Sluminda, from Zeliard's final cavern. Second favorite is Out Where the Lake Is, levels 10 through 12 in Bubsy, followed by that comes two that are tied: Spyro's [the original] Misty Bog stage [the first song; extracting it was tough as the music changes real quickly!] and the secret level you get when you complete 100% [Gnasty's Loot as it's called].

This list is long, but is easily generalized: anything with lyrics [words], and anything with high frequency instruments or whistling. Some songs with lyrics actually get B ranks, most of these are children's songs. Adult songs hardly get over D rank, though there is one song, with lyrics, with a good solid B.

6. Places on Earth?
Above all, the Bahamas and Hawaii are equal in rank [both M, the highest rank]. All S-ranks are Jamaica, Ireland, Kenya, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and Thailand. In my mind game, quite often I'm either far above the Bahamas and Hawaii playing around with the speed-O-meter trying to max it out at 999. Other places of high rank are high places like mountains. I love running down Mount Everest, especially to get giant-sized puffs stopping for nearly 7 seconds....

Nothing is in this list except Antarctica: too cold and too boring.

7. TV show?
Mainly educational shows especially from Science Channel, Discovery Channel, and TLC. Outside that follows the news very close behind. Following close behind those is cartoons especially Tom and Jerry and Bugs Bunny. Before I watch it, the TV rating must not be 14 [14 allowed ONLY if educational OR of very high interest], or anything higher. Only Y, Y7, G, and PG are accepted. Why? It's related to a bad status effect I have that causes me to have bad feelings if the content is not suitable. These bad feelings can stay for months even. Also, classic 40's to 70's type cartoons are included with Scooby Doo without a known year limit [even today, most shows hover around 850, some getting over 900]. Most modern cartoons are around 300, thus, no interest.

Anything with too much adult stuff: ratings of 14 and up. If I see "TV-M", I literally exit the area and hide where I can't watch the TV.

8. Movie?
Mostly kids movies rated G and PG. I almost never watch anything higher than PG mainly due to the status effect mentioned in number seven above. Yet, when I finally submit my script to the filmmakers, my story, "The Legend of the 10 Elemental Masters" will be available for you to watch probably around 2010. It's estimated to be about PG [and I'm 85% certain of it].

Like number 7, anything with excessive adult junk in it cauing ratings of PG-13 and up.

9. Book?
Books aren't of that much interest as far as reading them, but writing is a different subject. Currently, I have no favorite books as they are all of D rank and below [E rank, just below D and higher than F, is the neutral point], nothing appealing. Instead of reading books, I sort of write books, but instead of a book, it's a script. Around August or September of 2004, I'll post the first act of my main and first major script.

Just like the like category, because I don't read, this question has too small of a source to judge on, thus indeterminate.

10. Letter of the alphabet?
Currently, it's the 5 rarest letters of the alphabet: q, x, j, z, and v in order of rarity. Another recent favorite is the 20th letter of the alphabet, "t". I find "t" appealing because of the so-called "t-tail" clearly visible with large font sizes of the font face Courier New:


Only one letter, P. I've disliked this letter for years. I'm not going to say why: [censored]!

11. Symbol?
My favorite symbols are mostly math symbols with a few exceptions. Many of which you won't find on the keyboard, but you can still use them without the need for it. To learn how to do so, refer to the FAQ page. The complete list of favorites A rank and better are [in no particular order]: † ‡ ÷ [also called "double-dotted bar thing"] * [I call the astrisk a "star" as it looks like one in a small font size.] % – ‰ [the "parts per thousand" symbol] × [often called "tilted add sign"] ¢ $ ± ? ! [the two marks that are a dot with an attachment above it] and especially the . [This is the dot that appears at the end of every sentence that sometimes gets annoying [just kidding!].]. < I love it when you have "dot bracket dot bracket dot".

Nothing in the list of disliked symbols. Practically 80% of them are D rank and above. Others are neutral at rank E.

12. Organism?
Basically, there isn't much of anything of interest. All of which are E rank with an occasional D, which is the neutral area.

Like above, I don't have much of an interest in any kind of organism.

13. Year?
The early 1800's and 1607 are of the highest interest to me. I'm sometimes "there" in my mind game. If I were to visit any time only once for 1 whole week, I'd probably go to around AD 2100 ± 25 years in either direction.

Unsure on this. For going there physically, war times would be disliked. For my mind game, there is no dislike.

14. Game that is not a video game?
This list is probably one of the shortest like food. I'm mainly in for Hit-a-bump, Criss Cross, and Marbles: Lights Out. These games are all made up by me. There are other games, but not above rank E, the neutral point. Games not by my creation would be that of some card games, especially Poker [using scores, playing solo], and UNO.

Nothing below neutral. Everything is either neutral or above neutral. I grab interest in games quite easily, except where gambling is involved [instead, points are used instead of money or chips].

15. Holiday?
My top favorites are Independence Day [rank M], mainly because I like to shoot off fireworks, and Christmas [rank high A]. In my mind game, I sometimes cast a level 1 fire spell from a distance to light a firework, and when it explodes to create the light, a red, blue, or white popup number appears indicating damage in hit points†††.

All other holidays are neutral, so nothing is disliked.

16. Firework type?
I'd say Jumping Jacks and nonwhistling bottle rockets are my top favorites, they're the cheapest by the quantity. Factor in my speed, short fuses aren't a problem. Add in my supermassive defense, they don't do nearly as much damage.

Absolutely no dislikes: all that I've heard of or seen are above even 540, which, by default, is a high E and above.

17. File extension?
URL files are my past time favorite and still is. Following that is TXT, BMP [especially when 1-bit and 4-bit bitmaps are used], then WAV [not MP3 as you can't change the speed with MP3 nor edit as you can with WAV].

Nothing goes in this group as the rest are neutral. By the type of file used, MP3 [because I can't change the frequency or loop it well], and video formats outside AVI [I can't get them to work, especially glitched up Quicktime].

18. Planet other than Earth?
Mostly Jupiter, especially because of something funny one of my guardian spirits†† mentioned and used in one of my very old and outdated stories.

Likely Mercury: too dull with not much to consider. Just a chunk load of craters and that's about it.

19. Singer?
No singer, except one is higher than or lower than rank E. The odd ball is D rank, a low D. They are all almost purely neutral. All my songs have no words to them as I hate songs with words.

As from above, I don't listen to songs with words so it's indeterminate due to a lack of source.

20. Band?
This one is more confusing. Why? Here's the reasons: 1. I don't know who makes the songs in video games. 2. I don't know how to find out who makes the songs. 3. I don't know who played the songs, and finally, 4. Bands outside video games are all purely neutral, practically all of them are neutral [mostly because I don't know any].

Most video game music I like, the rest are neutral, thus nothing in the dislike pile.

21. Video game?
I used to be so good at them that I'd learn how to play the game without ever needing the instructions, and I learn them without the instructions just as fast as if I were to read them, sometimes much faster. As far as video games, mainly Super Monkey Ball 2 [rank S], Sonic 3 and Knuckles [I already know so many secrets about this game that I'm writing a list of extra challenges, glitches, etc. I've found; rank high S], and Zapper [Zapper is a PC game, currently with over 1300 lives, the main reason why I like this game....; rank high S] and Bubsy [a Sega Genesis game, the original subtitled "Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind". Though this game is seriously buggy, I like performing stunts. It's the only game I know of with a scrolling speed of 95 pixels per frame. Sonic only goes 24 at it's fastest scrolling speed but a top speed of 128 pixels per frame].

Rayman, the original on Playstation: way too difficult and unfair. Nearly impossible to gain 1ups and you don't get an infinite number of continues. You die right away when you get hit by spikes. The list goes on. The graphics are an exception to this, however.

22. Sites on the internet?
There aren't many sites outside my own that are of high interest. Top ranking is the forums I actively visit now moved to this location. Basically the only other sites I go to is Angelfire to update my site, and my E-mail and rarely google.

In general: adult sites with adult content.

23. Sport?
My top favorites as far as playing is kickball and baseball. I haven't played kickball since 1997, when I was in 6th grade. I've never played football [except flag football in 7th and 8th grade [my speed really helps here, my charge ability allows a very fast acceleration mainly because I let gravity help me accelerate forward], nor golf [not minigolf, normal golf], but would like to try normal golf where the yards to the hole is in the hundreds, not around 10.

Not much goes here, except those with a lot of phyisical harm being done like boxing and wrestling [doing these in my mind game is an exception; just keep dodging your opponent by nonstop teleport spells]. Football is iffy, except if I'm watching it. My high defense helps in most cases.

24. Word?
Transplant [when it comes to plants, especially trees], dot [that thing that appears at the end of every sentence and the decimal point used to denote fractions], ditch [to throw away something], scrap [when it comes to the numbers placed on top of addition and multiplication questions, especially with column multiplication‡††], decimal [often related to the dot at the end of every sentence], fraction [esepcially when it comes to division and it don't come out evenly], untitled [relates to a file that has been just created and is unsaved, typical when you just open MSPaint or Notepad], page fault [the "illegal operation" notices that appear on occasion, typically consist of an invalid page fault], error, down [where the blue water lurks, ready for the fox to fall in on Sonic 3], bottom [seemingly where the fox lives in relation to the blue water on the Sonic games], below [again, in relation to blue water], blue [relating to water], machine [often related as a favorite when these things break down], fix [what you do to broken down machines], glitch, glitched [or, in a similar sense, messed up], table [the t, mainly when I'm coding HTML], mechanical [variable on why it's a favorite], delete [particularly when it comes to the delete spell†‡†, footnote [when it relates to the point in which I get lots of 'em in a small area or on a single webpage of mine, like this one], stinky [when only it comes to the letter "t" because of the t-tail], popo [a made-up word actively used in my Wonderful Adventure series meaning "weird" or "dumb"], and censored [especially when I use imaginary bad words like those two p-words [which aren't bad words] or, when something goes wrong, I may say something like "this mouse of mine is censored"] bleep [in the same fashion as "censored", only when something goes really wrong, especially when I'm having trouble getting my mouse to work; often said repeatedly like 8 or so times] standard [unsure why, believed to have roots with Standard Edition from Gamestudio], and verbose [unsure why, sounds weird with a strange spelling] are the top ones all S rank and higher.

Any of those so-called cuss words are rank W, the worst ranking possible. When used, I often say "censored" when trying to copy someone who said those words. In addition to the standard bad words, those two p-words I never use or say. To give you an idea on what they are, they both start with p, are six-letters, start with "per" and "peo" [you should get the "peo" version by browsing a dictionary], the other word's fourth letter is the nineteenth letter of the alphabet and ends in the fourteenth letter of the alphabet.

25. School Subject?
One thing that tells all: MATH [rank M as you'd expect]. Everywhere you look on my site, there's usually some reference to a math statement, formula, or some math already worked out. Nowadays, to make tasks easier or to get better results, I try to get math involved in it, lately done with art and colors. Most of my colors now start with a base, and the result is calculated in some way, likely from transparency. Everything else is quite far behind. Cosmology [rank high A] is the top favorite outside math. I usually watch TV shows that involve cosmology [the study of the cosmos, or the universe] as much as I can, primarily the Science Channel. Others that follow is Meteorology [the study of weather; rank high A], and that of the study of atoms [generally chemistry; rank low A].

Reading and comprehension are the lowest. Starting clear back in second grade [maybe a bit later; from the year 1992], I've had no interest in reading. It was the comprehension questions I'd always get that were well above my level that brought down the interest for years on end.

26. Soda?
Get this, I haven't had a single soda, not even a sip since about mid-January of 2003. Even to the latest update, I haven't had a single soda! Before that, it was mostly orange, and Mello Yellow/Mountain Dew [they have almost the exact same flavor, so close I can't tell the difference, if any].

Coke, Pepsi [the drinks, not the companies], and any diets.

27. Flavor of juice?
Not really determined. Probably raspberry lemonade [rank high A; haven't had for a while so gradual neutralization brought it down to about a C], or plain lemonade [rank A]. Apple juice, however, is the next high one on the list [Rank high B]

Hard to tell. I mostly focus on what I like the most and that's about it.

28. Job?
Because I don't have a job [officially], I can't answer this question. However, I have an "unofficial" job of writing my stories.

Copy of Because I don't have a job [officially],....

29. Types of scenery?
Mountains and clouds. I like mountains because they're high, and I like views from high above. I like clouds only by the neat shapes and how rapidly they form before a huge storm. In 2001, it was particularly common to see a sight like that as it was unusually stormy in that July. Also, any scenery that is viewed from high up, especially above 200 feet to about 300,000 feet.

Any horror scene is on the bottom of the compatibilty chart [rank W].

30. Quotation?
"High elevation is the best elevation". It's not from anyone, but rather my own. It originated at Y-camp during 1997. I was up on a hill, and I liked the views better when trying to get to a specific area that I needed. Of course, most of the campers were in low valleys, but I was up a hill. I also tend to like "distance fog" [the blending of textures through distance], and in which distant objects appear "greyed out", and often "fuzzy". At enough distance, I see grey specs. I don't tend to understand quotes from others no matter what category making it hard for me to decide [the highest compatibility is actually only 503, right at neutral, but just a touch above].

Due to the limited source, I'm unable to list any dislikes, if any.

31. Types of stories?
Typically action/adventure stories are of the highest rank, a high S. They must be of fantasy [like spell-casting], and sci-fi is a different category [rank B]. The story must not have adult content.

Indeterminate. If it has adult content, it's automatically a dislike.

32. Error on calcultor?
Division by zero. I just love punching in a random number and then use that "double-dotted bar thing" and then a zero followed by the equal sign. My second most favorite would be an overflow error when a number gets too big as well as square-rooting a negative number.

Nothing goes here. I like all calculator errors.

33. Type of activity?
Running mainly. I just like getting fast and attempting to break my speed record of 15.1 mph. The 15.1 was achieved in a mass-charge down a gentle slope. I got so fast that I had a hard time stopping. Charge refers to forcing my weight forward while running letting gravity assist some allowing for greater acceleration. I swing my arms in the back to help with balance. I also like swimming, and it was only in February of 2003 that I've finally figured out how to do so. Since August of 2003, I haven't been swimming, mainly because the primary place I went to changed their rules to limit swim time to one hour and the worst of it was that that hour started the moment I entered the building. Their rank went from a nice solid S to a poor high F rank almost in an instant.

Anything dangerous or having too great of risks [except if done in my mind game].

34. Phrase?
Going down? is currently my most-said phrase, often said unneededly. "bottom of the blue" is another, related to a video game I play.

This list is very long, but can be generalized: anything with adult content.

To give you an idea on what the scalings are for compatibility and their cooresponding ranks, refer to this chart below to help you:

Timeline: [note: Although they may be out of order, the first 4 are basically school-related. The last ones that follow is an entire year's [or 2 year's] worth in events.]

My basic information
My favorites
My mysterious dreams
My mud dreams
Other dreams
My major fears
Jan 1984 - May 1996
Mar 1996 - Oct 1997
Oct 1997 - Nov 1997
Jun 1996 - Jul 1997
Jul 1998 - Jan 2001
Jan 2001 - Dec 2001
Jan 2002 - Dec 2003
Jan 2004 - Dec 2005

* To learn how these numeric color names work, see this detailed report.
** Compatibility [or COM for short] is how much you like something in numerical value from 0 to 1000 where 1000 is the best like. To learn more, read this part of the Status System report.
*** A rank is not the best rank. S is better than A, but even S isn't the best. Only rank M is the best. Compatibility is like rating something on a scale from 0 to 10 where 0 is the worst and 10 is the best, only, instead of a maximum of 10, it's 1000. To learn the scalings of COM and rankings, see the table in this page. To see the full list of the rankings, the table has been copied and pasted here for quick reference as it is basically essential to know:

RankCOM rangeRankCOM rangeRankCOM range
— — — — — — — — — —M1000— — — — — — — — — —
High S996-999S989-995Low S980-988
High A966-979A949-965Low A930-948
High B909-929B886-908Low B860-885
High C829-859C792-828Low C750-791
High D703-749D653-702Low D600-652
High E539-599E471-538Low E400-470
High F300-399F160-299Low F1-159
— — — — — — — — — —W0— — — — — — — — — —

My mind game is a futuristic video game that I play in my mind often. To learn all about it and it's wonders, read this semi-lengthy report.
Status effects are abnormalities that can cuase abnormal things to occur. They usually are diseases and abnormal feelings. To learn more, see this part of the Status System report.
†† Guardian spirits are explained in detail on this page.
‡† Stats‡‡ error if they exceed 9.99999E99 for a display value. The next, 1E100 is too big.
†‡ MAG maxes out at 999,999,999 due to failure-risk-related reasons and SPR maxes out at 999,999,999 because of the fact that if it was 1E09, you'd be too effecient on using energy that you'd not use any at all and it's required, which is impossible and higher would be negative which, then, wouldn't make sense. You can learn more about the reason for the maxed MAG and SPR in sections 2 and 3 here.
‡‡ These stats refers mainly to that of the Primary Status. To learn more, read this.
††† You can see how these popup numbers look when they appear by downloading the video I've made from this page of the mind game report.
ࠠ Column multiplication is where you multiply more than two numbers at once without setting anything aside. Seems impossible to most, but it's very possible. Learn how here!
†‡† The delete spell, along with all other spells are explained in strong detail, here.