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What are your mysterious dreams about?

Last updated on Sep 14, 2004 at 5:20 AM

1. Introduction

I've had a lot of dreams, some of them just plain weird, others of a lot of fun, some tell of a great story, some are a little scary, a few more are peaceful things, and a few others just don't fit any other category. This section of my website contains every dream I can possibly recall, a few having in-depth stories with them. So far, over five dozen dreams have been documented and more are being added as time continues in the forward direction.

These dreams have been mostly recalled because of related things happening in my mind game*. Many of the in-depth stories have been enhanced with my mind game, but only for parts I cannot recall, especially the beginning of the dream. I've also included how much in tact the dream is compared to the original. The higher the percentage, the less enhancements from my mind game and the more exact the actual events in the dream were. Uncertainties also affect it, but not as much.

2. Special notes

These are just some special notes, of little importance, but are just for giving information on what's happened to this document as a whole.

From a while ago, this page got so big, (would now be about 70 KB of just text only without the HTML formatting), I had to break this page up into two sections. The first section is my long list of mud dreams I've had. The second section contains the other dreams. Lately, the second section may have to end up being broken apart into other categories and I'm thinking of one category per page, or a set of 15 or 20 dreams per page.

Because of the break-up, and that it was very hard scanning the footnotes and stuff, there may be some errors or omissions. Please let me know of them, if you realize any.

Also, since the list in both categories is really long and it's hard to find out when a new dream topic begins and the previous one ends, I've added a new feature to help organize the dreams better. Dreams are given a number, like that of 3-2, and a title that relates to the topic of that dream.

Here we go again.... Now it looks like water dreams are now the most commonly recalled. It just seems like I may end up having to make a new category for dreams. In fact, what I'm thinking of doing is creating a separate category for all dreams, just as I've already done so with the mud dreams, but one page for the water dreams, another for travel-related dreams, another for the video game resemblance dreams, another for nightmares and other dreams that don't fit any standard category (together as one page as nightmares with me are mega rare).

My mud dreams
Other dreams
Timeline: [note: Although they may be out of order, the first 4 are basically school-related. The last ones that follow is an entire year's [or 2 year's] worth in events.]

My basic information
My favorites
My mysterious dreams
My mud dreams
Other dreams
My major fears
Jan 1984 - May 1996
Mar 1996 - Oct 1997
Oct 1997 - Nov 1997
Jun 1996 - Jul 1997
Jul 1998 - Jan 2001
Jan 2001 - Dec 2001
Jan 2002 - Dec 2003
Jan 2004 - Dec 2005

* My mind game is a futuristic-like video-game-like "game" I play in my mind often. You can read all about it's complexity in fairly simple terms here.