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What are your mysterious dreams about?

Last updated on Oct 4, 2004 at 5:17 AM

I've had a lot of dreams worth noting and many of which are still very well-remembered from ages ago, even before my website was in existance. Only one dream is still well-remembered even more than 8 years since it last occured. This section of the dreams page deals with dreams that are not mud dreams. They are usually dreams that have a video-game-like nature [section 1], water dreams [section 2], nightmares [extremely rare; section 3], travel-based dreams [section 4], and other dreams worth posting here [section 5]. I've got so many dreams that I know so well and through the active use of my mind game, I've been able to recall many dreams that have been almost entirely forgotten and surprisingly remarkably in tact. Actual scenes of just about every dream is remembered so well, it's nearly photo quality. If only I had a machine to read my brain's imagery thoughts, I'd have a ton of images available. I could use my game development program, to build relatively simple scenes. Read about the amazing dreams I've had here.

So far, I've documented 47 dreams that don't deal with mud!

1. Video-game dreams

Occasionally, I have a dream that features a video-game-like nature. Because these dreams are very rare or are included in some other category, especially the mud dreams or water dreams cateogories, this list is fairly short.

Dream 1-1: Zeliard 3D remake #1

Starting around November of 2003, I've been having some weird dreams of a powerful 3D remake of an old DOS game I used to play a very long time ago. The game, called Zeliard [name only known from doing an hour's worth of searching in google given the few clues I had [DOS games, caverns, made around 1991, and that it started with a "Z" [this really narrows it down as "z" is the 4th rarest letter of the alphabet]]], in my dreams has these same caverns, with different designs and layouts and in 3D. I've had 2 or 3 such dreams relating to this, one of which didn't deal with caverns. This one featured a castle and quite a bit of water of a greenish type color [estimated to be around 00FFAA**].

The first one featured a 3D remake of Zeliard with the caverns, with different names, enemies, town names, and unique cave layouts not in the original game. This one is the one that lasted through three "levels". I don't remember much about this as it was a while ago when I started writing this.

Dream 1-2: Zeliard 3D remake #2

The second one featured the castle and the underwater tunnels. Here, there wasn't much in this castle-water one. All I know for sure was that the main guy jumped in and swam through it very quickly going through a lot of tunnels. I didn't get to see the rest of this because I woke up at that time; the man was nearly about to drown when it happened.

Dream 1-3: Zeliard 3D remake #3

A third one is a possibility, but I'm not too sure if I've had a third occurance of this same topic-related dream. On Jan 17, 2004, I started the search for the name of the game, and, since I had the disks for it stashed away somewhere, I took those out, after about 2 more hours of searching, installed the game and played it on Jan 18 and 19 of 2004. I beat the game within about 7 hours meaning that, strangely enough, after not playing it for nearly a half a decade, likely much before, I obviously knew the game far better than I thought I would. It's a game with likely 16 [or 32 colors, as I see oranges and lighter versions of a color, not on the standard 16-color palette], meaning, even the classic Sonic games from Sonic Mega Collection with the first Sonic game made around the same time Zeliard was, around 1991, have far more colors [256 versus 32]!

Dream 1-4: Myself as Frogger

I've also had another dream where I was a frog in a huge watery area as of a street made of a nice stone-like pattern [with a few small bumps and stuff as real rocks were used]. This occured, I think, in 2002. I was hopping around appearantly looking for something. This dream was sort of like Frogger, the Playstation game, only it was as if I was the frog instead and could swim in shallow water. It was a weird dream and almost all of it, except for a few "screenshots" of what I saw.

Dream 1-5: Deep lava in Metroid

Sometime in 2002, I had a dream as if I was playing a metroid game that doesn't even exist, though of the same nature as the very original Metroid for the NES. In this, there was lava that is like 4 times deeper than the lava found in the original. In the original, the lava was located on the bottom when the screen scrolls horizontally. It was either of a yellow, red, or hot pink [likely magenta given those games had only 16 colors] color.

Dream 1-6: water in Metroid

In a dream about the year 2002, I had another similar metroid dream to 2-5, only water was involved in many places and the lava was even deeper. So deep that you could actually swim around in it 20 feet under the surface [20 feet provided that each block of 16 pixels is 1 5/6 feet, the calculated scale used in the classic Sonic games]! Also, there was some water as well that was fully transparent below the waves. The waves didn't move automatically, an nonanimated texture. The water was very shallow, about waist deep.

Dream 1-7: Atari-like water hoppers

Sometime in 2001 or 2002, I had a dream in which I was playing an ancient atari-like game. In this game, you had a guy that needed to jump around and cross a huge level. The level had a lot of water, orange in color, all around. I tried to replicate an "image" in my mind and I came up with this:

I've left out the guy I had in this dream. Though I've nearly completely forgotten what happened in this dream, but there were a lot of pools of this orange water everywhere.

Dream 1-8: Atari-like water avoiders

Around 2001, I had a dream which was similar to dream 2-6, only this time the water was red in color and if you touched it, game over. This was a dream that is probably the most repetitive. You had to get around as much as possible without touching the deadly water. After a few runs of this game, I got incredibly far. I was climbing up this mountain of ever-increasing pools of water [until it reached the maximum possible]. If you touched this water, you'd lose 1% of your health for every frame that went by. Do note that American video games get 60 frames per second, thus, if you stayed in this water for 1 second, you'd lose 60% of your health, a bad thing to do. The game was like climbing a huge mountain with acid pools scattered everywhere. I think, sometime around the end [or beginning], I was jumping around intentionally going under the surface of this red water. I do dumb things like that intentionally on video games I know well just to play around and hunt for any hidden bugs that went undetected. In the game I'm making, I'll be doing just this, only, quite a bit crazier.

Dream 1-9: A Brittany Spears video game

Now this dream is far more mysterious than any other dream I've ever had. It featured a game in which I was playing as Brittany in a city-like level. It was a 2D scroller type game, This game featured a ton of powerups and the such. Too bad I don't remember much of it. Yet, I'm not too sure if it was Brittany at all, but seems like her from the very few images I've got. Yet, I think the name was mentioned on the game itself in the dream. Of course, it's just a dream, one of my many weirdo ones.

2. Water dreams

Certainly, I've had a few bizarre water dreams as well. The one featuring the race is, up to this point, the best of them all.

Dream 2-1: Dream used in script - secret

I've had yet another water dream sometime around 1999, however, because it was part of the birth of the concept of my script, this'll be kept secret until registration of copyright is complete. It's neither a good dream nor a bad one, just a boring one.

Dream 2-2: Hotel tower water pool

A water dream I had around January or February of 2003 was that of one with a hotel with a central tower. In this water dream, there was a pool that you can dive into from even the third floor. The central area featured a tower with a huge, deep pool of water, about 13 stories high [yes, you can dive into it from that story as well, because there is something in the water that causes it to be uneven allowing damage from impact to be lots less. It was cylindrical in shape as well. Man, I remember this place so well, if only I could make a 3D map of it, the accuracy would be 95% or greater. Here, I got a hotel room. I remember that I dove from the 9th story in this tower into water about the color of 3080E040‡‡ [on a white [FFFFFF] wall].

Dream 2-3: Water-slide carnival

Opposite of the first listed dream, I had one that was really fun that I didn't want to leave. This one featured a carnival as well, full of water slides. The 90-foot jumps and gliding were used well. This one featured one of my favorite classmates, not neccessarily a friend though, but close to being one.

Dream 2-4: Scuba diving

Two other water dreams I had occured in 2000 or 2001. One featured scuba diving in a strange, cylindrical-like tank. I was the one in that tank and the water was quite deep and a pretty bluish color.

Dream 2-5: The weird aquarium

The other dream featured dolphins occuring sometime in 2000 or 2001. Here, I was gliding around various tanks in a huge aquarium. There were all kinds of fish and it seemed as if the entire aquarium was flooded. Thankfully no "bad" fish were in those special watery paths. I avoided the water in this dream by gliding over everything jumping from platform to platform. Sometimes, I had to land right near the edge of the tanks containing the big fish. This dream was sort of fun as well, though, even a half a decade later, I can still recall it quite well.

Dream 2-6: Night time river fun

Sometime around late 2001 or early 2002, I had a dream that took place at night in a small city like my home town of Minot, but the place didn't seem close to Minot, well, about 70% similar outside size. In this dream, I was running around at fairly high speed [back then, I didn't have the 200 mph float runs, flash attack, etc.]. While I made a small mistake of going out into the street running with the traffic [even though I was going as fast as the traffic was], I realized that I might get caught for doing this. To escape, I saw a bridge and I was apparently escaping from something, but completely unsure on what it was. There were white city lights everywhere, even shining on the water below the bridge. I jumped over the fence that was meant to let drivers know that that is the end of the road and to also block pedestrians from going down there. As I jumped the fence, I walked toward the river and eventually into it. It was actually warmer than I thought so I went in deeper. I played around in it for a little bit and eventually played in a little bit of very shallow mud. It wasn't much but maybe 2 or 3 inches deep.

Dream 2-7: Metallic platform walking with "Bill Nye"

Sometime in the year 2001, I was in a dream, with a friend whom I know very well that I nicknamed "Bill Nye". In this deep water dream, there was a bunch of metallic platforms of a dark gray color. With "Bill Nye", we were walking along these platforms which were probably 8 or so feet above the surface of the water. At some point in this dream, "Bill Nye" jumped into the water below, which was of a light grayish color from on top of those platforms. I didn't go into the water, instead, I walked and jumped around looking for a better way to get into it. A four-foot fall was the shortest I could find so I used it. The water was very deep, as you couldn't touch bottom.

Dream 2-8: Amazon River city

Around year 2000, I had another dream, this time taking place in a region like the Amazon. The water was green. The area resembled a small city with small rivers of water as roads. There were high parts of the roads that were out of the water, but the lowest areas took you to water probably 6 feet deep, not that bad. I remember one image of this dream. I was on a road of a high path looking out over the greenish water. At some point, having completely forgotten the story, I walked out into that greenish water, which was nice and warm.

Dream 2-9: The underwater race

In mid-2003, I had a dream that was a perfect story and I'm hoping a lot that it reoccurs. Even a year later, I still remember it very well and quite well in tact. This was a water dream unlike any other listed here to this point. In this dream, I was in for a long series of races in a highly oxygenated form of water [only without bubbles of any kind]. You could actually breathe in this water! As the race started, you were at a corner somewhere in this area on a platform with, I think, about 5 to 7 other racers. When the race started, the platform lowered you into the water. For almost every time in this dream, I held my breath all the way through this course. I was so much slower than everyone else was and bullies constantly picked on me in this dream. Though I managed to find my way weaving even by some underwater pizza restaurants and the such. At the end, you were bursted out and thrown up a ways. The finish line was just ahead. I had the special ability of gliding in this dream. What time I lost in the water, which was a serious amount, I made up for gliding as I could easily reach a speed 4 to 5 times faster than one could run, yet, even with this big advantage, I was almost always dead last in the race.

In the next race, basically the same thing occured, and I ended up in the same finishing position, near or at dead last. The bullies every time picked on me and every time the glide at the end saved me a few times from being dead last. I got used of the bullies and found a way to get in 5th place out of 8. While the burst up was occuring, start as fast as I could in the water before the burst. This gave me a like 4-mph extra speed for about 8 or so seconds, enough to give a boost of nearly 47 feet, a significant gain, though hardly anything.

Finally, just before the dream ended, someone told me that you could breathe in that water. I also told the bullies that were picking on me to shove it aside. Though, as the race started again, I think, the fifth or sixth time the race occured, I tried to breathe in the water and it worked well. Yet, I was now 30% faster holding on 4th place in most of the dream, occasionally getting 3rd and 5th. In all cases of this dream, I already knew of a racing tactic: hug the sharp corners as much as possible and take the most direct route possible. Then, when I bursted out, because I was 30% faster, I was going about 5 mph coming out giving me a much bigger boost of 58 2/3 feet. Here, because my gliding ability saved me big, I came in first in the race! The bullies were extremely upset that I won and they came in 3rd and later. The friend that helped came in second. It was such a peaceful and amazing ending, so much I wish I could revisit the dream [thus hoping it reoccurs as a few of my dreams have].

Dream 2-10: Train car water pools

Around 2002, I had a dream where I was in a train with large pools of water. This dream is a mix between a travel-related dream and a water-related dream, but since most of the activity was with water, it's listed here. As the train was travelling all around, I was swimming around in the tops of train cars, which were filled with water and without deadly monsters like crocs, piranahs [sp.?], etc.. I was having quite a bit of fun playing in the water, which was of various colors, mostly of greens and blue-greens. Most of what happened in this dream is well-forgotten, but an image of it still remains very clear in my mind.

Dream 2-11: Ship at sea at night

Around mid 2003 or so, I had a dream in which I was exploring a huge ship with metallic decks coming around the sides. It was at night with the stars out. There was hardly any light, but my eyes have adjusted to the darkness. In this weird dream, I climbing high and low around this ship even occasionally jumping into the ocean water below. The area was dark so I couldn't tell what color the water was besides black and transparent. I think that there were quite a few others in this dream. This dream covered practically the entire ship and the surface of the ocean which had some medium-small-sized waves.

Dream 2-12: River park land

In late 2002 or early 2003, I had a very peaceful dream. This dream featured a gigantic area, probably around two miles or so from edge to edge. It was surrounded by high mountains on all sides. In the interior, there were a ton of rivers and lakes, all of a pretty blue color. About 30 to 40% of this land was water. All of the water was very calm with very light currents [rivers didn't have much more than even 1 mph currents]. This area was packed with a bunch of humans playing around in the water. Many of the lakes were in high regions typically about six feet from the main area. This dream was a lot of fun and had a lot of exploration involved. Though I don't know if any special abilities were involved, I do think I had 20-foot jumps back then.

As the dream started, I was walking along in this area and suddenly met this one guy playing in one of the rivers about waist deep. This guy was friendlier than friendly could get. He offered to show me around the area. After walking around in this huge area for quite a bit, I eventually took a break and went into the water with the guy. Though I don't remember much what happened, the scenery is this dream is extremely well-remembered. If only I had a quick way to produce an image in great detail, I'd post one easily.

Dream 2-13: Barrels to the down under

Occurring in an unknown time, probably mid-2003, there was a dream that had a deep secret area, virtually invisible or undetectable to most. As I was moving along, I suddenly saw a big group of barrels. Since I liked heights, I got up onto those barrels. Suddenly, I started to slip but, not only did I fall back to ground level again, I kept on falling. Deeper and deeper I went until, all of a sudden, I fell into this weird cave with water, clearer than clear can get which was about three to four feet deep with areas where it reached 6 feet to up to 7 feet.

Feeling I was trapped, I walked around in this area to look for an exit. When I had this dream, I couldn't quite swim yet. While walking, I tried to keep as high as I couldn't, as, too low I may end up in a deep spot. Just a short while later, I reached an area to the north which had a few humans in there having fun in the water.

Most of this dream just featured a tour of this weird area and I can't recall if I ever got back to ground level. The dream was quite a bit of fun, but I was a little worried if I could get back or otherwise....

Dream 2-14: Neighborhood pond

Within an identical time frame to dream 2-13, but just a few days after, I had a rather fun and peaceful dream in which my neighborhood actually had a pond in a grassy field. My real neighborhood doesn't, but the dream did.

As I came out of my house one day, I was walking along and, unsure of it, probably using some of the common special abilities I'm aware of like gliding, 90-foot jumps, etc.. Some time into this dream, I suddenly saw a pond in a grassy field. The grass was of a brilliant green color. I walked over to the area and saw some humans playing around in that pond. It was quite deep and much like a miniature lake. The water seemed quite clean, just a few bits of grass here and there and that's about it. I decided to head back to my house, get my swim suit, headed back then go into the warm water. I can't really recall much of what happened, however.

3. Nightmares

Though nightmares are almost entirely blocked by my guardian spirits, I do get some. Nightmares usually occur on a triennial or quadrennial basis meaning that I get one usually once every 3 or 4 years. My guardian spirits help me on reducing this frequency by blocking some of the bad stuff in the dreams. It's like watching an R-rated movie, but I watch the movie as if it was rated PG because much of the bad stuff is removed. Currently, as of Aug 1, 2004, the nightmare is past due....

Dream 3-1: The deadly experiment

One dream I can recall was a bit horrifying, I don't think it's safe to mention the full details on it, even though I can recall it quite clearly four years later. I'll, however, give some basics. This dream featured someone actually having to live in a pool of water. He couldn't get out of it, otherwise something bad would happen to him [hint: he'll lose some hit points†‡ until he gets back in again]. I think that this is about all I can mention. It's pretty scary, but luckily for my guardian spirits, especially Speed, the dream's worst effects were blocked, Speed says it could've grown into a real nightmare. Even though this dream was recorded around 2000, I can recall it very well [even 4 years later!], almost the entire story line!

Dream 3-2: Another dream kept secret due to script usage

A second one, during June or July of 1999, when my script, "The Rise of Atlantis", was in the works [writing it that is], is kept secret as it's used in the modified version of this script.

Dream 3-3: The disease

This dream occured toward the end of August of 2004, when my luck was at dangerously low levels, deep in the negatives (from the luck graph). It over a year past due from the usual 3 or 4 years time it takes that I usually end up getting a nightmare. The last one I had was in June or July of 1999, based on dream 3-2, so this one took 5 years to occur again, well past due. Indeed, I had a dream, fun at first, that gradually became a night mare.

The dream took place in a city during day. I was hopping around gliding around and having all sorts of fun. My parents were in this dream, but only at the beginning. After the fun, I was waiting by a building waiting for my mom to get some groceries (this was during the time in which I was nearly out of food and mom refused to get me some). She was taking too long so I went in after her. I found her but then I started realizing minor pains making movement a little tough. When she finally finished, she drove me home.

At home, I was playing around a little, but having difficulties. Sometime later in this dream, during evening with an orange-like sky where the Sun was setting, I was having a lot of difficulties moving around. I started to head into the forest nearby (my home state lacks forests as far as I know, so this took place outside my home state). I glid most of my way there as it was faster (gliding allows 800 mph tops speed).

When in the forest, it was night. I dropped down onto the ground after stopping normally. I landed fairly softly as I didn't have much height. I walked around a bit, listening to owls hooting and other monsters making small noises. I was sort of lost but I eventually became disorientated and unable to see where I was going. Later on, I fell to the ground and couldn't get up on my own. I slid along the ground until I passed out for good.

Luckily this was just a dream and not reality. The ending part was extremely scary and frightening, and I sort of have an idea what it's like to die from this odd dream.

4. Travel-related dreams

Because of my high interest in Hawaii and the Bahamas and a major feature of what my mind game can do, travel has been a highly liked activity. I've got many dreams featuring the glide ability through my home town, others take place far from home and almost all have the glide ability being used in one way or another.

Dream 4-1: Exploration of my home town on a shopping trip

I also had a dream in which I was to take a trip into my home town and get some stuff. This dream was a fun one, even though it occurred sometime around July of 2003. I was gliding all around my home town in every which direction getting to speeds that are just plain massive. Instead of going something like 200 mph as I haven't seen in any other dream except this one, I think there were some speeds around half the speed of sound, more around 350 to 400 mph! In thid dream I had some money to spend. I needed to get something for my mother and wanted to look around for myself. This dream featured no mud like most of my recorded dreams, rather, it was an ordinary one, with the exception of the special abilities, especially gliding. Because, even though I've lived in my home town for well over a decade, I don't know where everything is, I spent more time searching for where the buildings were. This dream occured when I didn't have the address locating trick††† I have today. That is, I had a hard time finding where everything was. Finding home was real easy, once I finished everything. This dream also featured another ability not seen any any other dream - compressing matter by putting it "inside" your chest‡††.

Dream 4-2: Getting left behind on a trip to Bismarck, ND

One other travel-related dream was that of when my family was going to take me to a city about 110 miles south of where I live. However, I got left out because I failed to do something then glid the way myself to the city they were heading to, 110 miles south of where I live. I arrived far before they did [going 800 mph most of the time instead of a puny ol' 65 or 70, which makes the 2-hour trip last about 15 minutes, [plus some time needed to accelerate to 800 mph at 5 mph per second]. In this dream, I got a bit scared when I was about to cross a mile-and-a-half-wide lake, but it was no biggie. It only takes about 7 seconds to cross it, not much to worry about. However, stopping was an issue. I just found a long straight away, got close to it, and started making puffs [dust stirred up from stopping by sliding on the ground].

Dream 4-3: The Master Minds

May 2, 2004 was the date in which I had a dream relating to travel. It's the most direct travel-related dream I've had. Though it's a bit scary, there were two master criminals trying to destroy my house and I went after them using my glide ability. The full details can be read, including a story that is 98% in tact the way it was in my dream. The beginning part is the only minus in which I couldn't remember. To read the story, click here.

Dream 4-4: A mysterious Denver, Colorado

On June 12, 2004, I had another dream, this dream featured travel to Denver, Colorado. While riding in one of the vehicles my family owns, I was watching out the window. I was travelling along a highway headed away from Denver. I don't remember what happened while in Denver, however. The part I remember is when driving away from Denver. Out the window of the vehicle, I saw no mountains for some reason. I looked all around in a full circle and not one mountain was visible and the scenery didn't look so foggy. After a ways into the dream, there was all of a sudden a big dip to a point that's really low and to my surprise, there were a bunch of mountains in this area. This dream seemed to have many similarities of my part of the world [my home area] and Denver. The land was flat until that big dip. It was weird and made very little sense. I wonder if this dream symbolizes travel to Denver? I'd like to go myself, just about any place is of interest, especially the mountains.

Dream 4-5: Rainy time portal in the Bahamas

Sometime around 1999 or 2000, I've had a dream in which I was in the Bahamas, one of the major places I'd like to visit. In this strange dream, I was exploring the area. This dream seemed to have taken place in the future, probably about the year 2010. While I was at an outdoor restaurant, one where you eat outside, there was a rainstorm that suddenly swept through the area. The rainstorm was giving off so much rain, something I've never seen in North Dakota where I live, that you couldn't see much more than 500 feet in front of you. I was underneath something, likely an awning [sp.?] while the rain was going on. Also, in this dream there was a strange object near the wall out where it was raining. It resembled some sort of portal. I went out into the rain and walked through the portal. As I did, I appeared at the other end of the restaurant's outdoor area. Now there were some humans eating at the tables, even though it was still raining. I went through the portal again and saw things as if they suddenly jumped likely from a sudden jump in time. Each time I went through the portal, I jumped 15 minutes into the future. I didn't get to see the surroundings [like the beaches, scenic routes, etc.], however, but this dream was nice.

Dream 4-6: The out-of-control car

In another dream, I was lost in a large city. The city was like New York, Los Angeles, etc. as it was very large, but no idea which city I was in. As I was driving around apparently looking for something, the car somehow grew a mind of it's own. Since I could no longer control the car, I tried to get out. While stopped at a red light trapped by other traffic, I got out of the uncontrollable car and jumped up about 90 feet high. As the traffic started moving again, my "evil" car made an illegal turn [this turn is a right turn far from the right-turn lane or the right-most side of the road, in fact, the car was near the center.] and held up traffic. I followd this car around the city gliding. Though I lost it a few times, the special drawing on the top of it distinguished it from other cars. Though I don't remember this dream fully, it occured On July 20, 2004.

Dream 4-7: Travelling between states on log raft

In late 1995 or early 1996, I had a dream featuring a log raft going down river. I was on this log raft and had some supplies with me like food and the such. As this dream went on, I was travelling between states. This was the time in which I thought blue water was extremely dangerous, even touching it was dangerous. The river was fast-moving, however, it was gentle and hardly rocked the log raft. It didn't have any barrier walls so if I wasn't careful, I'd fall into the "deadly" blue water. I don't remember the exact size of the log raft, but playing this dream in my mind game, it seems to be about 5 or 6 feet wide by about 8 or so feet long. I was pretty close to the center of it almost all the time. If I remember right, I travelled through one entire state though this dream covered 3 states. The exact states covered are uncertain. This is the dream that sparked the idea for my story-writing career starting the script, "The Story of the Wonderful Adventure".

Dream 4-8: Secret cavern

In one dream in which I can recall happening probably around early 2003, I was in a cave that very much resembled a standard building. The building kept going down lower and lower. In this dream, I was with a group of tourists and a main leader. This odd building had a movie theater in there, and, at the very end, a cave with a pool of water going down 200 or so feet.

The leader told the tourists that there is believed to be a secret treasure down there. I don't remember it exactly like what kind of treasure. I looked over the edge and I saw something of a dark bronze-like color. The pathway here was quite small on all sides making scuba diving down there rather tough. A normal, unprotected human could easily get down there. I don't remember what, exactly happened next.

Dream 4-9: A secret basement with wonders

Though I have written a story based solely on this dream, I can still recall many scenes of it. It started probably around early 2003 or late 2002. A group of three humans were exploring a bit then stumble across a strange area. They go down into this secret basement. After fighting some water, figuring out what secret symbols stand for, and getting in to really old rooms left untouched for decades, this dream was a perfect story for a good movie that might actually sell.

I can still recall the story plot extremely well. Images of scenes in this dream are still very clear and high res with little distortion: colors, positioning, texture, everything is still quite clear. If I can recall correctly, the group was exploring the rooms area for several hours having a lot of fun when they would be skipping school. Given the time frame, it's still very incredible that I can recall this dream so much in tact as it is. The second-place winner is dream 2-9 and the third-place winner is dream 4-3.

Dream 4-10: Ice dolphin park

Occuring toward the end of July of 2004, I had a rather cold, but interesting dream. I was on a trip to a part of the world that is icy. Ice water lined much of the area and I was in this one house made of rubber-like gigantic puzzle pieces. The house was very sturdy and was like an ice aquarium, only on the surface.

As I explored the area, I was walking around looking at all the nice designs. Though much of this dream has been forgotten, there was a nice-looking lobby much like that of a school with a brown carpet and a few pictures hanging on the wall. A few times in this dream, I saw a dolphin jump out of the water and fall right back in. It was a nice sight, and the dolphins were of a light grayish color, approximately D0D0C0 in color. When the dolphins did their jump, I could see the waves of the ocean cause the platforms I was on to sway up and down with the waves. It was a very stable area and it was neat.

Later in this dream, when tourists wanted to leave, including myself, I realized that much of the ice has melted and that there was no real way to get back but swimming in the icy water. The staff got out some more of those rubber puzzle piece platforms and laid them out so tourists can exit including myself. The ice was about 50 or so feet out making it very tough to actually get back. The platforms helped, but only one human can go on them without them sinking. Past here, I probably woke up.

Dream 4-11: The haunted restaurant

In early or mid-September of 2004, I had a rather scary, but a little fun dream. The dream featured an Indian guy who was rather friendly that loved to explore. The dream took place in a restaurant and was haunted. 3 attempts (unsure on quantity) were made to try to flood the restaurant, but strangely enough, no water really got inside. The Indian guy feared the water effect and escaped from the restaurant. I followed after another, even worse flooding attempt.

Outside, the what Indian guy stood in a shallow part of a river and watched fish. He later goes downstream exploring. If you want the full story behind this dream, go here.

5. Other weird dreams

Some dreams are just plain bizarre but don't fit any of the other more-common categories, so I placed dreams related to the uncategorized in here. Many of which are often used in my stories I write, these are not included.

Dream 5-1: The rocking school

One of which is that of my most hated school***. It was a building of 3 stories high, plus a basement [maybe a subbasement, but not sure]. In this weirdest of all dreams still recalled unusually clearly nearly 3 years later, the building all of a sudden started to rock and sway back and forth [very little wind [5 to 10 mph] and quakes don't occur in my area and fair weather conditions [don't remember the exact conditions]. In this wacky dream, while classes have just ended, I was sent to detention because I was very late for class [If I was to follow the 1-second late rule, that is, if you were 1 second late for class or later, you had to serve detention. If I were to go to this, every day would have 4 hours or more of detention. The hallways were too crowded and the stairs cut my speed by about 85%, but only the end of the school day was mentioned at it's earliest.

By the end of the detention period, when most students have left the area, the school, for no reason, suddenly started to rock back and forth as if there was an earthquake. In my region on the Earth, earthquakes don't occur [magnitude 1 on the greatest likely]. The outside ground wasn't shaking rapidly either. The floor was steady but the walls were constantly moving around swaying lightly.

No one could get out of the building as the doors have been locked and sealed well. In this dream, I had the many special abilities I mention often, except spell-casting. This included the 91 2/3-foot jumps [20 in this dream [this version is now 29 1/3 in my mind game‡†]] gliding the fall-glide†† especially. The detention room I was in was on the third of 3 floors. When detention was over with, I raced to get out of the building as quickly as possible. I don't remember if I had that mean "evil" teacher following or otherwise, so let's say that she wasn't there. To go down the stairs, I used the fall-glide. On the lowest floor, I tried to get out but noticed that the doors were locked. The streets were still but the building was swaying like crazy on the inside. After realizing I was stuck inside, I went up again jumping up all the stairs, but then, one of the students heard water and went downstairs to look. It was very dark down there, and, not knowing it, stepped into the water. He/she raced up telling everyone that the basement was flooding. The flooding continued as time went on and the building was swaying ever-more-increasingly.

Much past this point, I don't remember the dream much. I do know that there was a bathroom scene and that, after quite some time, the building stopped swaying. This was, by far, the most bizzarre dream I've had with the mud dreams following closely behind. I haven't had those in a long time.

Dream 5-2: The nighttime storm

One more dream I had was that of a storm. In it, a storm was forming and I was outside playing around - gliding trying to pick up speed as usual. It was night with all the pretty stars around. What happened in this dream is not well-known, but I do know that the storm arrived a bit earlier than expected and about 4th level green on Doppler Radar†‡†.

Dream 5-3: School bully battle

May 12, 2004 marked a time in which I had a battle-related dream. Starting with bullies††‡ following me everywhere trying to get me, I used my special abilities to escape from them every time with the help of a few non-bullies. Though stairs were a major obstacle, my 90-foot jumps got rid of the stairs problem*. It was a long, endless battle to keep away from the bullies, though I did have a few close calls. For the full details on what went on, read the story I wrote, which is 82% accurate to what really happened. The story is more complete because I added some stuff to make it sound better. The idea of the story has been left alone, however.

Dream 5-4: The water-wanting scooter

June 10, 2004 was the time of another dream, this time relating to a more mechanical level. In this dream, I was riding a scooter [a battery-powered one] through my home town. First, I was exploring the northern edge of the city where I lived, close to where I live. There was also another time in which I was exploring an area due west of where I was around 7th and 8th avenues. Dirt roads everywhere and a few pools of water.

Suddenly, the scooter started to act weird and I could hardly control it. I was in a grassy area when this happened. Just as I started to head back home, somehow, forward became reverse, right became left, left became forward, etc.. After every second or so, the controls changed. It was as if the scooter just wanted a bath. Trying to fight it, it crept closer and closer to the waist-deep water hole. The water looked unusually clear, but as it got within a few feet from the water, I stopped everything.

Fearing that the scooter would end up in the water and being destroyed, I decided to get off and push it away. It helped, but the controls were still so screwed up. I tried again and, as before, it crept closer to that water. I repeated this like 4 times until I gave up on it.

Giving up, I decided to put the forward motion at full speed. It headed right for the water, but, before I could stop it, the forward got stuck. Splash went the scooter and myself. That scooter weighed roughly 40 or so pounds so it was very hard for me to lift [50 pounds is my absolute limit]. The water was estimated to be about 75°F, a bit chilly, so I had to work fast or freeze. Being barely able to lift the scooter, I got it out of the water in about 8 or so minutes. The real hard spot was trying to get it back onto the land. Buoyancy only helped while the scooter was in the water, but in the air, it's much harder to move around. I then got out of the water and started to walk home with the scooter.

Though I tried a few times more, it didn't work all as well as the scooter's controls were still very screwy. All it tried to do was appearantly head for the nearest water pool. There was one final dip in the water, but a different pool. Because this one was in shade, I got out of it right away and pulled the scooter out. Eventually, I did after about 15 minutes then I arrived home a bit drenched.

Dream 5-5: Swimming in oil

Sometime during 2002, I had probably one of the weirdest dreams yet. In this dream, there was a 7- or 8-story building. There was a pool of what looked like oil. It was greasy and slimy and sort of blackish-brown in color sort of like oil. It was about 3 feet deep and in this dream, there was a group playing around in it. I don't recall if I was in this dream or not, but I don't think I was.

Dream 5-6: Returning to Y-camp

In 2003, I had a dream relating to the return of Y-Camp‡‡†. This dream featured a Y-camp that was a completely different region than the one I went to. Around it was a small swamp with grass growing from the bottom of the water, a waterfall about 125 to 150 feet high [in which you actually go canoeing over], and the housing area looks far different. Instead of old wooden buildings that were fairly large, this dream had a main house, which was about 1/3 the area of a standard room [a standard room is about 12 feet by 12 feet, which would make this house 7 feet by 7 feet [Why 7 instead of 4? Here's why: 12×12=144 ft2. 144÷3=48. 48.5~7 feet per side]]. There were some other buildings, but I don't remember them. At some point, I was playing around getting ready to go canoeing down a river. After a while, I came across a water fall and went down it.

Dream 5-7: The six key-run theme parks

On August 3, 2004, I had a fairly interesting theme-park related dream. In this dream, everything took place indoors [as there were carpets] and it was quite dark. Not even the rides had lights on them to light up the area. There were six different parks, one on each floor. The bottom floor had baby rides, those that don't go all that fast, don't get you up that high and so on. The park just above this one on the second floor had better rides, but were a little more expensive. The third park above the second was even better but more expensive. There were six parks in all. This dream featured only the first three.

I think that, to buy a key to ride the rides on the first level costed about $20, but you can ride them indefinitely without limitations. There were no ride operators on any rides. All you had to do was activate them by putting your key in the key hole, twist the key and push a button. If you bought the third level key, you could ride any of the rides on the first, second, and third levels, but only look around on the fourth, fifth, and sixth levels. The second level key costed, I think $30 and the third was $50. You could only rent the key for a week in this dream, which is remarkably similiar to the purpose of the Megaride Pass of the North Dakota State Fair.

This dream was focused on the ferris wheel. The third floor's ferris wheel took you up, I think, about 80 to 90 feet above everything. The first floor took you up about 50 to 60 feet. I wonder if the sixth floor took you up to about 200 feet.

As the story started, I bought a key for level one rides. I used the key to run the ferris wheel and, I think, one or two other rides. Not being that much interested in the first level rides, I upgraded the key to a level two key. I went on the second floor and went on the ferris wheel and probably another ride. At the end of the dream, I upgraded to the level three key where I just about ran out of money. I went on the third floor and the third-level ferris wheel. Some time later, the dream ended.

Dream 5-8: The escape from the baddies

On August 25, 2004, I had a fun, but a little scary, dream. At the beginning, I was driving a truck. Suddenly, the truck got a mind of it's own and I could not control it in any way except steering it. After a short battle with the truck, I managed to park it, turn it off and get out of it.

Home was a ways away so I glid most of the way there. I encountered a few obstacles and realized that some bad guys were after me. With a lot of gliding, I finally managed to get home. For the full story behind this entire dream, go here. The story is 94% in tact enhanced with my mind game a little bit.

Dream 5-9: The underbuilding

Probably occurring in 2002, this dream is the least remembered, except scenes from it. In this vaguely remembered dream, I was in a building, which was deep underground, which had light cyan-colored walls, approximately 80A0FF in color. I have no idea what happened in this dream at all, and I only have one scene from it remembered, but the coloring is pretty poor and hard to judge distances and where things are....

Dream 5-10: The sleepover

This dream occurred on probably July of 2004. It took place on a misty night in some weird area with a lot of right angles. It was so misty that you couldn't see the Moon well but you could feel it. Here, a big group of humans were sleeping all together (myself included). We carried a bunch of sleeping bags and things like that. There was a high area and a low area. I happened to be in the good zone, the high area with better views.

What actually happened in this dream, that I don't know. It's vaguely remembered, except for some scenes from it and that's about it.

As a side note, because the list of water dreams is getting extremely long, I may have to break them off of this page and make a new category for dreams, just like I've already done with my mud dreams page....

Timeline: [note: Although they may be out of order, the first 4 are basically school-related. The last ones that follow is an entire year's [or 2 year's] worth in events.]

My basic information
My favorites
My mysterious dreams
My mud dreams
Other dreams
My major fears
Jan 1984 - May 1996
Mar 1996 - Oct 1997
Oct 1997 - Nov 1997
Jun 1996 - Jul 1997
Jul 1998 - Jan 2001
Jan 2001 - Dec 2001
Jan 2002 - Dec 2003
Jan 2004 - Dec 2005

* Though most would think that I could just simply walk up the stairs, I'm unable to in the normal way because of some mysterious feeling I get before doing it the right way. To learn more, read section 4 here.
** This is an exact color notation used to precisely identify a color to extreme accuracy. To find this exact color, read this or use the color-changing table.
*** This school is the same one mentioned on this part of my history and is called "Central Campus".
Spell-casting is explained very well here.
The glide ability is something used both in my mind game and stories. It allows constant acceleration at 5 mph per second to up to 800 mph top speed. It's almost like flying but utilizes gravity to pull you forward, not down. It becomes ineffective in mediums at 1.4 atmospheres [the density of the atmosphere at sea level times 1.4; drag can be entirely eliminated up to this density. This means that gliding will not work underwater effectively [the faster you go, the slower your deceleration is, again, limited to 800 mph.].
†† The fall-glide, seemingly similar to the normal glide, is used in my mindgame mostly rarely in my stories. This ability reduces the force of gravity, but eliminates drag with mediums up 1.4 atmospheres. It allows constant acceleration to be at 5 mph per second. Glide is used for forward acceleration, but the fall-glide is used to cut down on the falling acceleration.
‡† My mind game is a like a very complex adventure simulator. You can read all about it's complexity in fairly simple terms here.
†‡ Hit points are the life force of a living thing [definition 2]. For more details, read section 3 here.
‡‡ The color system isn't just for the six digits, instead, it's expanded out to a full twelve digits. The next two past the usual six is that of transparency. 00 means that it is absolutely transparent, and FF is fully visible, common to most objects. 40 is quite transparent, however it's also quite visible.
††† You can learn this address trick and help you locate uncertain places more easily, by reading this tip.
ࠠ You might think that compressing matter is impossible. In fact, you can compress your house into practically nothing. The reason why is because atoms are mostly empty space.
†‡† If you don't know what this means, it's a fairly light storm. If you've seen weather forecasts on TV, 4th level green is the fourth darkest green, about 2/3 of the way from the lightest green to yellow. This is based on what it is on my local stations as it may be a bit different with other stations.
††‡ I've had bullies mostly around my 5th grade year. They've done so many mean things to me that it seems ridiculous. This was the time in which most of my 60 unique bullies came in. To learn more, read section 4 here and section 4 here.
‡‡† Y-camp, also known as Triangle YMCA Camp or just YMCA Camp, is a special program for kids up to age, I think, 16 in which you can do various outdoor activities like swimming, windsurfing, sailing, riflery, archery, etc.. It's a special program that the YMCA does [not sure if it exists in other states outside North Dakota] that I've been to twice. You can read about the first experience I had here and the second experience in section 2 here.