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What are the basics of (guardian) spirits?

1. Introduction

This page gives you the general information I have about spirits and how I see it. It may help you, but isn't fully neccessary to know.

Guardian spirits are beings with supernatural power [often with a level no less than 800*]. [Guardian] spirits, often abbreviated "GS" [only within this section of my site], come in 4 classes, each given a number from 1 to 4. Also, [guardian] spirits are not well-known.

Guardian spirits [or just spirits] come in 4 classes most likely to be determined by the spirit's level. Though I don't know the level specifics, I do know what the characteristics for each class are.

2. Class 1 GS

Class 1 GS are of the weakest most likely from levels 1 [with 0 experience**] to probably a nonillion*** [1E30] or so. They cost very little spell power to call. Calling them isn't fully understood. I do it by mental communication. Here are the specs of Class 1 GS:

3. Class 2 GS

Class 2 GS are significantly stronger, but still weak in the standards of spirits. Though they seem to have extremely supernatural statistics, these are babies to what the highest class of GS are. They take 80 spell power to call, still not that big of a hazard unless you use lots of special abilities extensively. Their levels are typically from the nonillions to probably around the before the hypernatural level group, or before level 10 duotrigintillion, 1E100 . Here are the specs of Class 2 GS compared to class 1:

4. Class 3 GS

Class 3 GS are very powerful, but still not the strongest. Though they are supernatural to even Class 2 GS, they are still weak by most standards of what can be achieved. In a sense, they are babies to Class 4 GS. The levels of Class 3 GS range from 10 duotrigintillion to anywhere from 1E600 to 1E900 [this is not known on what it really is, this is just a guess on the high limit]. Because the stats "max" out at 9.99999E99, the actual value is very hard to tell and has been theorized by Speed, one of my three GS. This list is the specs of Class 3 GS versus Class 2:

5. Class 4 GS

Class 4 GS are the ultimate class not only because they have the "oddest" stats with "err" appearing quite often, but they quite commonly have "infinity" as a value with intellect nearing it's maximum of 999,999,999. These guardian spirits are seemingly always in their spiritual world. More about the spiritual world will be discussed later. Here are the specs of the ultimate class of GS:

As you can see, GS come in many varieties, including mine. You can learn more about them by clicking the links at the bottom of the page before the footnotes.

6. The physical and spiritual worlds

There are two kinds of worlds. The one humans know most about by a long shot is the physical world that we live in. Just next door [and I mean it], is the spiritual world where spirits live. Both worlds look *exactly* alike, but they have a large difference, according to Speed, one of my GS. These two images describe the physical-spirital world differences†‡.

On the left image, you'll see what looks completely normal for a house. On the second image, things may look weird. Those little "extra" doors are actually portals that let spirits warp from location A to location B seemingly instantly. My GS, Speed, theorizes that they allow you to travel at the speed of light toward your location but with control over it. Spirits don't weigh anything nor they are not mass [thus have no hit points due to the first law of hit points†† giving them immunity from the physical world], so this speed of light travel has no effect on them [Yet, spirits are generally immune to gravity [or absorb it‡†] giving them an even greater advantage of this.]. Yes, humans do sort of exist in the spiritual world, but here, they have a seemingly infinite number of hit points [this statement is questioned]. When we die, it is believed that we go into the spiritual world from the physical world. Things from the spiritual world in the spiritual world are not immune to damage fully [which is why Sliat and Speed have hit points]. In the spiritual world, things that apparently have no mass do giving them hit points. You do know that things in the physical world have hit points so they do take damage as you should know.

7. Calling GS

Very little is known on how to call a [guardian] spirit. It is believed that it can be done through a special ability and strong mental communication. I can't go in any more detail than this as so little is known.

Ever wonder how Nostradomus accurately predicted the future? Well, I believe that it is because he had the neccessary abilities and the related and called a spirit [probably a mid-class 2 or higher]. This spirit he called gave him the information about what'll happen in the future. Yet, because of what apparently seems to be "standards" of the time he was in, he had to highly encode his "predictions" probably because of some religious thing that they had back then. I say that I'm about 60 to 75% sure that this is accurate to how he did so.

To learn about my guardian spirits now, click any of the links below:

home page of spirits
GS basics
Speed's basics
Knuckles' basics
Sliat's basics
My guardian spirit's home "planet"

* Level is generally how strong an ability is. To learn all about it, refer to sections 2 and 6 here.
** Experience is what is needed to gain levels or become stronger. To learn all about experience as well as how much experience is needed to level up from one level to another, read section 6 here.
*** A nonillion is a very large number name equal to 1E30, which is a 1 followed by 30 zeros. To get the complete list on all these large number names from the millions and billions you know to the centillions and beyond, refer to the FAQ page.
Spell power is the amount of energy available for use of special abilities. To learn all about it, read section 3 here.
A duodecillion is 1E99, which is a 1 followed by 99 zeros.
†† The laws of hit points are described in sections 4 and 5 here.
‡† These are properties of the ten elements. To learn all about the ten elements in detail, read this short report.
†‡ The image on the left [the first image], is a view I took of my mind game‡‡. Through Speed's knowledge and a high-spell power run of my mind game, I was barely able to see what he's saying about. Though it is only 5% accurate [by estimation], these images describe the differences between the two worlds as accurately as I can describe.
‡‡ My mind game is a very complex [and I mean it if I can do what footnote †‡ explains] furistic-like video-game I play in my mind often. To learn all it's specs and details, read all about it here.
††† The hypernatural level group is beyond the supernatural level group. You can learn more about the hypernatural level group in section 5 here.