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What are your guardian spirits like?

Please note: understanding this area is minimal, and is not all that important. It isn't cross-referenced to much, though, if you've read my stories, you may want to read this section to get an in-depth view of Speed and Knuckles.

I have 3 guardian spirits [or GS for short, only used in this section of my site], Speed, my strongest class 4 GS, Knuckles, my class 3 GS, and Sliat, my weak class 1 GS. These classes are explained in the "GS basics" page.

To get an understanding on guardian spirits, or spirits in general, it is recommended that you read the "GS basics" page first. To learn about Speed, Knuckles, and Sliat, the individual pages that follow explain most everything.

home page of spirits
GS basics
Speed's basics
Knuckles' basics
Sliat's basics
My guardian spirit's home "planet"

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