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Who is Knuckles? What is this guardian spirit like?

Knuckles is a lot like Speed, only Knuckles is far stronger than Speed with abilities as Knuckles' abilities are much more mature than Speed's [a higher level*]. However, his stats aren't as good as Speed's, but one thing for sure is: his defense. With infinity, he's immune to everything in both the physical and spiritual world. However, he's still not truely immune. Any attack that deals infinity hit points of damage would take him out. Knuckles is the biggest in size of my 3 guardian spirits.

Knuckles' stats aren't as impressive as Speed's, however he's got a much more powerful set of abilities than Speed does. This table below tells you of Knuckles' stats [if you've read the this part of the Status System report, you might be familiar with these.]:

ATK83274872SPD1.36284E17RAT< 1*
MAG999999999HP??? ††BALOO

Table footnotes:
* Because of the properties of the stats, values less than .5 would be rounded to 0 and this would make it not correct. To solve this, the stats display "<1" which means "less than 1". His actual value is about a trillionth, or, more precisely, 2.183E-12.
** The OO symbol represents "infinity".
*** This is the lowest Knuckles' EVA can go. With 63 EVA pluses, it'll be errored.
END is over 9.99999E99 and cannot be determined because of the maxed defense.
MAG and SPR both max out at 999,999,999.
†† Because Knuckles' defense is maxed out, he is immune to cure spells and cure spells** are the way to tell and since he's immune to them, HP cannot be determined and estimates are the hardest to make on this stat.
‡† Spell power is directly related to magic and level. Because Knuckles' level is about 1E800, his spell power is about the same but 10% higher as 1.1E800.
†‡ Knuckles' level is over the limit. He estimates it to be 1E800.
Knuckles is on the boundary of classes 3 and 4, but he's still a 3. At his rate, it might be another 200 years before he reaches the ultimate class. Yet, if you think that's impressive, try his other statistics that I have:

Age:Born on June 13, 1684 making him about 319.85 years old [as of Apr 20, 2004]
Gender:Neither male nor female and not both, though he's often called a "he"
Hair:Knuckles has no hair [spirits have no hair in general], but his outer edges of him look fuzzy simulating hair; if he had hair, it would be about an inch long
Eye color:Not known
Type of creature:Spirit taking the shape of a human
Height:About 25 1/3 inches tall
Arm length:About 21 inches
Width:About 8 inches
Primary jobs:Giving me tips and tricks to doing things; helping Speed guard his planet*
Main interests:Fighting enemies, challenging his friend, Speed to tournaments with their own created monsters, and exploring the universe
Skin color:9000C0, an orchid color**
Special abilities:Converter III [allows him to convert nearby energy into SP, HP, and energy], bust light speed barrier [allows him to pass the speed of light as if nothing happens; most spirits come with this], ultima6 [the strongest attacking spell]***, 63xplusabl [allows him to equip 63 plus abilities at once with all taking effect† and ‡ and ††], and slot+5015 [allows him to gain another 5015 equip slots for equipping abilities]
Equip slots:Learning: 3417 | | Use: 5062
Spirit class:3 almost to 4

Table footnotes:
* You can learn more about Speed's home planet, Korona, by going here.
** These hexadecimal codes describe exact colors. To learn how to find the exact color, read sections 2 and 3 here.
*** Ultima6 is one of the quintillions of spells that theoretically are said to exist. To learn all about it, see it's spell effects, and all about the spell system, click here.
Plus abilities are special abilities that raise a specific stat by a percentage determined by the ability's level. To learn all about plus abilities, read section 7 here.
Normally, only two plus abilities [only going toward the same stat; you can have 5 plus abilities all taking effect if they go to multiple stats] will take effect and others don't do anything, even if equipped. 63xplusabl allows 63 plus abilities of the same stat to all take effect giving huge improvements. Good thing those 5015 extra slots he gets are of good use.
†† Equipping abilities is a bit of a mystery on how it's done. To learn about this, refer to this page.

Knuckles sure loves his abilities, doesn't he? To learn all about Speed, Sliat, or Speed's home planet, refer to these links below [minus the footnotes]:

home page of spirits
GS basics
Speed's basics
Knuckles' basics
Sliat's basics
My guardian spirit's home "planet"

* Level is a status term. To learn all about levels, Go here.
** The cure spell is used to restore 95% of the target's hit points. To learn more about it, see it's spells effect, and about the spell system in general, check this report out.