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What crazy things do I do on my mindgame for entertainment?

There are many strange things I do like running into a wall at 800 mph and fly up sky high from it if there was a slope to more bizarre things like participating in a popular TV show, especially one case I had with Junk Yard Wars. This one's too long to add here, so it's going to be featured in the stories list with others. I could do any of the following [WARNING: some of these are VERY FUNNY!]:

  1. cruise the world sky high at 800 mph by gliding over everything
  2. try to get over 30,000 feet above the ground [it looks funny below at that height!*]
  3. create events and "showoff" my powers
  4. find or create "monsters" like preditors and take them out by ice, ultima6**, etc.
  5. find quicksand and play in it
  6. visit Hawaii and/or the Bahamas and view the scenery from far above [nice views!]
  7. find hidden treasures by constant spells
  8. jump from building to building in huge cities using nothing more than just one jump in mid-air [gliding allowed]
  9. watch the weather go by at 32x normal speed [!]
  10. jump around like crazy as if going berserk
  11. jump into a tornado and fly up very high from it with a fall-glide-hop***.
  12. playing in the olympics and "cheating" with the special abilities
  13. running across the US in a great race at 800 mph crashing into rocks, trees, making "puffs" over the edge, making the raceway a crash course leaving the athletes far behind while doing so too [although it slows you down, the average speed is nearly 100 mph anyway, and this is on the slow end!]
  14. running across the ocean rather than swimming across in races
  15. when cooking, cast duplicate on a favorite and confuse the cooks over unknown additions
  16. breaking something, then wasting a cure spell on it to fix it again
  17. copying 4500 files on a 2.88 MB triangluar or hexagonal floppy disk [!?] created from a create spell
  18. making exact copies of something such as rare gems or money [coins only]
  19. go to a restaurant and instead of ordering ten things for a group, order only one and cast duplicate on the items to get 100% free meals
  20. doing strange things with other athletes as well
  21. finding someone in trouble such as a slave from the early 1800's and power them up to a level beyond a power house and continue.
  22. Changing someone's mind by a spell and get it so that he/she jumps in mud water and swims. Then I get him/her out and cast "undo" on him/her as if he/she never went in; sometimes a "heal" spell is needed to remove status effects, if any.
  23. Make a duplicate of a battery and put a magnet against the duplicate. Delete the duplicate and make another clean, full battery by another duplicate process. Repeat this process until the magnet turns too thunder elementally-based. Then I cast "thunder" on it and watch it glow with electricity.
  24. Take an already-made computer game, cast duplicate on it, edit it to cheat on it, reinstall it, play the editted version, exit game, cast undo on computer [resets it so that the original game version was in but with the powerful game save still on there], cast delete on the editted version, and go around saying that nothing happened.
  25. In a court case, when the crowd gets loud and the judge can't quite them down, simply cast a spell that causes the sound of thunder to quiet them down.
  26. Edit a machine so that it needs to be fixed such as a part is missing and cast normalize just to see the word "FIX" pop out of it because of the normalize spell's spell effects.
  27. Man, there's got to be an end to this list somewhere! I guess I'll take a nap on the ocean waves.
  28. Take a floppy disk, turn it into a hexagon and make it so that it has 1 GB of disk space. Pop it in and start copying 2 billion files [!] while watching it do that at 32X true speed.
  29. Try to jump into a river and try to get in with the "walk on water" ability equipped by weird ways such as high speed stomps, doing a belly flop, putting the hand on the wave rather than touching it, etc.. Try it again with someone nearby.
  30. Glide from mountain range to mountain range without falling in the valleys [often, a good challenge]
  31. Go to a village, cast cure on everything there is and exit leaving the citizens confused and amazed
  32. Order a trip to take a boat ride and glide across the ocean instead of using the boat and change the events by an undo spell as if I didn't order anything.
  33. Pay for something with real money, then two years later casting "time compression", make the money fake as if nothing really even happened and put a gem off to the side of equal value.
  34. Cast "DEF up" on everything in sight and casting "undo" on it all just to waste SP and see some spell effects
  35. Go to the movie theater, but instead of speakers, make the sounds through spells
  36. Create an ID card that is exactly like true ones but with unknown data but recorded in all computers neccessary [only did once].
  37. Create a "curvy road again" sign when there should be no warning and confuse traffic. Cast undo to make it as if nothing happened.
  38. Watch someone go into a river or a lake and cast a spell so that the color of the water changes but does no effect. Then I cast "undo" to undo it.
  39. Go to a store and change the price tag to one to ten percent of the original price. Then, for every sale, I cast duplicate on the items [which calls for free production and having really satisfied customers] to counter the low costs and return the price tag to it's normal state to increase a business' production and profit. [that's sometimes funny on how crowded the customers get and that the shelves were "overstocked"; it's also funny listening to the store manager's responses to all the extra items coming from nowhere]]
  40. Try to figure out division by zero using nothing but duplicating items.
  41. When I got into trouble and had to write something 500 times, I simply cast duplicate on a full page of 52 items and hand it in. Then cast triplicate to get more than enough to shock the individual who make this a "to-do" task.
  42. Cast "edit" on Mount Everest to get it up-side-down with a flat, level base that cannot tip over. Later on, such as the next day, I cast "undo" on it and see what kind of funny news reports come in about it.
  43. Create an event in which I get the boss of a building to look into his room, get out and do something, and return a few times with strange changes. I once created an exercise machine [treadmill] right behind his desk and when he returned, he was confused to how it got there. He exited for a short three minute moment and I cast delete on it. When he returned, he was very confused on how that machine got out in that short period of time. On the next batch, I created a computer on his desk that was completely up-to-date. Then, when he came, I added a sign behind it [he couldn't see it] saying "surprise". As he went out to get some workers to guard the room, the computer was gone because I casted "move" on it and it went to an employee three floors above. They were confused now on how that got there.... Suddenly, I casted "create" and created a thick fog that would reduce the visibility to almost 50 feet, but that nothing got wet. I just kept on doing strange mysterious things until guards came. They even had an extra key on them from a create spell....
  44. Cast "edit" on a computer mouse to turn it into the color and shape of a real animal mouse [without the cord, but a tail] and made it so that the two ears simulated the buttons. When an employee saw that, he got scared and ran thinking it was a real mouse!
  45. When on a canoe trip, simply cast windstorm2 to cause it to capsize sending the other guy in the river [the currents were so small that it was very safe] but left my guy standing on the water instead and did tons of jumps. When I got to shore, I casted "move" to get them both back on shore [the guy and the boat].
  46. Cast "edit" on a clock to make it ten minutes ahead just to get someone to rush and to just turn out that he/she was very early.
  47. Set up an event in which someone was playing chess in a championship and when someone had to go to the bathroom, I editted the board so that the pieces were flipped around and edit everyone's mind to think that nothing happened. I got it so that a true beginner won a chess championship! It was a little harder than expected to do this, and I've had to use "undo" a few times to fix things.
  48. Cast "edit" on several one dollar bills to get them each into one one hundred dollar bill. Then I duplicate the money to buy a created airplane at an airport [small plane] in which I deleted. Then cast undo to get everything the way it was.
  49. Jump down from an airplane deliberately forgetting the parachute just to find out that if I stomp, I get sextuple times my height!
  50. Cast edit on a parachute to make it much thinner, but cast DEF plus ten times to make it resistant to anything to get someone to actually float along taking a long time just to reach the ground.
  51. Create a UFO sighting event and show cruel aliens what ultima6 can do just to see huge red numbers pop out of them. I can cast cure on good aliens and maybe do some "quick" repairs on their ship as well with the handy normalize and normalize2 spells.
  52. Cast "edit" on a large bacterium and make it so that it is thirty times it's original length, width, and height [that wouldn't be microscopic then....].
  53. Cast "edit" on a spider to make it the size of a house just to get some wacky event in the national news. Then simply cast "undo" on the spider and "move" on it to return it to it's normal state as if nothing happened. [Houses that were ruined by it are restored with those who evacuated back in as if nothing even happened.]
  54. Do a fall-glide down Mount Everest just to see how fast I can get him while watching the clouds in "side view" [a view in which you view straight across constantly without turning [it can also be set to have turning.]] and so that the camera intersects at a 90° angle.
  55. Go into game config and allow constant acceleration and reach 150,000 feet from stomping down Mount Everest. Then, use "flash attack" to gain another 100 feet, then use the fall-glide-hop to reach 300,000 feet, finally followed by a hyper ground stomp to find out what size of a hole I can get. Then fill it with water and make a free swimming pool out of it. Add a little sand for free mud water!
  56. Go into game config and allow constant acceleration and reach the highest point possible with airplanes and the such. Then, jump out of the airplane [without a parachute of course], do a stomp to get six times the altitude, then, at the peak, so a hyper ground stomp to cause a gigantic crater and shockwave from the intense impact created from falling into it! After the shockwave, cast "undo" to undo any damage and make it as if nothing happened.
  57. Cast duplicate on a store to make an exact copy of it right next door. I do so only when it's empty. Then, as it reopens, no one will know which store was which and why there were two there [hey, free merchandise!].
  58. Cast "haste" on an internet connection and the server to get twice the speed for an internet connection for the same cost without overloading the system. A good way to get a 100 kbps connection with just a dial-up connection! With that, I can easily make a modem and a computer the fastest in the world. "Haste" spells are only temporary though. They die out very suddenly after about one hour.
  59. Cruise down the highway at 800 mph by float-running and blazing by everything in ghost mode [where you can run through walls and things]. You'd be going by so fast that no one will recognize it, even cameras couldn't! Then, cast undo to make sure that everything was the way it was before hand.
  60. Go hunting, but rather than using weapons, use thunder spells to short circuit the target's brain. After all, spells have perfect hitting accuracy if and only if you know how to use spells well enough and are at a long enough range for full effectiveness. Then, after I finish, I cast a life-cure spell on everything. Talk about a high chance of getting struck by lightning! There's a one in one chance ya know [unless the spell fails for some reason]!
  61. Watch a movie not using my mind game [a real one], then plant myself in that movie doing other odd things such as using thunder spells in water movies [like a shark-attack-based movie]. When a guy attempts to jump in the water, I cast a create spell to help him land on something safely other than going in the water. If there's a shark ready to attack, simply find out what thunder will do to it.
  62. In a drought-sticken area, cast a create spell and see what happens with the drought. Hey, it's better than precipitation if it doesn't come.
  63. While at a concert, cast "haste" on one of the speakers to double it's speed and output frequency confusing the band. They stop the concert to figure out what went wrong with the speaker all of a sudden. Suddenly, the haste spell ends by the caster's choice and they try again. All seems normal. Then, after two more songs, I cast haste again on the speakers and make their frequencies higher again. Right in the middle of the song too. Only the frequency changed, not the speed. Then, after it expired two minutes later, at the end of the band, I cast mute on the speakers just to see what happens if they think the speakers stopped working all of a sudden. Then, I cast undo to make sure nothing happened at all to the speakers. Then cast normalize to get rid of the "mute" status effect.
  64. While at that same concert, simply jump about 4100 feet into the air and listen to wind music rather than concert music [at that height, the wind is just as loud as the music four hundred feet away and the concert can barely be heard over the wind]. Then, when I look down, I only see a black ground and a small white area from lights. Wanna hear a concert from 2000 feet above the ground?
  65. Buy an antique computer from a computer store and cast haste on it using lots of extra spell power. Push the power button and you have yourself a dirt cheap super computer that will last for eight hours.
  66. Look at my home town from the top of North Hill [the name of the hill in the northern section of my home town]. Then, jump up as close as possible to 550 feet while going to the bottom of the hill. Stomp to sextuple my height [the hill is about a 120 foot drop, however, from 550 feet adding that in, that's 670. Then sextuple that and you'll get 4020 feet.]. From there, try to jump as close as possible to 458 1/3 feet [the highest] and get over the mall and watch it grow as I get closer to it.
  67. Create a gold field. Then advertise it so that they can get large amounts of gold. Then after a week, delete the remaining gold. Ever want to mine for gold when you have a guarenteed one in one chance of finding it within your first five minutes? After a while, I'll see all the news reports about a huge gold mine that whenever you dig, you'll find something. In the end, I noted that it was dug dry. Care for another Gold Rush?
  68. Create a large island that can float in the ocean. Then advertise it and watch it grow very quickly!
  69. Cast edit on a human so that he/she has wings and not afraid of heights. Then, say that he/she can fly. Just flap your arms as if you were flying like a bird. Up, up and away!
  70. While in a play outside, cast create to make small rubies on the ground and make them be scattered very randomly and more to come at a slow rate. Want rubies?
  71. Cast "edit" on a large diamond to get it the size of a house. Talk about the world's largest diamond! Want it... for free?
  72. Cast duplicate on that diamond and make it to be in Antarctica. That'll attract some attention there for sure!
  73. Cast "time compression" and watch a computer clock go by slow enough and watch the monitor refresh like crazy.
  74. Enlist in a drag race without a car. Then, as the race starts, I jump up like 1 foot, use flash attack to go forward, jump again while going 100 mph forward and use flash attack again to get 200 mph. Repeat until end of race. When it comes to stopping, I'll have to find out what the wall can do from crashing into it! Luckily for the maxed DEF, no damage is dealt, and I cast cure on the wall to fix the damage. Repeat this every time a race is going and easily win the nice, big, blue trophy? Oh, it's a sapphire! Where did that come from?
  75. Rather than using the highway for cars, use my own guy and blaze by in ghost and invisible mode at 800 mph. In invisible mode, no one can see me, and in ghost mode, I can go through anything, even walls!
  76. Set up an event sometime in the early 1800's and change the course of history††.
  77. Set up an event in the early 1800's and get a few members in my party. Then kick up the monster encounter rate and strength of the monsters up a lot and level them up to level 500 or higher. Then, after a while, return them at the exact moment I arrived. Who's next to become the world's most powerful?
  78. Get hired to do auto mechanic jobs. Then, rather than buying tools, cast spells to do the job. It's cheaper, quicker, and the most reliant of all. To change brakes, it could take about fifteen minutes or so [seven or so if you're really fast]. With spells, it'll take only the time it takes to execute it [typically about 4 seconds]. Heh, with this, I can do all mechanic's jobs so the business saves lots of money! Anyone got a broken car that needs major fixing?
  79. Go to a restaurant and order only one of something. Then, cast duplicate on the item to get a free item [hey, although the restaurant only pays for the one item, duplicate only costs SP, not money, yet, it produces an exact atom-by-atom copy of anything you choose.].
  80. Caste "haste" using extra spell power on a production factory that is far behind. That'll make it produce things about four times as fast for no extra cost. A duplicate, triplicate, etc. spell is far cheaper though by money, but costs a lot more spell power.
  81. Travel around the world by running. At 800 mph, it's easy to do when you know what a mountain looks like and what happens if you run down them. You [with a long gap between these words]speed up[end of gap; boy, doesn't that state the obvious?].
  82. Rather than buying a ticket to cross a sea, simply glide across after reaching the highest height possible.
  83. Create an imaginary scene of dinosaurs and fight the dinos for lots o' levels!
  84. Let's say a company produces a computer program, but it has lots of glitches and bugs. I can go by and cast "normalize" on it to fix it instantly without having to know programming [only have to know how to cast the spells and what spells do what].
  85. Buy a computer. Then, cast duplicate on it several times, rearrange the parts and create a very cheap super computer. Cast duplicate on this supercomputer and sell it on the market for 50 dollars and really watch the sales increase!
  86. Take a picture of anything. Then, cast duplicate on the roll of film and/or the photo. If one photo is unacceptable, simply cast duplicate on it and move it to any randomized location and well hidden. Then, cast delete on that "unacceptable" photo.
  87. If someone is lost in the desert and dying of thirst, jump up 550 feet, stomp, jump up another 550 and super ground stomp into the ground. From there, you got a pit. Then, cast create and make a border that protects water from the sand. Then cast water and get some free water.
  88. Want to fill up the swimming pool, but don't want to pay for water? Simple, cast create and fill it up for free [except the cost of spell power [hopefully, you have a high spirit stat]].
  89. Look straight across directly to the horizon. Jump 550 feet while watching the clouds slowly "move" downward. Stomp while watching the clouds go like crazy, then add in another 550 feet. Use flash attack to gain another 91 2/3 feet, then add another 550 feet in height.
  90. Do the same thing as number 89, but watch the ground instead and watch the ground "collapse" as you go up and "expand" when you go back down. At the top, note how "small" everything gets.
  91. Enroll in a race with runners going across a 100-mile area. Then, rather than just speeding ahead, search for treasures near the finish line. Any treasures that are found, cast duplicate on and get a copy for each. If there are no more treausres around, try to achieve the highest height possible until the runners get within a mile from the finish line [no closer] and run toward it blazing by everything as if it wasn't there. At the end, although a winner, give a treasure to each who made it but didn't win.
  92. Go to a battle field and rather than using what you'd normally use, use spells to take out the enemy. Remember humans are generally weak VS thunder. Casting thunder can short circuit the enemy's brain. If a good guy is taken out, cast life-cure every time for a perfect victory.
  93. Help someone live to three hundred by continuous life-cure, cure, heal, and normalize spells. Does anyone want to live to three hundred or longer?
  94. Create a board that is very long and hanging over a large cliff. Then, cast DEF up three times to make sure it doesn't break. Push the board out to the edge and create a rock that is on top of it. Then, with that, jump 100 feet and land on the board with a flash attack before you have contact with it. With just that little bit, I can easily reach 28,000 feet or more. Then do what is done in number 89, but watching the clouds and ground.
  95. Do the same as 94, but try and jump over a cloud instead that is at least 20,000 feet high. It's quite possible too, even without a glide!
  96. Do the same as 94, but only when a storm is going on. Then, get way above the clouds and look at a storm from above. Weird!
  97. Get close to the optimized height of 9533 1/3 feet [consists of 6 jumps [91 2/3 feet each], a flash attack [366 2/3 feet], and 5 more jumps [91 2/3 feet each]. Stomp to raise total height to 8250 with 5 jumps, another flash gaining 366 2/3 feet, and a final 5 jumps.] and glide as far as I can watching mountains and rivers blaze by.
  98. Rather than swimming in the ocean, cast thunder on any hungry sharks ready to attack and short circuit their brain.
  99. Create an event in which a UFO comes by and lands. Then cast duplicate on the UFO. Hmm. Then take a picture of it and attack anything that wants to destroy the pictures [I've done this many times, but the guys are too simple. Lavalents and the such are a hundred times more powerful and experiencing then those guys.
  100. Create an event in which a bear is overhybernating [sleeping too much in hybernation]. Then, to wake it up, cast create and put a piece of meat [or whatever its favorite food is] and wake it up that way. Then, create another piece of meat by it's cave and cast duplicate on it several times to get a huge collection. There bear, now you don't have to hunt this year so continue your sleep!
  101. If a powerplant is overworking to keep up with demand, cast thunder spells to counter it and reduce it. Thunder36 is so effective that it can feed the entire world for centuries on end! Want *free* electricity? Care to build a generator that stores this electricity that is 50 miles in radius?
  102. If gasoline is in short supply, cast duplicate on it to double the quanity. Who'd want to wait a thousand centuries just for natural forces when it takes only 4 seconds to get twice the amount?
  103. Go in an open area where there's nothing around in all directions but fish, water, and, of course, air for three miles. Then, cast create and make a small raft of logs. Cast fire35 on the logs and find out what happens to the shocked fish below.
  104. On the same raft, cast create and make a large piece of food. Hey fish, some free food! [I wonder if they understand English?]
  105. When in a store, cast create and make a secret hatch behind a store item. When a customer takes the item and leaves, a new one appears from hidden duplicates. At least that'll cut down on production costs to the maximum!
  106. Go to a store and cast edit on a floppy disk. Turn the floppy disk into a polygonal shape such as a triangle, hexagon, etc., but with capabilities of storing three times the files.
  107. Go to a lottery, but rather than waiting in line, wait for the one to come and change the course of events through spells. That's a weird way to win, but it works [unless the spell fails].
  108. Same as number 107, except, aim for a jackpot that gets into the billions, then let it go. That's nearly three times the largest jackpot ever given! However, taxes on that is another concern....
  109. Go to a game in which they offer prizes such as Bingo. Then, do as you would normally do, but as numbers are called, keep changing my card's numbers so that they match whatever the caller is calling. Want an easy victory? Who'd want to get a line that takes only four moves twenty times in a row?
  110. Play a slot machine, but use spells to pick and choose whatever you want [yeah, with "junk" occasionally tossed in [junk refers to getting nothing]].
  111. Here's something that would resemble a cartoon. First, create a special barrier near water that makes it as if someone would be standing on water. Then, tell someone about it and show them that I can stand on water. Then, when they go on, they stand on it too. However, I remove the barrier and make them realize that they were just standing in a sandy field.
  112. Go to a hospital and cast cure, normalize, and life-cure on everyone in the building. That'll help doctors real quick! Also, it would cause lots of "spell failed partially" notations]
  113. Go to a drawing and with seconds before the drawing, make it so that the one who does the main drawing count the tickets. Make sure that it is a small drawing in which no more than thirty participate and that each participant only gets one ticket. Then, as the tickets are counting, change them so that it only reads just one throughout the same and when the guy checks they were different. Want the world's weirdest drawing episode?
  114. Watch a cartoon from the TV. Then simulate that cartoon doing cartoony stuff like slammin' into walls at high speeds and being crunched like a accordian [sp.?], or... just about anything, even copy the cartoon, mind game style!
  115. Since I cannot go to the Moon, based on knowledge I already have, cast "edit" and turn the Moon into cheese. That way, the Moon would be made of cheese rather than rocks.‡†
  116. Create a 300,000-foot mountain and a network of caves at the bottom of it. Then repeatedly climb up and down trying to break the caves by slamming into them at 1.5 miles per second....†‡
  117. Glide around at 800 mph over Iraq's no-fly zone. After all, a direct hit on Knuckles would do no damage [Actually, due to fire elemental properties, he'll get cured instead.] and confuse everyone....
  118. Join the military and show them that it is possible for getting the target without any weapons and a new way to attack the enemy.
  119. Go on a military mission in secret and before the troops get there, use some spell to wipe out the enemy [most commonly fire36, ice36, thunder1 to thunder18, or ultima6]. This'll leave troops confused, but make battles simpler [after all, one cast is all it takes to wipe out 100,000 enemies in no more than the 4 seconds it takes to cast the spell.].
  120. Go on a military mission during WWII and instead of using cannons and things to take the enemy out, confuse everyone by a large bolt of lightning at the enemy before anything is fired. It's a instant win with spells ya know.
  121. Create a monster that has tons of hit points†††, and bombard is with repeated spells other than ultima6 and watch the numbers pop out of them like crazy. Even multiple casting‡‡ of an ice36 spell or fire35 would give you free "music".... The EXP and AP from the battle would be quite large....
  122. Hunt around for the monster called "speed demon" and let it attack. This'll send you across the world at 14 times the speed of sound. Find a mountain range and steer straight into a vertical cliff and dig a hole about 120 feet inward! Then, take the monster out for free AP and EXP!
  123. Take part in some TV shows, especially the competitive type. [Note: I've got a typical example of this in the "stories" category involving Junkyard Wars, [building a machine, but in only 2 hours for you and 10 hours for the other team and some other things as well]. It's worth reading to find out more precisely what I do in my mind game.].
  124. Take part in races where it's unaided man VS powerful machines. Yep, spells play a major role with this. However, like the cartoon, titled, "The big race", I don't use spells, instead, run along using the speed blast special ability to leave everyone behind! However, control at such high speeds of 500 mph and the such is very hard. Stopping however, is a favorite because I seem to like those "puffs".
  125. See how fast I can get with a fall while on a mountain using no special abilities except the fall-glide [the fall-glide is a special ability, but acceleration is cut from the normal 20 mph per second to only 5 mph per second, useful on mountains when going over slopes, but you can get much faster if you were to fall normally with the same distance.]
  126. Figure out a way to get to space [200 miles up] without using any major height-boosters [like the stomp, which gives you 4 times the height if not moving vertically, otherwise, some reduction is used].
  127. Write a song in sheet music format. Cast create to make the desk "smart" and add a special button near where the sheet music is. Then, wait for someone to get in the room. When one does, they push the button wondering what it is and music plays exactly as that of what's shown on the sheet music.
  128. Cast edit on a game that's very hard for a beginner and make it so that your character can take infinite damage and have 1,698,183 lives. Now, who'd want to play that?
  129. Play a video game [a real one]. Then, mimic it in my mind game using what I do now a days [high jumps, flash attack, etc.].
  130. Same as above, only with a classic 2D type game.
  131. Add clouds that function like a game's fogging effect at 10,000 feet above sea level. Then, cast teleport and warp to Mount Everest and try to see how "fogged out" the clouds can get from being too high. Finally, glide out over the edge and fall toward them as fast as you can and watch them grow and quickly "unfog".
  132. Play football. Do field goal attempts constantly from even 95 yards away getting them with perfect accuracy [though sometimes shot up a bit too high]. Sometimes, I aim the shot so that the ball hits the field goal thing and bounces way high barely making it over the edge.
  133. While watching Monday Night Football, play the scenes from high up jumping from area to area, especially along the highest parts of the stadium and see what the stadium looks like from a few thousand feet high. The players are like tiny pegs that can barely move!
  134. Go into a boxing tournament and, when I'm up, just try to see how long the swapping lasts from casting too many teleport spells. I've had rounds lasting in the hours of time where nothing was going on. Picture this. I'm in one corner and the opponent is in the other. At the bell, the opponent charges after me. I cast the teleport spell and appear in the opposite corner. The opponent turns around and tries again just to find out I teleported to the other corner. Eventually, the opponent will give up without anything happening but chases and teleport spells.
  135. Play along with one of those robotic tournaments, but instead of building the robot, cast create and have a superrobot able to destroy the other house guests, immune to fire and all that. Easy win in all cases. No controller needed, just some well-used spell. The weapon: a thunder spell to short circuit the opponent.
  136. At a pool, use a diving board to see how high is high. To use it, jump up the standard 91 2/3 feet, use the flash attack to head straight down, then, upon impacting the diving board, pause the game and advance it frame by frame [a frame is 1/60 of a second]. Then, when at the fastest speed, jump and immediately initiate a flash attack to go straight up. Yep, I can fly about 2200 feet up from this. Yet, to add on, after the long fall back down, watching the stuff grow as I approach it, I land on the diving board again [sometimes with the assistance of the map], and repeat once more only this time getting to about 4000 feet high. Toss in a stomp [which quadruples your height] and a flash attack immediately after the stomp sends you back up, I'll be looking at probably 22000 feet or more in raw height. The trip back down means about 600 mph of falling speed.
  137. Go sky diving. With a group of sky divers at about 22,000 feet up [which is about 80% higher than what is standard], they do their dive first. Then, just when I'm about to go out [I'm last], I jump up and use the flash attack to gain much more height. Then fall the way back down passing 200 mph then 300 then watch the skydivers whiz by continuing to 400, 500, then 600 then finally a ground impact causing a shockwave. Just after I whiz by the sky divers, I get into the view as if I was one of the sky divers wondering "what was that I just saw whizzing faster than we are?".
  138. Duplicate what I had in my dreams, only, create a different scenario in which I explore the area more in depth such as from high above. Also, I've created some events in which I was in those mud dreams I've had and hold competitions walking in the mud. A few times, I've added a few of my school classmates that I liked the most and see how they would react [based on calculations and theories based on what I've sensed with them]. Often included are well-known humans I've met who knows how long ago [since 1st grade even].
  139. Create instant twins by casting the duplicate spell. The duplicate spell is actually more accurate and effective than DNA as it makes an exact copy that's accurate to like 2 femtometers!
  140. Watch something in which explains survival methods [like how to escape from a car who's gas pedal is stuck and floored about to go over a cliff], only do them mind-game-style [casting spells, being immune to damage, etc.]

To continue the report, see the following links:

1st page of report
History of my mind game
The looks of my mind game explained in detail
The complex menu screens involved
How mind game events are transferred to my stories
The many uses of my mind game
The funny things I do in my mind game
Videos of things I do in my mind game in AVI format

* If you remember from 2 versions ago, you can probably recall that the maximum viewing distance was 32,768 feet. Well, I've increased this to the maximum allowed, which is 12,000 miles, the furthest my ESP ability can take me. This is customizable via the game's config in the menus.
** Spells are commonly mentioned in my stories I write. For more details, read read this to learn all about spells, their nature and so on.
*** A fall-glide-hop allows you to absorb 3/4 of the gravity to allow downward acceleration to be at 5 mph per second instead of 20. Upon hitting the ground within at least a tenth of a second since the fall-glide-hop was used, you are going up at this reduced acceleration. Very useful for gaining supermassive heights and to double your height!
I sometimes do this to get a number to pop out of the target. These numbers indicate hit point††† losses or gains, depending on the color of the number.
A status effect is a status abnormality, either good or bad, that affects you in some way. Read this page for the explanation.
†† Please note, because I cannot sense the past any more than 1 to 2 seconds, I have to make up the scenery and play from it instead.
‡† Because the Moon is 226,000 miles outside my range, I have to add it in manually, which costs me a little extra spell power. Yet, a cheese-filled Moon would be something. That's what humans used to think it was made of a very long time ago.
†‡ I have a video of this planned if you wish to see it when I get it finished, see the "videos" link in the links above.
‡‡ Multiple casting refers to casting the same spell multiple times without have to continuously recast the spell. Instead of taking 4 seconds to cast the spell again, it's only a tenth of a second instead.
††† Hit points are the life force of a living thing [definition 2]. For more info, read section 3 here.