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Could you show me some of your animations of your mind game?

To view the videos, first, download the video from this list below and save it to your hard drive. Second, open up your directory listing [i.e. the "My Documents" directory], and go to the location in which you saved your file. Unzip the zip file. After you unzip it, open up the new folder that appears. Inside is another zip file often about 3 times the download size. Unzip that zip file. Doing so will reveal the AVI file which is the video. Double-click it and it'll start playing. If you can't unzip the zip files, you'll need to download a program that'll do so and Winzip is the best program to doing so.

downloadname of videodownload file size*full file size**What it's aboutVideo resolution***fps value
downloadRed popup numbers2131 bytes283,648 bytesThis is what the popup numbers look like when something is damaged78x3630
downloadThe super catapult53,328 bytes49,578,496 bytesThe world's most powerful catapult throws you straight up reaching 20,625 feet160x12020
downloadMind game stomp (unavailable)download file sizefull file sizeA powerful stomp that really sends you high!Will be 320x240Will be 10
downloadMind game fall-glide (unavailable)download file sizefull file sizeThe fall-glide eases downward accelerationWill be 320x240Will be 10
downloadThe world's longest drop114,183 bytes147,704,320 bytesA drop from a cliff 52,800 feet [10 miles; 16.1 kilometers] high falling through the bluish clouds and a very hard landing at 1200 mph! This video also illustrates the speed-O-meter maxing out at 999 as well and is the feature of focused video for this page.320x24010
downloadname of videodownload file sizefull file sizeWhat it is aboutVideo resolutionfps value

Table footnotes:
* The download file size is the file size of the video when you download it.
** The full file size is what the file size of the video as it is when fully uncompressed.
*** The video resolution is how big the video is in pixels. These videos are variable unlike the spell videos. Typically, they are of 160x120 and some are as big as 320x240. Some, like the popup numbers, have odd resolutions, but for a reason.
The "fps value" is how many frames per second the video plays at. Most videos here are 10 frames per second, but few are 20 and only the popup numbers one is 30. None fall below 10 nor above 30 and do not include odd balls like 13, 16, etc.. They are only of 10, 12, 15, 20, and 30, nothing else.

Ever wonder what I do behind the scenes in making these videos? You can! Click here to find out! To continue the report, see the following links:

1st page of report
History of my mind game
The looks of my mind game explained in detail
The complex menu screens involved
How mind game events are transferred to my stories
The many uses of my mind game
The funny things I do in my mind game
Videos of things I do in my mind game in AVI format

* The spell system is described in detail on this page.
** Color code is the code used in HTML to name colors. For more details on how to identify that color [as well as the pros and cons over numeric color names versus word color names], see this page for details.