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What information do you have for the normalize series?

Normalize spells allow you to restore something.

General spell statistics
Elemental propertyNonelemental*
Magic attack powerNot an attacking spell
Effective onany target without the defense being maxed out [Only normalize2 is ineffective on living things. Using it on living things results with "spell failed: incompatible for use on target" appearing in front of the caster.]
Prerequisits to learning
  1. Be able to convert spell power to shock waves
  2. Have at least 1500 spell power
  3. Be able to pinpoint an exact location
  4. Level must be higher than a 800**
Equip effects***:Strength and attack go down slightly; Magic and spirit only go up quite a bit, and the rest remain the same
AP cost8 trillion

Table Footnotes:
* Normalize is neither of the ten elements mainly because it's not an attacking spell. The ten elements are described in detail here.
** These are all status terms. To learn more, go to this page.
*** Equip effects are minor changes to your primary stats [and rarely secondary and quaternary stats]. To learn more, go to this page.
AP cost is how many ability points the ability will take to learn. To learn more, see this page.

This table below describes the normalize spell in very high details including the level-specific details.

LevelEffects when castedAverage damage*Root Value**Video downloads?***
1a ratchet and a wrench appear over the target(s) as if they were lying down on the ground; both the ratchet and the wrench turn 45° in 1 second as if they were hooked onto a bolt; both return to the original position when they first appeared in 1 frame and repeat once more; both disappear in 1 frame; the word "FIX" appears over the target in 1 second fading away twice as fast it faded on the "screen"N/A20 trillionNeeds to be redone
2A view of a progress bar appears over the target with "formatting" below it; progress bar fills up constantly for 2 seconds; the word "FORMAT" appears over the target fading away twice as fast as it did fading on the "screen"N/A150 trillionNot Yet

Table footnotes:
* The values here are not applicable because normalize is not an attacking spell.
** Root value is the amount of spell power it would take to cast that spell if your spirit stat was equal to zero.
*** Normalize is unique in the fact that each level has it's own unique effects rather than duplicated ones.

You might be thinking how you gain newer levels for the spell. Simple, use it enough and/or gain experience otherwise. If you're asking about getting normalize2 from normalize, the ability needs to reach a certain level. To get level 2, you need to get it to level 1200.

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