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What information do you have for the ultima series?

Ultima spells allow you to attack your enemies with extreme power. Be cautious on using this spell, as it can destroy anything, regardless on how big it is!

General spell statistics
CategoryExtreme and attacking
Elemental propertyNonelemental*
Magic attack powerVaries from 1/40 to 78 1/8**
Effective onAnything made of matter whose defense is not maxed out and not immune to antimatter‡†
Prerequisits to learning
  1. Be able to convert spell power to shock waves
  2. Have at least 88,000,000 spell power
  3. Be able to pinpoint an exact location
  4. (optional) Be able to select an area [for mass-selecting purposes]
  5. Level must be higher than a quindecillion*** or 1E48
  6. Magic must be maxed out at 999,999,999
  7. Must have a special ability that prevents you from attacking good things
  8. SPR must be maxed out at 999,999,999
  9. INT must be at least 1 million
  10. LVL must be higher than a duodecillion, or 1E39
Equip effects:Strength and attack go down by about 99.9975% each; Magic and spirit max out from whatever you had [except if zero [not including small fractions, but dead equal to zero]], and the rest remain the same
AP cost††25 octodecillion [2.5E58]

Table Footnotes:
* Ultima is neither of the ten elements which is one of the main reasons why it's so highly effective. The ten elements are described in detail here.
** Though it seems weak, the actual damage caused is based exponentially, not multiplicatively, not the actual value. [i.e. damage was 9, in ultima's case, it's a billion, or 1E09. If it was 78,000, typical of ultima6, it'd be 1E78000]. Level 1 has a magic attack power of .025, 2 has .125, 3 has .625, 4 has 3.125, 5 has 15.625, and 6, the highest, has 78.125.
*** Quindecillion is a large number name. To learn the complete list from the millions and billions you know to the centillions and probably beyond, refer to the FAQ page.
These are all status terms. To learn more, go to this page.
Equip effects are minor changes to your primary stats [and rarely secondary and quaternary stats]. To learn more, go to this page.
†† AP cost is how many ability points the ability will take to learn. To learn more, see this page.
‡† Antimatter is the opposite of matter. Instead of protons having postivive charge and electrons having negative charge, the charges are reversed. The nature of this spell deals with antimatter collisions. When a normal oxygen atom and it's antimatter rival collide, they completely destroy each other leaving a huge chunk of energy.

This table below describes the ultima spell in very high details including the level-specific details.

LevelEffects when castedAverage damage*Root Value**Video downloads?***
1surroundings fade completely away leaving only the target; after 4 seconds of darkness a small band of light appears from the very center of the "screen" going outward in a narrow band with the widest edge at the top of the "screen"; after 2 seconds, another one appears only on the bottom of the "screen"; after 1 second a third appears on the left and a half a second later a fourth on the right; after a quarter of a second, a fifth one appears in the top left going at a diagonal; an eighth of a second later a sixth appears on the top right corner; a seventh ray of light appears after a sixteenth of a second on the bottom left corner and a final eighth one appears on the bottom right corner; a red ball [color code E00000] appears over the target growing fast at first but slowing down; when the ball gets to nearly the full width of the "screen" and going slow it starts fading away with the target no longer there [if the target's defense was maxed, the target doesn't disappear]; after the ball fades completely away; surroundings return to normal after a half-second delay1E255.6E14Ultima6
Video not available
2Same as level 1 only with a E0E000 ball instead1E125960 trillion [9.6E14]
3Same as level 1 only with 00E000 as the color1E6253.2 quadrillion [3.2E15]
4Same as level 1 only with 00E0E0 as the color1E31256 quadrillion [6E15]
5Same as level 1 only with 0000E0 as the color1E156258.5 quadrillion [8.5E15]
6Same as level 1 only with 000080 as the color1E7812511.1 quadrillion [1.11E16]

Table footnotes:
* The values indicated in here refers to having a maxed magic stat of 999,999,999. It also assumes that the damage variation was always 1. Because of ultima's nature, critical hits and supercritical hits are not possible. Also, the magic damage formula does not apply to this spell because of the variable magic attack power.
** Root value is the amount of spell power it would take to cast that spell if your spirit stat was equal to zero.
*** Because multiple levels share the same spell effects, refer to the download of the lowest level in the group. Look at the Status bar of your browser to make sure it makes sense. If the video doesn't match the descriptions given [aside from the very minor differences like different colors used], alert me with a bug report so I know.
This spell, usual as it is, takes an unusually small amount of spell power for it's power. Due to it's simplicity [it's nature that is*], and the very strict requirements to gain the ability, this makes it a much better deal over all those extremely strict requirements.

You might be thinking how you gain newer levels for the spell. Simple, use it enough and/or gain experience otherwise. If you're asking about getting ultima2 from ultima, the ability needs to reach a certain level. To get level 2, you need to get it to level 1 million. For level 3, you need level 30 million, 1 billion for level 4, 30 billion for level 5, and 1 trillion for level 6.

* Ultima6's nature is very simple for it's power. When the shockwaves are sent out, time first stops around the target well before the shockwaves even start appearing near it. Then these shockwaves, in which more than 60 of them are sent at once, meet up all at the exact same point. Knowing the properties of these shockwaves, this, in effect, causes much more than just a big bang, it's so huge that the atoms around it are critically damaged. Not only do these atoms get critically damaged, a few lucky survivors often combine together to form a mix between normal matter and antimatter. These normal matter and antimatter collisions do the real damage as the atoms are totally annihilated. The shattering doesn't do much damage, as it has a limit. If the object was completely destroyed, which is impossible, it'd take an infinite amount of damage [likely caused from division by zero or something]. Hit points relate to matter, and light, made of photons, is matter, but an extremely small amount of it [going the speed of light of course]. The lower levels use fewer shockwaves, but still, when they combine, the effect is unimaginable.