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What is the Eighth Status like today?

1. Introduction

The Eighth Status, by far, is the one I most frequently give reference to outside of my scripts, though it is hardly mentioned in my scripts. It, in general, deals with the strength of your ability in terms of it's level.

The Eighth Status displays all abilities that are currently learned and shows you their level. Abilities have many level groups and have special level markers including 50, 200, 1000, 5000, 20,000, 100,000, and so on. They even have special names for the ranges.

2. Eighth Status common terms

Abilities have many properties. They level up when used [not all abilities though] and gain experience points [EXP for short] while doing so, and the levels are based on a "changing" formula so there's no point in posting that. Rather, I've created a table that solves this issue. They have special level markers that make leveling an ability up much harder. When an ability levels up, it becomes stronger. Let's take that kid first mentioned in the Sixth Status. After he learns how to swim, he'll be leveling up his ability as he uses it and clears events that directly involve the ability.

There are multiple kinds of abilities. There are use-only abilities which are abilities that only level up when used or when events involving it directly are cleared. Equip-only abilities are abilities that only level up while equipped. Plus abilities are the most common equip-only abilities. Special abilities are equip-only or permanent abilities that have powerful equip effects on you and/or take a suffiencent amount of AP to learn and can take more than one slot to equip. There are also permanent abilities which are abilities that take no equip slots and most don't have levels, but are very commonly upgradable giving the sense of a level-gaining. Examples in each category include the following: use-only: cooking, swimming, sprinting, writing, etc.. Equip-only: all plus abilities, most special abilities, and spells. Permanent abilities: Inchχ512 [allows vision to detect details as fine as 1/512th of an inch], status control, etc..

3. First four level groups

Abilities are given special names for their levels that they are on.

The newbie level [levels 1-10], is where you start off. During this, the ability may seem very hard to do, and once you seem to catch on, you go to the next level group.

The beginner level [levels 11-40], your new ability seems easier. It's reasonable that it still may be hard, even at this level. Swimming may seem hard, and you'll fail occasionally [which is natural for all weak abilities]. Sooner or later, you catch on easily, and want to try the deep end once.

The next level, the intermediate level [levels 41-100] lasts for quite a while, and with a 50-marker, the time it takes to gain another level nearly doubles, making gaining levels slower, but you still get the same amount of EXP. Usually a high compatibility [near the max] takes care of this problem, because you "want" to do it more often because you're interested in it and more compatible. In this stage, getting around some challenges may be much easier, but some may still seem impossible to do. Level 100 is not a good level either, because the level-gaining time doubles once more from the 50-marker. Level 49 takes roughly 23,631 EXP to gain a level [there are fractions involved]. Level 50 takes 47,921 EXP. Level 99 takes 88,911 EXP for a level, and level 100 takes 179,834 EXP, almost 18 times that of LVL 1!. After level 100, the ability is considered a regular ability. This is only because the ability is something that you enjoy, and like doing. Generally, you won't see a level 100 ability with a compatibility of 0.... Becoming a life guard takes far more experience than this.

The advanced level [levels 101-180] has a new bunch, and your ability is getting more powerful, and able to do things you once couldn't. At this stage, learning some tricks is now possible [even on your own]. A trick is a special de-independent ability that is learned only from the existance of another ability. Swimming across small lakes may be easy enough now [if it was ice water, that would be something else]. Again, you come across another 50-marker, level 150.

4. Last three level groups

The next level, called the expert level [levels 181-270], is next. Around here, a life-guarding job is likely, but still not strong enough [it takes about level 250 to get the match for a good pay rate]. However, level 200 is a worry point! Level 200 is more hazardous than 50, 100, and 150, because it's a 200-marker. With this, the EXP needed to level up quadruples [multiplies by four]. Level 199 takes 1,075,132 EXP, but at level 200, it takes 4,347,034 EXP. Getting around to the next level after this point is going to be much more time consuming and more difficult. With an even higher compatibility [usually maxed at 1000 by this time if you're moderately determined], it'll be just as easy. Like before, level 250 is another one of those 50-markers.

The second to last level, the athletic level [levels 270-400], is more of a contestant-type level, hence it's name. Professional athletes like you see in the Olympics have these high levels [and even occasionally the last level group]. Getting here will take a lot of work. Athletes are the way they are because they power up the same ability so much that it's in the 300's, and a few get it as high as the 400's! No one has ever reached 600 yet, and I think the closest one to it is about 523 or so. Gaining a level at level 400 will, again, quadruple the EXP needed to level up making progress far slower. Levels 300 and 350, both, are more 50-markers you'll encounter.

If you ever manage to reach 400, there's still yet, one more human-reachable category, the master level [levels 401 to 700]. If an athlete ever reaches here [in which could take 30 years or more], this athlete is nearly guarenteed to win, except if there are those near or above the athlete's level and the athlete's stats also play a major role.

5. Special level groups

There are two especially impossible level groups that no human within this century [and probably even half the next] wouldn't reach. It's the supernatural level, from level 701 on. If an athlete were to go here, the world record would have been long smashed. Instead of, say, 15 seconds, it may be only 11.

The absoulte final level group is that of, what I call, the hypernatural group, involving levels much more than anything could get, even just comprehending the large number is tough: 1E100. This is one google, or 10 duotrigintillion*, something you will never see [except in my story as, in the case of the "Legend of the 10 Elemental Masters" series, the two supernaturals, are actually in this hypernatural group, well past it.

6. How much EXP is needed?

You might be wondering, how much EXP does it take to level up? How much EXP total do you need when you reach level 400? That answer is in this very long table. This table takes you up to level 1000. Note that level 650, 700, 750, 850, 900, and 950 aren't 50-markers? That's because they expire after level 600. 200-markers expire after level 3000. 1000 markers expire after level 15,000, 5000 markers expire after level 60,000, and so on. If you want to find out how much harder something is knowing the levels, you must first find the level in which you are at. Then find the level in which the task is. For example, when I was in 5th grade, estimates show that my reading comprehension ability was about level 45. One of the books I was reading and the questions that follow were estimated to be at level 135. To find out how much harder the questions were than what my level is, take the amount of EXP accumulated for level 135 then divide by the amount of EXP accumulated for level 45. The result is just under 17. That would mean that the comprehension questions are about 17 times harder than what my level is equivilent to. This concept also works for figuring how much more experienced someone is at something. If my math level is level 237 [now at level 240 as of Mar 18, 2004], someone who would be 4 times more experienced at math would be on level 296.

As abilities level up, their original equip effects improve very slightly. Swim's equip effects focus toward raising your STR [medium amount], ATK [medium-low], DEF [medium-high], STA [medium-high], SPD will go down very slightly, and BAL will go down slightly. Also, your elemental defense against ice and water improve, especially ice** and ***. The rest remain the same.

7. Plus abilities

Plus abilities are special abilities which allows a specific stat to raise by a percentage determined by the plus ability's level. This table shows you what percentage increase you should expect at level 200:

STR plus20%SPR plus20%HIT plus*16 2/3%
ATK plus20%SPD plus8%RAT minusa bit over 10%**
DEF plus12.5%EVA plus12.5%INT plus— —
ACY plus16 2/3%END plus10%APS plus10%
MAG plus20%HP plus— —***BAL plus16 2/3%
STA plus10%SP plus— —LVL plus— —
AP plus†1%EXP plus†2%

Table footnotes:
* HIT pluses are done in a special way. First 1000 is subtracted from the value then the percentage increase is applied then 1000 is added back on.
** RAT minuses are more confusing in two ways. First, RAT minuses reduce your RAT stat, so this value is actually a loss. Second, the formula is much screwier than any of the other ones. To find out how much RAT would reduce given the RAT minus' level, see the formula below. A level 200 RAT minus would reduce your RAT by a bit more than 10% using this formula.

RATR = - ( ( RATL ^ -.02 ) Χ 100 ) + 100

In this formula, with a negative 50th root involved, RATR is the RAT stat's reduction, and RATL is the RAT minus ability's level.
*** HP, SP, INT, and LVL have no plus abilities and they cannot be affected by equip effects. HP is only raised by increasing your mass.
† AP pluses and EXP pluses cost in the trillions of ability points to learn. A human could never gain that much even in 10,000 years! Worse yet, EXP pluses take 2 equip slots to use. AP pluses are permanent abilities unlike all other pluses. Because there are no LVL pluses, EXP pluses are the next best thing as EXP allows you to gain levels. Gaining more EXP in a shorter period of time allows you to level up faster.

8. Eighth Status laws 'n' theories

First off, you may be asking "Why isn't this on the 'laws and theories' page?". The answer is rather simple. That page ONLY goes for the primary status mainly because of the fact that there are so many stats on the primary status that has so many laws and theories along with them. The first law of experience is with the learning part of abilities as this doesn't have anything to do with leveling up the abilities.

Law of rapid levelling up
"Abilities level up the fastest if and only if you do things at your ability's level and no higher or lower". This is how you level up abilities at the fastest rate possible. Doing this can nearly counter the annoying effects of 50- and 200-markers.

Law of use-only abilities
"Use-only abilities will only level up when they are used". This is simple, some abilities, like cookies, will not get any better if you don't use them. If you don't cook for a year, for example, your ability may be quite weak. Thus, use your use-only abilities.

Law of equip-only abilities
"Equip-only abilities will only level up while they are used and equipped". An ability meant to raise your strength by a percentage, a strength plus, will only level up while you use it and while it's equipped. Even if it is equipped, and you don't use it, it won't level up. If you try to use it and it's not equipped, it won't level up. 1st page of main report
Glossary of the many terms used
Primary Status
Laws of the Primary Status
Secondary Status
Tertiary Status
Quaternary Status
Fifth Status
Sixth Status
Seventh Status
Eighth Status
Ninth Status
Summary of report

* Google and 10 duotrigintillion are the same thing and are both large number names. For the full list on the large number names, see the bottom of the FAQ page.
** Elemental defense is the defense against any of the ten elements, fire, ice, thunder, etc.. To read all about the elements in general, Read this report.
*** Though it may seem strange, if you jump into a pool of water at about 84°, it may seem quite cold at first. With an elemental defense against ice that has improved, from extended and/or repeated exposure to cold, you're more resistant to the cold and can tolerate it longer.