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Could you define the terms involved in the Status System?

The terms in the glossary are arranged by the page and are listed generally in the order of appearance.


ATK% (often said as "attack percent") n. 1. the percentage of your ATK force used 2. a. the ATK% stat b. its value.

DEF% (often said as "defense percent") n. 1. the percentage of your DEF force used 2. a. the DEF% stat b. its value

ACY% (often said as "accuracy percent") n. 1. the percentage of your ACY used 2. a. the ACY% stat b. its value

EVA% (often said as "evade percent") n. 1. the percentage of your EVA used 2. a. the EVA% stat b. its value

Primary Status

stat n. an individual piece of information on any of the nine status bars

strength (often STR) n. 1. how much you can lift in tenths of a kilogram 2. a. the strength stat b. its value

attack (often ATK) n. 1. your attacking strength with physical attacks 2. a. the attack stat b. its value

defense (often DEF) n. 1. your defense to physical damage 2. a. the defense stat b. its value

accuracy (often ACY) n. 1. accuracy of throwing objects at a non-moving target 1 meter in diameter from 10 meters away measured in parts per thousand, or ‰ 2. a. the accuracy stat b. its value

magic (often MAG) n. 1. your power of using special abilities like spells and sense 2. a. the magic stat b. its value

stamina (often STA) n. 1. the endurance of stressful activities 2. a. the stamina stat b. its value

spirit (often SPR) n. 1. the power of reducing spell power consumption for use with special abilities without hampering their strength 2. a. the spirit stat b. its value

speed (often SPD) n. 1. how fast you are with movement action 2. your running speed 3. a. the speed stat b. its value

evasion rate (often EVA) n. 1. probability of dodging an attack in ppt whose HIT or ACY was 100% 2. a. the evasion rate stat b. this value

endurance (often END) n. 1. allows for higher HP gains per level gain 2. a. the endurance stat b. this value

hit points (often HP) n. 1. the amount of damage matter can afford 2. a. The life force of a living thing 3. Health HP 4. Matter HP 5. The damage done to an object (label) 6. a. the hit points stat b. its value

spell power (often SP) n. 1. the amount of energy available for use of special abilities like sense 2. a. the spell power stat b. its value

hit rate (often HIT) n. 1. the accuracy of non-throwing attacks in ppt like a punch or a kick hitting a non-moving target 1 centimeter across at a near-full arm’s length from the eye 2. a. the hit rate stat b. its value

reaction time (often RAT) n. 1. the time it takes to react in milliseconds divided by 2 2. a. the reaction time stat b. its value

intellect (often INT) n. 1. strength of intelligence 2. a. the intellect stat b. its value

actions per second (often APS) n. 1. the number of times you can make a controlled action in a second 2. a. the APS stat b. its value

balance (often BAL) n. 1. strength of your balancing skills 2. a. the balance stat b. its value

level (often LVL) n. 1. overall level, or how much experience you have 2. a. the level stat b. its value

critical hit (often "critical"; plural "criticals") n. 1. a hit, caused from hitting an unusually weak spot in the target or if the target is hit just right; the ATK is multiplied by a random number from 2 to 4. 2. such a hit

supercritical hit (often "supercritical"; plural "supercriticals") n. 1. a hit, caused from hitting the target in an unsually weak spot and if the target is hit just right; the ATK is multiplied by a random number from 4 to 64 2. such a hit

hypercritical hit (often "hypercritical"; plural "hypercriticals") n. 1. a type of hit that has an even higher damage multiplier than a supercritical, but too little is known about it 2. such a hit

Primary Status Laws

(ATK)-DEF law n. a law that states "Unless the ATK force exceeds the target's DEF force, no damage is dealt"

Law of maximum values n. when equipping special abilities the equip effects will only take any stat to the maximum value and never beyond

Secondary Status

elemental defenses (often "elemental defense"; seldom "elem DEF") n. defenses against any of the ten elements, fire, ice, thunder, etc.*

Tertiary Status

compatibility n. 1. how much you like something 2. a. the COM stat b. its value

gradual neutralization n. an effect in which an object's COM becomes neutral gradually over a long time after not seeing, doing, etc. with the object

Fifth Status

status effect (sometimes "status ailment") n. a status abnormality, either good or bad, that affects you in some way, either good or bad

Sixth Status

ability point (often AP) n. 1. ability-learning "points" that are rewarded from clearing events 2. a. the total AP gained toward an ability b. this value

equip effects (frequently plural) n. a. minor changes to your status from an ability b. the side effects caused from this change, good and bad

de-independent ability n. any ability that can be learned from others teaching you or by learning it on your own

independent ability n. any ability that can ONLY be learned on your own

plus ability n. any ability that raises a specific stat by a percentage determined by the ability's level

special ability n. an independent ability with powerful equip effects on you and allows you to be able to do special things

dependent ability n. any ability that can only be learned by others

Law of simple to complex abilities n. a law that states "you need other simpler abilities learned in order to accomplish more complicated abilities"

Law of prerequisits n. a law that states "sometimes, in order to start learning an ability, you may need to meet a number of prerequisits first"

Law of AP and different species n. a law that states "the same ability takes various amounts of AP, even among the same species"

Theory of learning abilities n. a theory that states "organisms at younger ages generally learn gain AP faster"

Law of rapid ability learning n. a law that states "you can learn abilities at the fastest rate by starting simple and working your way up"

Seventh Status

short-term event n. any event that lasts from 0 to 60 minutes

medium-term event n. any event that lasts from 1 hour to 3 months

long-term event n. any event that lasts longer than 3 months

occured n. status of an event that has occured but hasn't been cleared or finished yet

cleared n. status of an event that has occured and has been fully cleared or completed

Eighth Status

level (often LVL) n. 1. a. the strength of an ability b. its value 2. a. the level stat b. its value

experience points (often EXP) n. a. "points" given when an ability is used or when an event is cleared that helps raise an ability's power or effect on you b. this value

level up (plural "levels up") v. 1. to become stronger 2. to make an ability become stronger

use-only ability n. an ability in which they only level up when used or when events involving it directly are cleared

equip-only ability n. any ability that only levels up while equipped

permanent ability n. an ability that takes no equip slots; most don't have levels

newbie level n. an ability on levels 1-10

beginner level n. an ability on levels 11-40

intermediate level n. an ability on levels 41-100

50-marker n. a special level marker in which the level is a multiple of 50 and nothing of a higher marker; the point in which the EXP needed to level up suddenly doubles

advanced level n. an ability on levels 101-180

trick n. 1. a special de-independent ability that is learned only from the existance of another ability 2. this ability put to use (as a display)

expert level n. an ability on levels 181-270

200-marker n. a special level marker in which the level is a multiple of 200 and the EXP needed to level up suddenly quadruples

athletic level n. an ability on levels 270-400

master level n. an ability on levels 401 to 700

supernatural level n. an ability from level 701 to (1E100) minus 1; impossible for humans to reach within 150 years from now

hypernatural level n. an ability beyond level 1E100; a level series impossible to obtain in general

Law of rapid EXP gaining n. a law that states "Abilities level up the fastest if you do things at your ability's level and no higher or lower"

Ninth Status

equip v. to set an ability in an equip slot for learning or use

equip slot n. a "slot" in which you can equip an ability to for usage or learning

Other Status System definitions not mentioned

status bar n. a group of stats, such as the Primary Status; often used to denote spanning across multiple status bars.

Status System pn. the Status System mentioned as a whole

Figures of speech guide: n. noun. v. verb. pn proper noun.

1st page of main report
Glossary of the many terms used
Primary Status
Laws of the Primary Status
Secondary Status
Tertiary Status
Quaternary Status
Fifth Status
Sixth Status
Seventh Status
Eighth Status
Ninth Status
Summary of report

* To learn more about the elements, fire, ice, thunder, earth, etc., read this short report.
** [not noted] There are no terms for the Quaternary Status because you should know the terms used.