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What is the Ninth Status like?

The Ninth Status is almost never mentioned to others, mainly only used in my script. The Ninth Status is what you use to equip abilities for use and for learning. The Ninth Status isn't well known for life, if it's even possible, but it's actively used in my script, "The Legend of the 10 Elemental Masters".

Abilities, using the Ninth Status, can be equipped for learning. An ability called "status control" is required before you can manually do this or a far more AP-costly version, "insta-adjust status control" which allows you to adjust for your changes in times amounting to a few microseconds instead of a few minutes or even hours. The Ninth Status, as far as learning abilities goes, can only be used to equip abilities that are of the "equip-only" type and permanent types. Some special abilities are included. Only dependent abilities cannot be equipped here as dependent abilities are not equip-only abilities, they are mostly use-only abilities. Each ability you wish to learn takes equip slots. Humans typically have from 8 to 12 equip slots for learning abilities.

Abilities can also be equipped for use. Only equip-only, and special abilities can be equipped. Most independent abilities can be equipped and many de-independent abilities can be equipped, depending on their type. Permanent abilities are, in a sense, already equipped as they take zero equip slots, hence their name. Some can get turned either on or off. For use, humans have, I think, from 10 to 16 equip slots. A permanent ability called "slot+5" allows you to get more equip slots both for learning and for use. Beyond this, not much is known about the Ninth Status.

1st page of main report
Glossary of the many terms used
Primary Status
Laws of the Primary Status
Secondary Status
Tertiary Status
Quaternary Status
Fifth Status
Sixth Status
Seventh Status
Eighth Status
Ninth Status
Summary of report

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