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What does the Primary Status look like? What do the terms mean?

1. Introduction

The Primary Status has it's terms the most frequently referred to, far more than any other part of this report. From version 3.x, this page is much simpler and has less "excessive information". This report is divided by the way the table is arrange, the way it has been since around mid-2001. The meanings of the terms, however, have changed over the years, now much easier to understand.

You can see what the Status looks like as I see it in my mind game‡. Note the "ERR" values. Also note the sideways 8 symbol. This sideways 8 symbol means "infinity".


This table is what the approximated averages are for the average human age 20. Some stat values are still uncertain though.

2. The left side

These 18 stats are always arranged in this same pattern. The terms here, going from top to bottom first going right are as follows:

STR (strength): How much you can lift in tenths of a kilogram. To gain strength, you need to level up your ability of lifting things. Lift things around 2/3 to 3/4 the maximum weight you can lift for a while and your STR will go up. STR has an influence on your ATK stat as the higher your STR, the harder the blow you can deliver to your target without the need for special abilities.

ATK (attack): Your attacking strength with physical attacks. ATK is improved by lifting weights and/or punching a punching bag enough. Part of the formula for calculating damage involves your ATK stat.

DEF (defense): Your defense to physical damage. To improve your DEF, you'll need to be put through physical stress for an extended time. If you've seen my history, you can see how this all came about and why my DEF is 60% above average. Unlike before, I've now realized that DEF, when taken into the (ATK)-DEF formula is taken to the 1.5 power. A DEF of 100 actually absorbs 1000 HP in damage, not 100 like I originally thought.

ACY (accuracy): Accuracy of throwing objects at a non-moving target 1 meter in diameter from 10 meters away measured in parts per thousand [or ppt for short; often involving the symbol ‰] where 1000‰ or higher is perfect accuracy [assuming no evasion [the target doesn’t move]]. Accuracy does not refer to the accuracy of punches and kicks or the swinging of a bat in baseball. To improve your accuracy, throw a ball at a target thousands of times without too much of a break. After a month at it doing 4 hours per day average, you'll get into the 900's from the low 700's pretty easily.

MAG (magic): The strength of the use of special abilities like spells and sense. Not much is known about how to raise your magic stat. The best I can say is to use abilities that require it such as sensing and other special abilities you may have. MAG has a huge influence over your SPR stat. MAG maxes out at 999,999,999. The reason for this maximum relates to the risk of problems. If your MAG was 0, everytime you attempt to use a special ability, it would fail becoming ineffective. As MAG increases, the risk reduces continually until MAG reaches 999,999,999. If MAG exceeds this, you have a negative risk, which is impossible. The risk factor is based exponentially. When MAG is low, a 1% increase would have a huge reduction in the risk, but, when MAG is high, that same 1% increase would barely affect it. I'm searching for a formula for this, and it'll be posted below when it is found.

STA (stamina): The endurance of stressful activities. The best way to raise your STA is by repeatedly getting near the exhaustion level and staying close to it. Run the mile trying to set records for yourself. A typical beginner athlete may have STA as high as 140 and a Olympic master may have it in the 200's!

3. The middle section

SPR (spirit): The effeciency of using spell power. SPR is least known on how to raise. Raising SPR directly isn't known on how to do besides learning abilities that have useful equip effects*. SPR Maxes out at 999,999,999 and for a similar reason to why magic maxes out. At 0 SPR, the spell power consumption is equal to the root value. As this goes up, the spell power consumption gets further and further from the root value, closer and closer to zero. At 999,999,999, the spell power consumed is almost zero. At 1 billion, one unit higher, spell power consumption is reduced to zero, but this would cause conflicts. At zero spell power consumption, you couldn't send the shockwaves needed for casting a spell†† or anything because you wouldn't use any energy. Above a billion, spell power consumption goes negative, which is impossible.

SPD (speed): How fast you are with movement action. To raise SPD, you need to move your body around as fast as you can for extended periods of time.

EVA (evasion rate): Probability of dodging an attack in ppt whose HIT or ACY was 100%. EVA is indirectly improved by either raising your SPD, APS, and/or lowering your RAT. Focus mainly on raising your SPD and lowering your RAT as they have the greatest influence.

END (endurance): Allows for higher HP gains per level gain. END has absolutely no effect on your matter HP, and, as of Mar 02, 2004, it may not even work with health HP, as DEF seems to overtake it. This stat may be doomed. If so, it'll more than likely get removed from the table. How to raise your END is completely uncertain. My old information was that as you grew older, this gets closer and closer to 0. When you're around 60 or so, you probably would stop gaining HP to your maximum. In general those who are old, due to aging, naturally have a low DEF and has nothing or hardly anything to do with END. A baby gains HP rapidly, not because of END, but because of it's ever-increasing mass. Once it grows to full size, it'll no longer gain HP [unless it eats too much and the related to increase mass].

HP (hit points): Five main definitions: 1. The amount of damage matter can afford 2. The life force of a living thing 3. Health HP 4. Matter HP 5. The damage done to an object (label). You can gain more HP by gaining more mass, that is, become heavier [this'll also decrease your damage absorption capabilities as well, so be careful on what you do], but you can make it so you seem to have more by raising your DEF as doing so will allow you to absorb more damage to give you the feeling that you have more HP.

SP (spell power): The amount of energy available for use of special abilities like spells. The best way to raise SP is now not known. Because of the change in the definition of what spirit is which makes far more sense, this cannot be raised by the old way, by raising your MAG and level. It is believed that one unit of spell power is approximately equal to 3.8 million Joules. I don't have much evidence, however, to support this.

4. The right side

HIT (hit rate): The accuracy of non-throwing attacks in ppt like a punch or a kick hitting a non-moving target 1 centimeter across at a near-full arm’s length from the eye. Note, HIT doesn't have to have a high speed involved. Do your best and you'll get it. HIT does not refer to objects being thrown. To increase your HIT, simply keep hitting something like a punching bag for an extended period of time.

RAT (reaction time): The time it takes to react in milliseconds divided by 2. I'm not sure how to improve your reaction time, but I feel that, knowing the properties of abilities, practice using your reaction time repeatedly and you'll get it to a better value. Unlike all other stats, RAT is better off lower than higher.

INT (intellect): Strength of intelligence. You probably would know how to raise your INT. If you don't, I'd be surprised. To raise it, for those who may seem to have a one-celled brain [just kidding], read reference books especially the encyclopedia. Reading a 10,000-page series of the same encyclopedia that is up-to-date would raise your INT by probably 150 units, likely much more than that. I theorize that Albert Einstein may have had an INT of just over 400!

APS (actions per second): The number of times you can make a controlled action in a second. APS is a bit harder to explain. Try this, try typing 1 letter repeatedly [one different letter with each hand] for exactly 1 second. Take this and multiply by 2 and this is your APS. Typically, around 30 is optimal. Why do you multiply by 2? In one action with one hand, you have to think about doing so, which is the first action, then you act, which is the second action, then you think again, for the third and so on. To get your real maximum, move all parts of your body as much as possible including your two legs, your head, and try to jingle your fingers around while very repeatedly pressing the same key. The brain can only process so much movement information at once and the limit is usually around 35 to 40 actions per second [unless you've got some super powerful APS plus at level 400 or higher**, but even this won't affect it too much].

BAL (balance): Strength of your balancing skills. To raise BAL, either lower your center of gravity [doing this doesn't change your stat's value], or get on narrow ledges like a balancing beam and practice for an extended period of time.

LVL (level): Overall level, or how much experience you have. You gain levels by gaining experience. To gain experience, you need to clear events which is described in the 7th Status. The more experiencing things you do, like rescuing, the faster you can gain levels. Level reflect all the experience you've gained in your life time. If you do almost nothing, you'll hardly gain levels. I'm well behind average by almost 50 levels mainly because I don't do much of anything and can't. Levels are explained in more detail in the 8th Status.

5. Formulas and other info

When a specific stat reaches 1 billion, it will be written in scientific notation in a special way. One billion in the stats is displayed as 1E09. The number 1,234,567,890 will be displayed as 1.23457E09. Only 5 decimal places are allowed, but there can be less. The Status System as a whole is not designed to hold values greater than 9.99999E99, which is a googol [or 10 duotrigintillion]*** minus one. If the value happens to go higher than this, "ERR" is displayed. Getting these kinds of values is nearly impossible anyway.


These are the known formulas for much of the stats described here. What you'll see is the name of the formula, the formula itself, then at the bottom is a description on what each variable represents. All, except the EVA estimation formula, are easy to work with. The damage estimation formula is of a range. Do each side individually to find what possible amounts of damage you could cause.

SPR estimation formula:

SPR >= MAG ื 1.7

/*Important note: This formula will likely be discarded because of the change of the definition of spirit to a much better one.*/ MAG is your MAG stat in this simple formula. This formula is used if you want to know what your SPR is at a minimum if you know your MAG stat's value. It does not reflect, however, any special add-ons from certain abilities.

SP formula:

SP = MAG ื .25 + LVL ื 1.1

/*Important note: Because of the change in the definition of spirit to a much better one, this formula is going to likely be changed. It can also answer the reason why my guardian spirits are supposedly on an seemingly impossible-to-reach level. This formula may not exist.*/ In this simple formula, MAG is your MAG stat and LVL is your LVL stat. This formula is used to find out how much SP you have at any given moment.

HP estimation formula:

HP ~ ( TM ๗ 80 ) ^.5 ื 20000

This used to be what I called the END to HP formula, but I've got a lot more evidence, especially given the fourth law of HP, that END has little to do with HP. The fourth law of HP, stating that "the more mass an object has, the more HP it has". I first thought that this seemed to deal only with matter HP, not health HP. Instead, it seems to be true for both matter and health HP. DEF seems to be the unexpected variation that causes the confusion. A baby gains HP rapidly, not because of END, but because of it's ever-increasing mass. Once it grows to full size, it'll no longer gain HP [unless it eats too much and the related to increase mass]. Besides, all you need to know is your target's mass [the TM variable], in kilograms, to find out how much HP you have, meaning, anyone who knows their mass and this formula can find out how many HP you have.

EVA estimation formula:

EVA >= ( ( - ( 2.5 ื APS ^ 1.1 ) - .8 ื SPD ) ๗ ( RAT ๗ 4.8 ) ) ^ 2

APS is your APS stat, SPD is your SPD stat, and RAT is your RAT stat. This formula is a very complex formula and a scientific calculator is a must knowing the roots and odd powers. It is used to find your EVA's minimum value. It may be higher if you have EVA pluses equipped†.

Damage estimation formula:

( .5 ื MS ื VEL ^ 2 ื CSC ื .95 ) - DEF ^ 1.5 <= DMG <= ( .5 ื MS ื VEL ^ 2 ื CSC ื 1.05 ) - DEF ^ 1.5

MS is the attacker's mass of the object used to attack with; VEL is the impact velocity [at a head-on collision only, other than head-ons call for some triginometry], CSC is whether criticals and supercriticals are involved [use 1 for the value if there are none; may include hypercriticals], DEF is the target's DEF stat, and DMG is the actual damage caused produced from such an attack. This formula is a range formula [hence the less than or equal to symbols]. One new part in this formula you may not recognize is the use of criticals and supercriticals. Because there are weak spots and strong spots scattered all over the target due to molecular arrangements, even yourself, damage varies some [by the slight amount mentioned, from 95% to 105% of the base damage]. Criticals and supercriticals are special forms of an attack that occur rarely and very randomly. A critical hit typically has a 1 in 50 chance of occuring. They deal from 2 to 4 times that of what a normal hit would do. They occur if one of the two following conditions is met: you hit an unusually weak spot in the target [this is the most common case], or you hit the target just right. A supercritical hit does 4 to 64 times the normal ATK force. They typically have a 1 in 10,000 chance of occuring. They occur if BOTH conditions of getting a critical hit are met in the same hit. As of February 10, 2004, it's been thought that there's a combination that makes a supercritical seem like nothing. I know too little about a potential hypercritical hit, that I cannot give any further information on it. It seems as if there's a third condition that can cause a critical hit, and even a supercritical [two of the three] and a critical [one of the three].

SPD estimation formula:

SPD ~ RS ^ 2

S is your very maximum running speed, usually higher than you have reached, but not by much. That is, my record running speed is 15.1 mph, and my theoretical top speed is 15.6 mph, a half a mile an hour faster than my record. This very simple formula is used to find out what your SPD stat is. To find it, run as fast as you can on level ground and note the speed you achieve. If you reach 14 mph, for example, your SPD is 196 with a small difference for the slight inaccuracies involved with rounding. Sometimes, SPD is higher than expected because someone could move their hands around far faster than they can move their legs and themselves by running [or sprinting] in general.

Spell power cost formula:

SPC = RV ื ( ( 1,000,000,000 - SPR ) ๗ 1,000,000,000) ^ .9

In this formula, RV is the root value of SP the special ability or spell would take at a SPR of zero, and SPR is your SPR stat. This formula allows you to calculate how much SP you'll use when you use a special ability or spell.

Failure risk formula:

FR = ( ( 999999999 - MAG ) / 999999999 ) ^ 5

In this short formula, MAG is your MAG stat. This formula is used to calculate your risk of failure mainly when you cast spells. For special abilities, just divide this result by something from 5 to 10 [not sure on it right now].

My most-wanted formulas

There are some formulas that I'm despirately after such as how to find most of your stats and especially without doing any harm. MAG and SPR will definitely be the most challenging to figure out directly. After all, they may not have the maximum of 999,999,999 as it has been used in my stories since 1997 when I first started writing them using the stats. One formula I have a lead for is that of how to calculate your experience and level. Even the levels and experience chart may be incorrect.

Also, since the revised definition of spirit, the top two formulas here may either be changed a lot or be discarded all together. Because reaching a level of even 100,000 would literally take 10 million years or more, there's no way that a level of even one trillion is possible because it would take millenia upon millenia just to actually level up. You can certainly get far more spell power than 1.1 trillion! If only I knew how many Joules of energy 1 unit of spell power is....

1st page of main report
Glossary of the many terms used
Primary Status
Laws of the Primary Status
Secondary Status
Tertiary Status
Quaternary Status
Fifth Status
Sixth Status
Seventh Status
Eighth Status
Ninth Status
Summary of report

* Equip effects are minor changes to your Primary Status after learning an ability and using it.
** An APS plus is an independent ability that raises your APS stat by a percentage determined by your level. A super-high level 400 APS plus only raises APS by 20%, not much on 35.
*** A googol is a very large number. To learn all the large number names, refer to the FAQ page.
† An EVA plus is an idependent ability that raises your EVA stat by a percentage determined by your ability's current level divided by 10.
‡ My mind game is a complex video game like "adventure simulator". To learn all about it, read this report.
†† Spell-casting is explained very well and in high detail for each spell series in this big report.