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What are the laws for the Primary Status?

1. Introduction

This section deals with the few laws and theories I have dealing with the Status System's Primary Status. A law, in my case, is something that has a lot of evidence to suggest that the concept is valid. A theory is the same as a law, only there's a lot less evidence for it. A hypothesis is just a guess or have insufficent evidence to validate a concept. This section is of minimal importance to the report in general as it's very rarely cross-referenced to. My script, the Legend of the 10 Elemental Masters even has few references to this section. This section, however, does not list the laws of the Sixth and Eighth status bars. Their laws are at the bottom of the document before the list of links.

2. (Attack) minus defense law

"Unless the ATK force exceeds the target's DEF force, no damage is dealt". Have you ever torn paper? Have you ever crushed a rock with a hammer? You kind of know the idea. Consider trying to tear paper. If you attempted to tear paper with very little strength, you wouldn't tear it. Now if you keep raising your ATK force [your strength] until it rips, that's the point in which your ATK exceeded the paper's DEF. DEF is determined by the stat's value taken to the power of 1.5, or cubing the square root of the number. The "attack" part is in parentheses as there's many variables that influence it. Defense just stands alone. In this case, paper has a weak defense against this type of attack. Now try punching it with the same force. Nothing happens as far as damage. Now try to get slightly stronger punches until you get a hole in the paper. Again, your ATK exceeded the object's defenses. Consider doing that to metal of the same thickness. It's about 100 times harder to do, but you could still do it if your ATK was high enough. One factor that may seem to make this confusing is elemental attacks*. Elemental attacks are special attacks that are mostly of one or more of the ten elements. You know that if you threw ice into a fire, the ice would melt very quickly, but the fire itself would also be put out some as well.

3. Theory of maximum values

"When equipping special abilities, the equip effects will only take any stat to the maximum value and never beyond". The stats, MAG, SPR, and RAT [minimum value instead] have maximum values. If, for example, you eqiuip an ability that would take MAG to 1,031,956,843, it can't happen and will go to 999,999,999 instead. So, if you're MAG or SPR were maxed out, don't equip another MAG or SPR plus as they'd have no effect, even if you don't have any equipped, they won't take any effect. Also, since SPR is 1.7 times MAG plus some extra variations, SPR will max out first. If you raise MAG by 100,000, SPR won't go up, but MAG will if and only if it is under 999,900,000. If MAG was 999,923,384, it'll go to 999,999,999 instead as it cannot exceed the maximum. Although INT has a maximum, there are no known special abilities or plus abilities that raise it. It must be raised naturally.

4. The first 4 laws of hit points

Since there are 8 laws of HP, here's the list of them:

1. All matter has HP. Without HP, nothing exists.

This law explains why HP is the most vital stat. If you didn't have any, you would exist, nor the Earth or even other galaxies. Matter wouldn't exist.

2. Matter HP is directly related to mass.

This law ties in much with the fourth law. If an object had no mass, it simply wouldn't exist as in the first law. All matter has some type of mass, but if it didn't have mass, that type of matter doesn't exist.

3. An object with a high DEF loses less HP than an object with a low DEF with the same ATK.

This law ties in majorly with the (attack) minus defense law. If ATK was 2000, and the DEF force was 100, you'd deal 1000 HP of damage on average [it actually ranges 950 < x < 1050 HP assuming no critical hits and that no elemental attacks were involved]. In mathematical sense, this formula (for the range) comes to be:

( ( .5 × MS × VEL ^ 2 × CSC ) - DEF ^ 1.5 ) × .95 <= DMG <= ( ( .5 × MS × VEL ^ 2 × CSC ) - DEF ^ 1.5 ) × 1.05

4. The more mass an object has, the more HP it has.

If an object is 4 times heavier, it'll have exactly twice the number of hit points. A 180-pound human would have about 20,000 HP, a small 500-pound horse would have around 33,700 HP. A 10,000-pound elephant has 150,000 around HP. A small 20-pound dog has about 6750 HP and a common housefly has about 133 HP [assuming that they weigh 1/8 of an ounce, or 3.5 grams]. The formula to calculate the HP given the weight of the object in kilograms, is:

HP ~ ( TM ÷ 80 ) ^.5 × 20000

In this formula, TM is the target's mass.

5. The last 4 laws of hit points

5. The current value is never greater than the maximum value.

With something in good condition [notified by "19801/19801 HP" in my mind game**], it's impossible to get any better than that. It's like you can't get better than perfect. Seeing something like "18604/17409 HP" is not possible.

6. The current value can never be less than zero.

If an object has zero HP remaining, it's broken up to a point that it is beyond repair. Erosion and weathering on rocks very slowly does this [referring to the elements, earth is weak against ice, wind, and water]. If that object went below zero, it wouldn't be possible. For a living thing, it would die if it had zero HP remaining. Of course, it's practically impossible to get any worse than that. In my story and mind game, life(-cure) spells fix this. Even medicines and modern technology can fix this, and even get to their maximum again.

7. A living thing that reaches zero HP dies.

Like mentioned above, a living thing with zero HP remaining is no longer living [for the moment].

8. All living things have both a matter HP value and a health HP value.

Since living things are matter as well, they have both. Rocks aren't living things, so they just have matter HP. It would be funny if a rock had health HP, wouldn't it? When referring to the stats of a living thing, the health HP are mentioned because the matter HP isn't important in this case.

1st page of main report
Glossary of the many terms used
Primary Status
Laws of the Primary Status
Secondary Status
Tertiary Status
Quaternary Status
Fifth Status
Sixth Status
Seventh Status
Eighth Status
Ninth Status
Summary of report

* The 10 elements, fire, ice, thunder, etc. are described in much more detail on this page.
** My mind game is a very advanced seemingly futuristic video game that I play in my mind. It's explained in full on this entire report or specifically in section 1 section 1 of the menu screens.