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What is the Secondary Status like today?

The Secondary Status is the DEF stat spread out in detail to include defenses to certain types of feelings, elemental defenses*, physical damage, and more. The Secondary Status displays what your defense values are for multiple kinds of attacks, from physical attacks, elemental attacks, to diseases and more.

Let's say that you were to punch a target such as a punching bag. A punching bag has a defense somewhere in the 1000 range meaning that it can absorb a bit over 31,500 HP of damage, making it very resistant to damage. An object like a mirror is fairly resistant to a punch or kick, but it's defense on pressure is quite weak. Even a 120 pound man can bust a wide, square mirror quite easily, even without jerking around. A mirror's defense to pressure is about 250 to 300 if it is 24x24 inches [estimated]. This same mirror would have a defense of 900 to 1200 for a punch, both depending on how thick it is. This is what the Secondary Status is. If you're purely immune to all damage, which may be impossible, everything will be set to infinity.

The Secondary Status ties in a lot with the third law of hit points. This law states "An object with a high defense loses less hit points than an object with a low defense with the same attack." With that mirror issue, a defense of 1000 can absorb about 31,500 HP of damage, but one with only 500 can absorb a bit over 11,000 hit points of damage, about 35% of the damage absorption capabilities.

Another common law dealing with the Secondary Status is the (attack) minus defense law stating "Unless the attack force exceeds the target's defense force, no damage is dealt". If all the variables needed to calculate attack equaled 8000, and a target had a defense of 600, the damage absorbed would be just shy of 14,700. 8000 isn't high enough to counter that defense, thus no damage is dealt [unless, of course, you manage to get a critical hit]. Then, using that same attack force [without the randomness of some variables] on an object with a defense of only 360, absorbing 6830, the real damage dealt would be 1170 hit points. In the second example, the attack force exceeded the defense force causing damage.

Going in more detail on the Secondary Status isn't neccessary as there isn't much to the Secondary Status other than a lot of numbers and types of attacks.

1st page of main report
Glossary of the many terms used
Primary Status
Laws of the Primary Status
Secondary Status
Tertiary Status
Quaternary Status
Fifth Status
Sixth Status
Seventh Status
Eighth Status
Ninth Status
Summary of report

* Elemental defenses refers to the defenses against fire, ice, thunder, etc. For more details, read this very short report.