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What is the Seventh Status like today?

The Seventh Status, also called the "During Life Event System", lists all events that you have had that have lasted at least 1 minute.

Events are arranged in 3 categories. Short-term events last from 0 to 60 minutes. Medium-term events last from 1 hour to 3 months. Long-term events last longer than 3 months. Short-term events give very little EXP and AP to unit of time. Also, you generally get more EXP per unit of AP in a short-term event. Medium-term events are average and favored equally for EXP and AP to unit of time, and EXP to unit of AP. Long-term events give a high EXP and AP to unit of time ratio. They also have a lower EXP to unit of AP ratio, but EXP is always higher than AP [unless you have a special, very AP-costly ability that magnifies your AP gained]. Note, the EXP you get from clearing events does not level up your abilities, rather, it goes toward your overall level. However, if the event that was cleared is directly related to one of your abilities [say swimming a mile], your swim ability will not only gain EXP from use, it'll gain additional EXP from clearing the big event. However, an ability's EXP is always 10% of what you get in your overall level [again, with the exception of a very AP-costly ability humans will seemingly never get].

Let's say that this kid mentioned in the Sixth Status started learning how to swim. The moment he gets into the pool, a new event will appear. It will display "occured" as the status of it. Once this kid finishes his lessons and knows how to swim well, "occured" will become "cleared" and he gets the EXP and AP. Often, events, even short term are broken up into multiple parts. If the swim lessons were 16 days total, you'd have swim-related events for those 16 days under the main event, taking swimming lessons. In day 7, for example, a subevent would probably include learning how to kick your legs and another subevent for moving your arms. Even that gets subdivided into little events like that of making a big mistake or someone slipped and fell into the deep end who couldn't swim yet. Usually subdivisions don't get within precision levels of any less than ten seconds, unless they were big enough.

1st page of main report
Glossary of the many terms used
Primary Status
Laws of the Primary Status
Secondary Status
Tertiary Status
Quaternary Status
Fifth Status
Sixth Status
Seventh Status
Eighth Status
Ninth Status
Summary of report

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