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How is the Sixth Status now?

1. Introduction

The Sixth Status is mentioned indirectly a lot in my scripts and mentioned somewhat frequently otherwise. It deals with learning abilities. There are a few terms and laws described here, all mentioned quite often at some point or another. Gaining abilities can raise your intellect stat, though, a few don't.

The Sixth Status contains the list of abilities you are currently learning. Abilities take ability points [AP] in order to be learned. Ability points are gained from clearing events, such as washing a window, driving 500 miles to your vacation spot, and more. Abilities have minor "side effects" called equip effects to them where they can adjust your primary stat values slightly. There are many types of abilities including: equip only, permanent, use-only, and special abilities.

2. Sixth Status common terms

Let's create a story about someone learning an ability to help you understand the 6th and 8th statuses. In this story, a young kid has decided to learn how to swim. After the ability is set to be learned, this kid will be gaining [AP] toward it. Swim costs around a million ability points to learn. After the kid gets in the pool for his swimming lessons, he will start gaining AP, and fast. Swim is an example of a de-independent ability. A de-independent ability is any ability that can be learned from others teaching you OR by learning it on your own. After this kid learns how to swim, he, then, can use this ability at his own will. The continuation to this story is in the Eighth Status.

There are two other types of abilities: independent abilities, and dependent abilities. Independent abilities are abilities that can ONLY be learned on your own and no one can teach you them. Such examples of independent abilities are plus abilities that raise stats by a percentage determined by the ability's level, ESP [which is rather AP costly], or "status control", which is a unique ability that lets you control your stats at most any time. Special abilities are independent abilities with powerful equip effects on you and have almost entirely all positive equip effects affecting almost every stat. ESP is a good example as it really raises your magic [by 22] and especially your spirit [by 3900], but doesn't hamper your strength unlike most other related abilities do. Rather, ESP makes strength not change at all. Sometimes, special abilities are so special that they are the only ones that can take more than 1 equip slot. Equip slots are explained in detail on the Ninth Status.

Dependent abilities are abilities that can ONLY be learned by others. In general, they start off as someone's invention and it is passed along. Reading and writing are two excellent examples. Dependent abilities have almost no worthwhile equip effects and are the rarest kind of ability.

Tricks are special de-independent abilities that are learned only from the existance of another ability. For the case of swimming, swimming underwater while doing a 720 on the vertical axis is an example of a trick, a more complicated one requiring a significant amount of AP.

3. Sixth Status laws 'n' theories

First off, you may be thinking that this goes to the "laws and theories" category. This doesn't have anything to do with the Primary Status as a primary focus point. That's why these are listed here.

Law of simple to complex abilities
"You need other simpler abilities learned in order to accomplish more complicated abilities." Sometimes, as it is in my stories, in order to get to the next higher level for the ability, you need to gain enough AP to level it up. After it's learned, then you can go to the next level higher which will take even more AP to learn.

Law of prerequisits
"Sometimes, in order to start learning an ability, you may need to meet a number of prerequisits first". If you wish to cast spells, first you need an ability to be able to convert your spell power into well-timed complex shockwaves. You also need to have your stats at a certain value or higher. For spells, usually, a very high MAG is a well-known prerequisit as a failure for these low-level spells can easily cost you hours of time to recover enough spell power to try again.

Law of AP and different species
"The same ability takes various amounts of AP, even among the same species". Let's say that you want to learn to fly without machines and stuff. Well, just to be able to glide, you'll need to gain an ability that costs 1.08 sextillion AP*. A bird would only take around 5000 to 12,000 AP for the exact same ability, even less on a few other species!

Theory of learning abilities
"Organisms at younger ages generally gain AP faster". I'm not exactly certain on this, but according to TV ads, and other sources, younger children tend to learn much faster.

Law of rapid ability learning:
"You can learn abilities at the fastest rate by starting simple and working your way up". That often states the obvious. If you want to swim in deep water, you first must be able to learn the basics otherwise it's very risky. You need to learn how to float, glide in water [not in air] and swim without the worry of sinking. After you feel comforable with these over shallow water then you can try the deeper water and perhaps try to learn treading water. It's not easy to do if you can't float or something.... Simpler abilities cost fewer AP to learn, but are often required to gain access to the more powerful abilities with even better equip effects.

1st page of main report
Glossary of the many terms used
Primary Status
Laws of the Primary Status
Secondary Status
Tertiary Status
Quaternary Status
Fifth Status
Sixth Status
Seventh Status
Eighth Status
Ninth Status
Summary of report

* A sextillion is a trillion times a billion or a 1 followed by 21 zeros. For more information on these large number names past a trillion, see the bottom of the FAQ page.