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How is the Tertiary Status organized as of today?

1. Introduction

The Tertiary Status is something I mention quite often indirectly. I frequently say something like "my compatibility with that color is a high B, or 917" or of the related. This is seen on forums I actively visit as well as said to those I know physically. A common notation mentioned dealing with the Tertiary Status is gradual neutralization.

2. Tertiary Status basics

The Tertiary Status is a layout on how much you like something on a scale from 0 to 1000. The term behind the Tertiary Status is compatibility or COM for short. 0 is the worst and you totally hate it. 1000, or "M" as it's shown, is the best where you totally like it where you have no incompatibilities. 500 is declared the neutral point where you neither like it nor dislike it. There are ranks involved from M [Maxed] being the best going down to S [Superior], A, B, C, D, E, F and W [Worst] on the bottom. Rankings are "exponentially" based with the narrower end on the better rankings and the wider end on the worse rankings. This table below describes these rankings on how they're laid out. Usually, just the rank letter is given [i.e. 917 would be considered a B rank, not a high B.]

RankCOM rangeRankCOM rangeRankCOM range
— — — — — — — — — —M1000— — — — — — — — — —
High S996-999S989-995Low S980-988
High A966-979A949-965Low A930-948
High B909-929B886-908Low B860-885
High C829-859C792-828Low C750-791
High D703-749D653-702Low D600-652
High E539-599E471-538Low E400-470
High F300-399F160-299Low F1-159
— — — — — — — — — —W0— — — — — — — — — —

Note that the higher ranks have a very narrow range of possibilities than the much lower ranks? Also note that 500, which is neutral, is a middle E rank. However, things don't initially start as E rank, they start with a special one-time only rank: rank X. X means that it is variable and will remain as X until you've known the object for at least an hour [whether you mess with it or not, not messing with it will cause the compatibility to gradually approach 500] then the real rating will appear on this ratings list based on it's COM after the 1 hour since knowing about it. However, the value is still shown.

3. Gradual neutralization

After you get to know someone or something for a long time then you don't get to see that object for an extended time, your compatibility rating will slowly go up or down toward neutral, which is 500. This effect is called "gradual neutralization" because the object is becoming neutral gradually over a long time. There is a formula for calculating this and it is as follows:

ACOM = ( COM - 500 ) × ( ( 1 + ( TM ÷ TK ) ^ 0.5 ) ^ -1 ) + 500

In this formula, ACOM is the adjusted COM value you get, COM is what your current compatibility value is, TM stands for "time missed", the amount of time passed since you last messed with the object, and TK stands for "time known", the total time, including time missed and from past missed times, since you first heard about the object.

1st page of main report
Glossary of the many terms used
Primary Status
Laws of the Primary Status
Secondary Status
Tertiary Status
Quaternary Status
Fifth Status
Sixth Status
Seventh Status
Eighth Status
Ninth Status
Summary of report

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