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What is your storyboard of your script?

Image 1-1: Knuckles glides over all the terrain at supersonic velocity, 800 mph rushing toward his first destination. The fuzzy area is a city, the one that is in focus for a few areas and much of act 1.

Image 1-2: Knuckles, though invisible due to a spell he used on himself, is getting this crook to jail a quick way and from a "safe" distance. He also picked up this crook and got onto this building while invisible.

Figure 1-1: This image illustrates how the characters glide. The arms are the controls for everything. On the diagram above, when the arms are long, that side is up, and when they are short, that side is down. While turning, the whole body turns, not just the arms. They glide around just like they were an airplane, where the arms are the airplane’s wings. The forward/speed up part is different though. When a character drops down after exiting a glide, they go from their gliding position to an upright position with their arms out. All characters glide like this except Speed who doesn’t.

Figure 1-2: How characters cast spells. Step 1: First, the character makes a fist like the first part shows while standing in a very upright position. Then the character moves this fist up to their forehead in tact [without getting it unhooked]. Step 2: When the fist touches the forehead, a greenish glow [color code 70C040] appears around the character standing no more than 1/16 the character’s height for 2 seconds. After the greenish glow fades away, the characters undo their fist and drop their left hand to the side hanging down. With their right hand [step 3], they move it back then jerk it forward quickly with the palm facing directly in front of them [step 4], even if the target is behind them. After the spell’s effects end, the character reverts to normal [unless the spell is repeated from multiple casting [such thing only occurs once in the entire script]] The moment the hand is jerked forward, the spell’s effects start. It should take about 4 seconds to do this entire process before the spell’s effects start. Sometimes, a message saying "spell failed: reason for failure" appears after the spell’s effects end in a 404040-colored 3/4 transparent box with white [FFFFFF in color] text staying there for 3 seconds. Sometimes, in bad or certain conditions, the spell’s effects don’t play and they immediately get the "spell failed: reason for failure" message. For mass-selecting [selecting multiple targets], the process is exactly the same, but the spell’s effects are played on the targets individually for some spells, but once for others. What I mean by this is the life spell would make only one angel appear, but when the cure spell follows, the effect is played on all targets.

To view more images for the story board, click another scene number below. The left side is the act number.

Act 1:  Scene  1  |  Scene  2  |  Scene  3
Act 2:  Scene  4  |  Scene  5  |  Scene  6
Act 3:  Scene  7  |  Scene  8  |  Scene  9
Act 4:  Scene 10  |  Scene 11
Act 5:  Scene 12  |  Scene 13
Act 6:  Scene 14  |  Scene 15  |  Scene 16  |  Scene 17
Act 7:  Scene 18  |  Scene 19  |  Scene 20
Act 8:  Scene 21  |  Scene 22  |  Scene 23  |  Scene 24  |  Scene 25

Please note: until copyright has been successful for my newest version of my script, likely to be completed in August or September of 2004*. Until then, the information about it is very limited.

To see what is currently available, click on any link below with "available" immediately after the link text. If you see "restricted", you can still view it, but a lot of information has been left out. If you see "unavailable", clicking that link will just give 404 errors. Once copyright has been successfully completed, many of these links will still take a bit of time to complete afterward. After the documents are written, all will be fully available, including the first Act as a preview of it!

Script-writing main page - fully available
My general story-writing history - fully available
This script's long history - restricted
Self-created storyboard - restricted to first act only
Preview of the first act - unavailable
Script summary - slightly restricted
My old version - restricted

* This time frame is based on a previous successful registration. It took close to 9 months to complete. My new version was submitted around, I think, sometime around Christmas of 2003. Add 9 months, that's about August of 2004.