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The Master Minds

This is a story based on a scary dream I had On May 2, 2004*. It's so remarkably in tact that the accuracy of the story is about 98 or 99% accurate! Even the speech is quire accurate at around 85 to 90% accurate!

In a very small community, where about 16 houses were located on very flat land, I was just waking up. The house was empty, no one in it, not even the pets I have were in my dream.

Skipping much of the forgotten beginning, as I don't rememeber what happened, about at 1:00 PM, there was suddenly a helicopter-like sound. At first it wasn't much of a problem, but then, it seemed suspicious. Suddenly, without the helicopter being even close, a part of the house was chipped like the blades where doing so. Fearful, I jumped down the stairs using the fall glide**. Just as I hit the bottom of the stairs about 11 down, there was yet another slice in the wall, directly above where I was. I listened carefully and the helicopter sound was getting fainter, so it couldn't have been.

I then pondered why this was happening. If the helicopter sound was getting fainter, thus getting further away, and that it would be nearly impossible to get a helicopter blade to actually do that, why was this happening?

A bit later, the opposite side of the house was sliced. I witnessed it carefully, but then it stopped. I then sensed***, but I didn't turn up any results. I sensed again and found out that there were two guys trying to get rid of the house for good. They both looked futuristic. Though I didn't phyisically see them, after about 5 minutes, I then heard pounding sounds on the roof. There were no other slices made. I then jumped all the way up the stairs and waited about another minute. No other slices. Then, out of nowhere, I saw the two guys that I've sensed.

Those two guys was actually one male and one female. Both wore thick-looking light gray suits. The male had dark hair and the female had light hair. Picking up another signal, I saw a medium-sized jet aircraft outside of the house. I then saw those guys jump down from the roof [a big 14-foot drop], and didn't seem to get injured from the fall. They then peered through the slice that was made on the opposite side of the house. The slices were only 2 inches wide, so they couldn't get in.

I then went out of the door that was on the opposite side of where the bad guys last looked. I then saw the huge jet just right in the driveway! I then jumped up about 35 feet and saw the two sitting in two foldable-type chairs. I then landed on the roof. Strangely enough, those two baddies didn't even look at what I was doing. I jumped two feet off the roof going toward them fall-gliding over the edge. I went up to them and asked them what they were doing.

"What are you two doing here?", I asked nicely.
"We're planning a trip to Jamaica and we need to absorb energy from the Sun to power our leer jet", they replied. I then got shocked over hearing "leer jet". This just happened to be what they called it. It was actually a small airplane with room for 6 that had jet engines attached to it on both sides, and without a propeller.

"Now how can this plane have caused the slits?" I said to myself in my mind, "This thing doesn't even have a propeller!"
"What are you thinking about?", the man asked.
"I wanna go with you to Jamaica", I replied.
"We're sorry, but we can't allow you to.", the female said.
"Almost set?", the man said.
"It's now ready to go, enough fuel to reach Jamaica in about 11 hours".
"Eleven hours!", I exclaimed in shock, "I can do that in only two dot twenty-two hours, no plane required!"

The two baddies just got in their plane pushing me back and closed their doors. The plane just took off starting to go up at only 20 mph. Despirate, I ran into the house, called the cops, and exitted the house a final time. I then took out my mind radar map and located them. I jumped onto the roof, glid†† across heading away from them, landed, jumped again, and used the flash attack‡† horizontally straight into the roof. I jumped from the roof, used the flash attack immediately to head up†‡. I started to glide directly toward then, but I was much lower than what they were. In order to actually go up and keep up with him, I had to accelerate, and a lot. A mere 160 mph isn't enough. Even until I reached 300 mph constantly accelerating at 5 mph per second, the baddies were getting further and further away. I realized their location seemingly stopped when I reached about 330 mph. I was too close to the ground at this point, so I had to pull up. Doing so dropped my speed from 335 mph to 160, but I gained a very decent 3175 feet; however, that was much lower than what they were. It was enough to reach my full potential of 800 mph where I can climb to eternity.

As I constantly accelerated from 160 mph, the baddies then went off my radar. I zoomed out on the radar to get them back on. Past 300 mph, then 400, then 500 continuing constant acceleration. By 500 mph, I was almost directly below them, by nearly 15,000 feet! I continued to accelerate to about 600 mph where I actually passed them by quite a ways, then pulled up again. I got to about 120 mph before I got above them. I levelled out again to accelerate some more.

Once I reached about 240 mph again, I saw their jet whiz by about 25 feet above where I was. It was as if it was a car going about 70 mph. I zoomed in on my mind radar map twice making everything half the scale. Past 300 mph I clocked their speed at about 315 mph. Once I reached where their airplane was, I pulled up for a half a second then levelled out. I was directly above them. I continued to accelerate just a bit further.

I was then, just directly above their airplane, but going 40 mph too fast. I put on the gliding brakes and got to the perfect position. I got out of my glide and landed right on their airplane. Then came some spells.

I casted wind barrier to prevent the wind from affecting the top part of the airplane. I took out a piece of paper from my pocket and wrote on it: "Though you may have thought that you got away, I'm right above you. Care for level 2 thunder?". I casted teleport on that piece of paper and it appeared inside the pilot's room on the man's lap.

"What's this?", the man said confused. He takes the note and reads it. Sensing what the man was doing, I casted thunder2 on him just after he read the end of the note. A lightning bolt appeared and struck the man. I sensed a red 8,988 popping out of him. The man said "OUCH!" really loudly.

I then took out another piece of paper and wrote on it: "That was only level 2, care for level 5?". I casted teleport and made the note appear where the man was. He took the note and read it. Just after he finished, I casted thunder5 on him and the female. This caused a red 26,094 to appear from the man and a red 25,981 from the woman. Both were knocked unconcious. I then casted teleport on myself and appeared inside the plane. I picked up the two baddies and carried them to the opposite side of the airplane.

I then tried to contact the nearest control tower, but I didn't know how. I played around with the radio trying to call for help and I finally got something after some time. I got in the pilot's seat and started to bring the airplane down to land it. It took about 2 minutes to get it to reach the nearest airport. Past this point for a bit, I don't remember much what happened, however, I did land the airplane perfectly well.

The cops I called then arrived at the airport and saw the two dummies in the plane. I casted sleep then life-cure on them. They were then brought back to life, only sleeping. The cops then entered the plane and saw the two crooks. They were actually master criminals that I managed to get rid of. During all this time, I was several miles from my house. My house was far to the northwest from where I was. I was given a generous $10,000 reward for capturing these two baddies. What happened after this point never occured in my dream. I would believe that the two baddies have been proven guilty and given a 90-year prison sentence without paroll [sp. ?]. Even the death penalty was on the line.

Notes on story: This was a story based purely on a scary dream I had. The actual events are about 99% accurate, much more accurate than any of my other dream stories, far more. The beginning part is not certain as I don't remember what happened.

* This is one of many strange dreams I've had. To read about them, read this
** The fall-glide, seemingly similar to the normal glide, is used in my mindgame mostly rarely in my stories. This ability reduces the force of gravity, but eliminates drag with mediums up 1.4 atmospheres. It allows constant acceleration to be at 5 mph per second. Glide is used for forward acceleration, but the fall-glide is used to cut down on the falling acceleration.
*** Sensing allows you to send signals in hopes to get something back, usually a pictorical image or to find where something is located. It's like ESP, only much more effective.
The maximum height of the jumps is actually 91 2/3 feet. You start at 50 mph and you decelerate at 20 mph per second to 0 mph.
The mind radar map is something I actually have, only without the radar part, but it's capabilities are very weak due to it's low level and my very low supply of spell power. This ability lets you track where you are at any given moment as well as where other objects are. My ability in this dream is much more powerful than what I really have. Here's a comparison:

My real abilityAbility in this dream
Range30 feet using 1800 spell power per hourundetermined, but it's very far
Object location30 feet using about 2400 SP per hourCan determine if those are evil, good, or neutral at an uncertain range [maximum experienced in this dream was several miles]
Mapping80 feet using 2000 SP per hourUndetermined, no guess possible
Update rate2 seconds using 800 additional SP per hour, or 5 seconds*about 15 or 20 times a second
Zoom3 levels, all very close upsUnknown, three are used, however, at those far ones, you'll always have the close ones, so I'd say about 8 to 10 zoom levels.

Table footnotes:
* At my real ability's full potential, it would use nearly 3 spell power every second, meaning I can only use this ability for no more than 2 minutes.

†† The glide ability is something used both in my mind game and stories. It allows constant acceleration at 5 mph per second to up to 800 mph top speed. It's almost like flying but utilizes gravity to pull you forward, not down. It becomes ineffective in mediums at 1.4 atmospheres [the density of the atmosphere at sea level times 1.4; drag can be entirely eliminated up to this density. This means that gliding will not work underwater effectively [the faster you go, the slower your deceleration is, again, limited to 800 mph.].
‡† The flash attack is a special ability that forces the surrounding medium to give you a very sudden burst of speed adding 100 mph in any direction. For example, if you were travelling 200 mph going straight up, and use the flash attack to go up, you'll boost to 300 mph. Use it to go down, you'll drop to 100 mph still going up. However, if you were to use it to go straight across, say north, you'd have 200 going up and 100 going north, a net velocity of 223 3/5 mph going north and 63 7/16° up from the horizon [These fractions are rounded to the nearest common fraction‡‡.].
†‡ The reason why I did this is simple. The flash attack, as stated in footnote ‡†, allows a sudden burst of speed of 100 mph in any direction. The roof is an incline of about 12°. Using the flash attack horizontally toward this gives you running up the slope at 100 mph going 12° up. If you were to run toward a small slope, then jump just when you start going up it, you'll jump MUCH higher than you normally would, usually about a foot higher. If you were to have the ability of the 91 2/3 foot jumps, this 12° slope the roof is will allow you to jump 324 5/6 feet high. Throwing in the flash attack, adding 100 mph to that going straight up gives you a grand total of about 1350 feet and with a starting glide speed of 97 feet per second, or 66.7 mph, a good start.
‡‡ Nearest common fractions are used to provide great accuracy, but great simplicity. To learn more, read the FAQ page.