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The haunted restaurant

This is a story based on a somewhat bad dream I had On In late September of 2004*. Most of this dream contained the real events in the same order they occured in the dream. It's 91% accurate to what actually happened. This dream was quite scary. Enjoy the story!

This dream took place inside a very nice-looking restaurant with, according to the customers in it, very tasty food. Inside this restaurant was a guy dressed up like an Indian: mainly distinguish with the few feathers around his front head. This guy loved to explore but, at the start of the dream, was just starting to eat food.

While he ate, I was looking around the restaurant. Just out of nowhere, water started to appear outside as if a big release of water came from some source. I could see this water around the entire restaurant and got up to about 4 feet deep. Mysteriously, no water got inside the restaurant. The water flooding went away a little while later.

After the flooding was done, the Indian guy exitted the restaurant. I remained inside fearing that something weird was going to happen. Indeed, an even bigger flooding thing occurred with the water more like 7 feet deep. Again, no water came in the restaurant and the water didn't even move the restaurant. It, too, went away. It made little sense.

The next bunch was even worse. The restaurant was placed underwater this time and this time water leaked in causing the restaurant to flood about 4 inches deep. Again, as before, the water went away. Scared, I left the restaurant.

Out side the restaurant, about 50 feet or so, was a nice peaceful-looking river. The Indian guy, somehow, was unaffected by the water hitting the restaurant. He was just standing in the river in an area about 6 inches deep watching fish swim around. I walked over to the river. Along the sides of the river just before crossing it were some strange markings along the side of it. The markings were like crop circles only much smaller and darkened. Just standing on the ground and looking straight down, you could have them entirely in your field of view. What they were was a triangle-shaped object made of 3 circles. The circles were about 15 inches in diameter. A little further up the river was another one of these.

A few seconds later, the Indian guy said that he was going to explore upriver. I was a little worried. I looked at the circles up close to see if I can spot any defects to see if someone created them, but no, I couldn't find any single defect. They were circles more perfect than a compass could even draw.

By then, the Indian guy was out of my sight. Worried about him, I started to head up river where I saw him go. The walk was quite long and I did find a small waterfall that fell about six feet. Downstream a ways, I found the Indian guy dead. I, then, got scared. Out of no where came two large cats. The cats resembled leopards, but had very long and sharp claws, with ears like that of the lynx and look as if they weighed nearly 350 pounds. Feeling trapped, I casted a quick thunder spell to short-circuit the monsters' brain. It helped, but one cat was able to take it. I tried again and this time I got it (targetting the other cats too). I used life-cure to raise the Indian guy from the dead. He got back up and was scared.

Looking at the big cats, the Indian guy yelled "Run!". As the two of us ran back up the river, the cats, somehow, revived themselves but were quite dizzy-looking. Just afterward was one cat twice the size. This cat started to chase after us. I didn't notice it but the Indian guy did. I stopped and casted thunder2 on the big cat which made it stop for a while. I gained some essential distance from the cat and finally the restaurant came into our view. With the big cat resuming chase again, we had to hurry. The restaurant was too far away and the cat was just too fast for us. I stopped and casted thunder2 on the big cat again. It, again, got stopped in it's tracks but was still alive. We were almost at the restaurant and the cat got up again. Barely opening the doors and closing them, we finally were safe inside the restaurant.

One final flood of water affected this restaurant, far worse than before. In fact, the restaurant was actually lifted off the ground floating away. Some water did end up in the restaurant, but not much. The cat was swept away never to be seen again. We were carried some 40 miles downriver where the restaurant finally landed. Again, it was out into the open where it landed....

Notes on story: This was a story based purely on a somewhat scary dream I had. The actual events are about 91% accurate. The restaurant flooding in the strange way it was was a real thing that occurred in the dream. The number of times, however, was uncertain. The Indian guy was for real, even him standing in the river watching the fish. The part about the mysterious circles was made up in my mind game. There was something there, but I couldn't remember. The part about the Indian guy walking downriver was true as well. The part about him dying from some unseen object was true. The cats were true, except the big cat. The spells never happened in the dream. Anything past the escape, which did happen, has been made up as I forgot what the ending was like. The final flood was just a way to get rid of the big cat. Other than this, everything was in tact to what actually happened.

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