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The Endless Mud Lake

This is a story created by my mind game* and is based on scenes from a dream I had a very long time ago**. Because the plot of the dream has been almost completely forgotten, I've tried to recreate it with my mind game while going to bed for several days creating events and the such and trying to find the best way to combine all the events. The character whom is referenced as "I" is the main character I use in my mind game, who is similar to Knuckles as explained here, except the size of a human instead of about 40% the size.

A group of four were all at a party. A fifth man soon joined the party, the character I use in my mind game. The party was of a birthday party of someone already there. I arrived at this party gliding along the way***. I entered and they let me in. All of a sudden, strange things started to happen.

The lights dimmed then returned to normal. Then the surroundings suddenly dimmed without the light dimming. Confused, I did I scan3 on the surroundings. I the results didn't know anything suspicious. After more and more dimming of the surroundings and the light, the dims lasted longer and longer then, just all of a sudden, by the tenth dim, the entire team was transported to an area with an endless brown field inside a house. In the center of the field was a house, a medium-sized house that's around 60 by 60 feet and two stories high. The roof was of a 3:1 slope ratio and the house walls were of a brownish color. To the south side of the house was a bridge that went on for a very long ways. It was a wooden bridge. Here's a general map of the house and the surrounding area:

Map note: On the left is the house map's bottom floor, where things are generally placed around the house; center is the second floor where the bedrooms are; on the left is the map of the general surroundings. House map legend: A - kitchen counter; B - door to enter; C - bedroom on lower floor; D - stairs to reach top floor; E - dining room/eating room; F, G, H, and I - bedrooms on second floor; Area map legend: medium light brown - the mud; very light brown - the bridge; medium dark brown - house; green - area above the mud [like an island]

Upon suddenly entering this mysterious area, a even more mysterious voice appeared saying "you must all walk the walk in the lowest area for at least 8 hours or cross the bridge that seemingly goes on forever in order to return to your rightful home. Any one of you can do whatever, even if it is just one that accomplishes this mission". The voice suddenly disappeared. I, myself, tried to sense it's location but didn't pick up anything. I was stuck trying to figure this area out alone. I had numerous special abilities on hand in which I could try to trick this area. I then said to the group "Don't worry, I'll figure this area out, somehow. I've got numerous special abilities and things that can come in mighty handy. Whoever or whatever did this is going to get a taste of ultima6".

I exited the house and saw a huge pool of some weird brownish area. The brownish area seemed to have waves, so I thought it was water in a sense, but the color and texture told otherwise. To see how far this area extended, I jumped from here on top of the house. I then jumped a full 91 2/3 feet, but couldn't see an end to the area. I landed, then repeated the jump immediately using the flash attack to get a huge boost in height, but, even at 750 feet above the ground, I couldn't tell how far the area extended in all directions.

Then, after I jumped down from the roof after the landing, one of the members of the group asked "what is this weird place? What's with the strange wavy stuff? Is that water, dirty water?".
I then replied, "I don't know, I could scan3 it and find out".
"What do you mean by 'scan3' it?", the man said back.
"By casting a scan3 spell. That spell allows me to get tons of information about the target. Not only does it get the stats, but chemical, physical, magnetic, and general properties as well."
"Well, whatever, go ahead and scan3 it."

So I did, I casted the scan3 spell and the results turned up something a bit unexpected. It was actually mud. Wavy mud seemed very odd. I looked deeper into the properties of the stuff and realized that 100% of it was mud in a ratio of 85% water and 15% sand. This meant that it would be quite gooey. There was a solid floor beneath, according to my sensing, so jumping in and walking in it didn't seem like a problem. However, going more in depth didn't answer the waves question. There was a 15 mph wind at the time, moderate in most cases. Further studies show that the sand particles involved were very very fine, like that of dust. The mud was perfectly clean without any bacteria and the such in it. I then made the stats disappear in front of me and I told them the results.

"This is mud. 85% water and 15% very fine dust particles. There is a solid floor beneath, so you can't get stuck in it. It has no microorganisms in it of any kind, thus safe to go in." I said in a long note.
"We don't want to go walkin' around in that gooey stuff, is there another way out?
"That voice said that you could also try to cross the bridge. Any member can do it and I'm the one who can go hundreds of m-p-h††"
"What!", the group said together, "Woah! No way!" member 2 said of the group afterward.
"I'm what you would call supernatural, possibly hypernatural. I'll use my speed blast ability‡† to dash across this bridge at, say, 600 mph?"

The group watched in amazement as I turned to face the bridge as parallel as possible. Then, while checking my mind radar map†‡, I zoomed out to a point in which I can see the bridge well, but have the most in the view. I then put tention on my arms then a yellow, half-transparent band of light appeared behind me. I waited another second and a fifth longer with the light's band growing, then I suddenly blasted off heading straight down the bridge at 630 mph! I realigned myself carefully then I started to cruise down the bridge at this same speed.

After a very long time cruising down the bridge, I started to make puffs and stop. I stopped and, strangely as it was, looked at the mud's waves being nearly 3 times as high with no difference in the wind. Because I had a special ability to not affect the air while I ran at speeds above 70 mph, the compressed air going 630 mph wouldn't have affected the mud's waves. I watched the waves very carefully. It was odd-looking. I, then, marked a flag [for use of the teleport spell], realigned to be parallel with the bridge, juiced up some more energy, then used the speed blast to blast off at a massive 740 mph, near the maximum the speed blast can support, which is the speed of sound, or 760 mph in this case.

After cruising at this speed for nearly twenty more minutes making only minor adjustments of direction to keep on the bridge, I then made more puffs and stopped. The waves here were so high that they were almost touching the bridge. Going about 700 mph for roughly 40 minutes meant that I travelled nearly 450 miles.

I marked a flag then teleported back to the house. The group was bored wondering what to do and where I went. I was in shock myself too.

"Boy, 450 miles out and still nothing, however, the mud had much higher waves in that area. Some were almost touching the bridge!" I said in shock.
"How was your trip then?" member 3 asked.
"Oh, it wasn't bad. Just watching what I was doing sort of zig-zagging along the bridge trying to keep on while going 740 mph...."
"Wow! You're fast! Any luck though?" member 4 asked.
"Heights, about 500,000 feet's worth in raw height should do."
"500,000 feet!? How do you get up that high?" member 4 asked in wonder.
"I could try the spinning board method. Cast a create spell and build myself a single-use spinning board and see what it looks like from up there.
"Uh, wouldn't that hurt?" member 2 said.
"I'm immune to damage so it wouldn't hurt one bit."

I then casted create and out of nowhere a board with a huge spring appeared. I went over to it, jumped up into it, and then the board started to accelerate so rapidly. It then hit me sending me off at an odd angle along the bridge with hardly anything up. I made puffs to stop, casted teleport, casted delete, then tried again with the board being longer and a bit higher. I tried it again and got thrown in basically the same direction, but at 900 mph instead of 730. Stopping, casting teleport, deleting and recreating the board as it was was all completed in about 22 seconds.

I looked at my board's design and noticed a flaw. I needed to hit it at a much slower speed than what I was doing or focus more on the outer edge. I casted delete on the board then casted create and made a new one only a bit higher and longer. I then did a test jump to ensure I was on the outer edge, then jumped up into it. This time I was thrown almost straight up at 980 mph. Though it only gave me an altitude of a bit over 35,000 feet, I needed a much faster platform. I deleted the old one once I landed on the bridge then created one nearly 3 times longer and 3 times higher. I jumped my full 91 2/3 feet, but didn't come close to it. I jumped in mid-air and used the flash attack. I hit it and I was thrown up at an amazing 2950 mph. It was the largest sized board I could create. It got me just shy of 320,000 feet, not enough, so I started a glide knowing the glide trick I had.

After 2 2/3 minutes accelerating at 5 mph per second, I maxed out my speed at 800 mph. I started to pull up decelerating to 600 mph then levelled out to accelerate again. Once I reached 800 mph, waited about 5 seconds to ensure I was at that speed, I pulled up again to gain another 10,000 feet. I repeated this 18 more times, took out my camera, and took a 360° photo of the area while I was going around in circles while falling. I put the camera back inside my chest‡‡. I continued to climb until I reached 600,000 feet, after another 10 rounds of this. On the final pull up, I exitted my glide, and went straight up decelerating from 800 mph. Once I got to around 200 mph, I took out that camera again and did another 360°. I then had the long way down. I fell accelerating nonstop for 4 minutes and 9 2/3 seconds. I then crashed through the bridge standing on the mud. Upon impact, a huge, very bright deep violet [near ultraviolet end of spectrum and very bright, though it doesn't seem like it] shockwave spread out†††. Luckily, I was far from the group, though I didn't know it. I casted teleport and reappeared by the group.

"Endless field in all directions. Nothing but mud everywhere!" I came barging [sp.?] in the house yelling.
"Oh no! We're doomed then!" member 1 said, the one whose birthday it was. "What a doomsy birthday this turned out to be."
"Don't let it get to you. There is still one way left" I said.

Just then, the shockwave emitted from the huge impact rattled the house a little then went away.

"Yeah, that rattle came from the extremely hard landing I had at 3400 or so mph." I replied after about one second since the rattling stopped.
"Woah, some landing you had. Oh well, I guess we'll need to take out our swim suits, jump in the mud and start walkin' around in it. How long?" member 3 all said.
"Eight very long hours. I'll see if I can shorten that by crossing the bridge past what you see in the area I've encountered so far. I marked a flag there so I can warp there instantly without the need of casting the teleport spell." I said.
"This is it all, we're goin' in the mud. Get dressed so we can go playin' around in it. Man, hopefully that weird guy can figure this out.

As the group minus myself was getting dressed getting their swim suits on, I then did some sensing research on top of the roof. I sensed the area very carefully to see if I could find some clues or weaknesses. Eventually, the group came out with their swim suits on. I watched down carefully from then roof then climbed over the edge and dropped off onto the bridge.

Member 4 looked at me and said, "Why didn't you get dressed?".
"Unfortunately, I can't go in anything that dense. I have a special ability that prevents that from happening." I replied. I jumped down off the bridge to where the mud is supposed to be, but I didn't sink into it. "See what I mean?" I jumped up and landed about 40 feet out from the island. I still didn't sink. I jumped up and landed back on the bridge. Then, the whole group, one by one, jumped into the mud pool.
"Strange as it is, this stuff doesn't feel as bad as I thought!" member 3 said.

Suddenly, that thing that was originally the thing that took them where they came appeared in front of everyone.

"I'm the one who took you here. You now need to battle me and win before you can be taken back!"

Just as I heard "and win", I started casting ultima6. With ultima6's spell effects taking placeࠠ, the baddie then disappeared and a red 8.88381E78988 popped out of him. Suddenly, a timer appeared. They had 1 hour of being in the mud nonstop for who was in it. They all started to walk further and further away from the house in the mud. I, on the other hand, casted teleport and appeared where the waves almost met the bridge. I lined up and came parallel with the bridge. I used the speed blast ability and got myself going 680 mph across the bridge. I continued for that one hour. As I did continue, I actually got faster and faster by the time the waves met the bridge another ten minutes into the run. Another 40 minutes later, the waves were nearly twice as high as the bridge was. I then stopped as I saw a strange white door. I was bobbing up and down really fast because of the intense waves. I marked a flag, took a picture of the area, then returned to the house via teleport spell.

I developed the film with a created developing lab. The entire roll was used up. 27 exposures wasn't much, but it was good enough. I got everything I needed. I then flipped the photos upside down and wrote on the back what each object was. I then casted teleport and appeared by the white light that took the shape of a door. I opened the door and nothing happened. I casted teleport and appeared right where the others were neck-deep in the mud.

"I found the answer. At the end of the bridge, there was something. 2000 mega miles out!"

Suddenly, the surroundings started to dim out again. I realized that the one hour was over with. After the ten dims again, the entire team was brought back to where they once were. Again, another voice came before them saying, "Well done! You've figured out the puzzle!" The presence then appeared before them, this time was evil-looking. I immediate casted ultima6 and wiped him out in an instant. A red 2.38198E77989 appeared where the monster once was. That was the end of the party and event. Yet, strangely enough, only two minute have passed during this whole thing! Near the ending, the scene would look something like this [you may recognize it as the main image of the dreams page and any story based on them]:

* My mind game is my futuristic video-game-like game I play in my mind often. To learn more, read this report ** This story is based on a dream I had, however, because it is so vaguely remembered, I recreated it using my mind game and enhanced it. To read about my dreams, go here.
*** The glide ability is something used both in my mind game and stories. It allows constant acceleration at 5 mph per second to up to 800 mph top speed. It's almost like flying but utilizes gravity to pull you forward, not down. It becomes ineffective in mediums at 1.4 atmospheres [the density of the atmosphere at sea level times 1.4; drag can be entirely eliminated up to this density. This means that gliding will not work underwater effectively [the faster you go, the slower your deceleration is, again, limited to 800 mph.].
What is meant by a 3:1 slope grade is that, for every 3 units in one direction, there is 1 unit in another perpendicular direction. In this case, it's the horizontal:vertical values. For every three feet horizontal movement, the roof raises one foot, which is somewhat steep; it's an 18 3/7° angle.
The maximum height of the jumps is actually 91 2/3 feet. You start at 50 mph and you decelerate at 20 mph per second to 0 mph.
†† Dashes in textual speech represent spelling or that part with dashes is being said in parts and pieces. This is how it is noted in my scripts when I write them.
‡† The speed blast ability allows a very sudden burst of speed in whichever direction you are facing. The limit is the speed of sound. While in use, a yellow band of light appears behind the character which is half-transparent. This yellow band is raw energy. Once released, the energy forces air to force you forward giving several thousand G's, perhaps close to a million G's! †‡ The mind radar map is something I actually have, only without the radar part, but it's capabilities are very weak due to it's low level and my very low supply of spell power. This ability lets you track where you are at any given moment as well as where other objects are. My ability in this dream is much more powerful than what I really have. Here's a comparison:

My real abilityAbility in my mind game
Range30 feet using 1800 spell power per hourindefinate; likely from a few femtometers [quadrillionths of a meter [a quadrillionth is a decimal, 14, zeros then a 1, or .000 000 000 000 001]] to the edge of the universe
Object location30 feet using about 2400 SP per hourCan determine if those are evil, good, or neutral at an any range
Mapping80 feet using 2000 SP per hourless than a millionth per hour
Update rate2 seconds using 800 additional SP per hour, or 5 seconds*about 60 times a second
Zoom3 levels, all very close upsAs shown here

Table footnotes:
* At my real ability's full potential, it would use nearly 3 spell power every second, meaning I can only use this ability for no more than 2 minutes.

‡‡ Knuckles, as used in my script, can put things inside his chest which compress to almost nothing because atoms are mostly empty space. ††† You get a shockwave like this for one main reason: the huge impact and the immense kinetic energy. At 3404 mph, you have tons of kinetic energy. At a weight of 70 kilograms and the velocity of 1520 meters per second [a close approximation of 3404 mph], your kinetic energy is a shocking 81 million Joules [? energy unit not certain but numerical value is fully certain, though rounded]. Because the special ability the main guy had in my mind game allows soft landings, the energy has to get disepated somehow. The shockwave created answers this.
ࠠ Ultima6's spell effects and animation is explained and shown here.