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The mud pool, the farm, and the class

This is a story based on a mud dream I had a long time ago**. I've put a few notes for precision according to what Speed* has to say as he was watching my dream as I had it.

There was a barn and there was a long trail. The trail was made of mud about two feet deep [1.8 according to Speed], and there were large rocks to jump onto. The trail was about 2000 feet long, and at the end, it led to a barn. The barn was empty and had a strange interior. The barn was roughly 50-60 feet tall [larger than an average barn, by even 2.5 to 3 times the height] but on the way up, there was a small ramp that gradually rose. On the top, there was a big note saying something about the trail. It was an old one and nearly impossible to read. Then, the the ramp broke but still had pieces stuck into the wall. If you were to divide the ramp into several sections about two to three feet by two to three feet [averaged at 2.7 by 2.8 according to Speed]. Now picture this ramp with every other section missing. Each section that was missing was one foot wide [distance along the ramp] and about the usual 2.8 feet wide [distance from the wall to the edge]. The wall along the ramp was cylindrical. The wall had a diameter of roughly 12.5 feet [according to Speed] and went all the way to the top of the roof of the barn. There were seven or eight others [they appeared to be students from a school] with me. All of which used the rocks along the pathway [even I did]. Because I'm not afraid of heights, I went up the ramp and checked to see what was up there. [I know I'm off, but I forgot to mention this.] As the ramp broke with those sections, the other students watched the pieces fall into the mud [which was thicker than any other dream I've had]. They were at the edge of the path. After I finally got down to a low enough level, I jumped over to a bed that was about three feet across. The beds were very sturdy. As the students looked around from their still location, they saw a ladder that was only accessible from the ramp. Again, I jumped across onto the ramp. I was still another six feet above the surface of the mud, so dropping down was a bad idea. When I headed up the ramp again, I reached over to the ladder, but when I noticed it, it was too far away. I went up to the top as I remembered a long stick. The previous farmers that were there used the stick. On the stick was a note: "Because the ladder is eight feet away and that there is deep mud at the bottom, use this to grab the ladder". I took the stick and slowly went back down to the spot in which the ladder was most accessible. According to Speed, the distance was 7.7 feet at the closest. The stick was 8.9 feet long and metalic [steel and iron mix]. I used the stick and got the ladder. I pointed the stick up so that the ladder slid down. The ladder was wooden, however, it was very sturdy. I carried the ladder down to where my bed was. From there, I used the ladder as a crossway. The students, very carefully, climbed up the ladder onto the lowest level beds. I used the ladder as a movable ramp. When the last student crossed over, I picked up the ladder and carefully balanced it so that the students could cross to the next bed. The students crossed the ladder until they got to the highest point. The beds were five feet apart, so, if the ladder broke, the students would land on the bed just below, which was five feet down. They were soft, so they should land softly. Then, as I got out of the window, I led the students along the way. The students saw a long, "endless" field ahead of them. To their surprise, it was that legendary path on the note that no one could reach. It was protected by barriers all along so that no one could access it only from there. I used the ladder to cross over to the ramp along the cylindrical wall. I looked at that note again and noticed something. There were the words "at the end... the 3.2-mile pathway protected... barriers that prevented outsiders, was a... large, buried treasure." The note was a very small size equivilent to this: "tiny, ain't it?". I crossed the ladder again carrying the note. Little did I know at the time that there was another note on the reverse side of the note I just read. To my surprise, I crawled out the window and went down another ladder on the side of the wall. There was a rock to land on the bottom of the ladder. The students were cautious when getting down as they feared something unknown was going to happen. As the students and I all went out, we encountered no problems and we reached the end of the route. There were 768 rocks [according to Speed] that were used all along the route. At the end was another barn, roughly the same size, only half as high and covering twice the ground area. It was also shaped like a cylinder, which is an odd shape. At the end, there were no treasures, only a darkened room with one 70-watt light bulb on the top lighting the entire room [Picture only using one light bulb in the center of a room about 28x28 feet. That's how much light there was]. There was no heater, yet, it stayed a constant 72° all year, even in the coldest winters. Yet, I've spotted one other thing. There was another note on the wall, this time easily accessed. It was a treasure map. At the time, I was right over the treasure. I saw another ramp and jumped to it. However, this one was more gradual in climbing and was fit so a ball can roll down it. At the top was a large ball about a foot across. I said "Lookout! Get away from the ramp!" and when I did, the students got out of the way. I pushed the large ball [which happened to be a spherical rock] and when it hit the mud, a door opened. There was a treasure chest in it. It was easily accessible as well. As I slowly went down the ramp, I opened the treasure chest. It was empty! Little did I know that there was something in it. I told the students that I had a bad feeling. I told them to go as quickly as possible and get back to the barn in which started this whole thing. We quickly ran along and hopped from rock to rock. I noticed that the mud was rising.... It was rising slowly, but there was a point in which a rock was nearly submerged. At the end, the rock was completely submerged. I got to the end of the path and climbed up the ladder in the first barn I encountered. The mud here was four feet deep! I dropped down the beds rather than using the ladder. It was the quickest. They were soft, so the five foot drop done ten times was no problem. At the end of the path the whole field was submerged and I was the only one left. I noticed that a wall was rising and saw another note. It said that the mud was going to get to five feet deep. It was the maximum I could handle. I made the jump and successfully found it. There was a treasure chest. I woke up before I got to see what it was, but according to Speed, it was gold, lots of it!

Notes on story: This was a story based purely on a mud dream I had. I've had a few of these. However, when I woke up at six or seven AM, I went on and wrote the story for you so you can read it without a huge loss of detail. I've called on Speed for parts where some accuracy was needed, especially measurements and distances, otherwise things will look highly distorted. Instead of 40 feet, for example, I could've said from about 30 to 55 especially from my inability to judge distances.

* Speed is one of my 3 guardian spirits built for power and especially speed. To learn more about him, read his data.
** This is one of many strange mud dreams I've had. To read about them, read sections 1 and 2 here.