Is there a way to prevent your sodas from spilling?
type: trick
reliability: - very high
understandability: - very high
time saving: - variable 4-6*
usefulness: - absolutely a must
difficulty: - Very easy
required skill: - beginner
overall: 40 of 48 points,
Did you just buy a soda in a bottle, opened it and it leaked through the top? There is a way to prevent spilling so that mop of yours [or the store's] doesn't need to be taken out because of soda spills. Here's how:
- When you first buy a 20-ounce soda [any soda in a bottle, not as effective on cans], don't open it right away.
- When you want to take a drink, open the lid just enough that you can hear the pressurized gases escape but don't continue.
- If you see the bubbles rise up rapidly, quickly close the lid. This prevents the bubbles from rising up any more.
- Once the bubbles go back down, open it again and check. Continue this until the bubbles don't go up any more [which shouldn't be any more than 3 rounds of this].
- If the bubbles remain down, then open it completely and have your drink.
This trick works, even after you shake it a little [or a lot too!], just be careful and make sure your reaction time is quick enough though, because it can sometimes be quite sudden. To improve your chances more, if the rate of bubbles coming from the bottom accelerates very quickly, close it as it's likely to suddenly churn up. There is a 100% chance that this'll always work [unless you forget to apply this or have too slow of a reaction time], so you don't have to worry about it failing.
Now that you have read the trick to it, you can put the mop away and never have to worry too much about any spills or messes [just be careful that you don't tip it over, otherwise out comes that trusty little mop again!].
* This is variable due to two main reasons. First, if you spill, you have to take out the mop to clean it up. If you apply this trick, it can save some time as you won't have to take out the mop, but if you knock it over, you lose time, thus it's variable from 4 to 6 stars, but 5 is quite straight-forward.