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These bugs are getting annoying! How do I get rid of them?

type:              tip
reliability:        - medium
understandability:  - medium-high
time saving:        - small gain
usefulness:         - indeterminate*
difficulty:         - medium-hard
required skill:     - advanced
overall:           21 of 40 points, 

Do you have flies constantly buzzing around you? If so, they have one major weakness: windows and screen doors. When a fly is along a window or screen door, note how that, if it tries to fly away, it appears as if it's having a lot of trouble. That's a fly's major weakness. Even your hand at half the maximum speed can capture them. When a fly is on the screen door, take the palm of your hand and completely enclose it and go in at it. It might try to escape, but has difficulties. Chasing it is ten times easier than in the air far from windows and screen doors. If you miss, chase it until you catch it. If you catch it, flatten your palm of your hand and slowly roll along until you feel the fly is squished. This takes a considerable amount of damage on it and often kills it. That's one fly down. Repeat this for other flies if possible. If you don't like to get near bugs like this, try using a paper towel or something. This'll slowly eliminate the flies buzzing around. Each one adds up. After enough flies, you'd have few that would bother you and they may eventually fear getting close to you. After enough time, all the flies will either fear you or be dead. Don't forget to clean up the bodies though. The method is mostly effective on smaller bugs, but moths have a weaker evasion so it's about eight times easier to hit in mid-flight or to grab in general.

A moth's major weakness is light and landing on a wall in an open area as well as it's poor evasion compared to most other bugs. Moths hover around lights. They are so much easier to catch when a moth is by a light. Even a good hard hit gives them considerable damage that makes it hard for them to fly. When they are flying along a light, swing your hand back and forth rapidly. The faster you go, the more damage the moth will take [if you double your speed, the damage is as much as four times as strong according to the laws of physics]. If a moth is on the wall, come in at it quickly from about 18 inches from the wall [46 centimeters]. From this distance, swat it with your hand. This often either kills them or makes the moth very weak and will eventually die.

Mosquitoes are slow thus having an extremely weak evasion. Some quick swipes may take some damage on them, but their defense against it is considerably higher. A moth has a defense about 60% higher than a mosquito, mostly because of it's size. A fly's evasion is estimated to be from 920 to 1050‰, though some may be as high as 1200‰** and *** making hitting them very hard.

* Usefulness is indeterminate as there are too many variations and variables to consider and it varies very widely. Some include:

** The symbol, ‰, means "parts per thousand". This is like having tenths of a percent.
*** Evasion is the probability of dodging an attack in parts per thousand whose hitting accuracy was 1000‰. To learn more details on evasion, read section 3 here.