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What kinds of tips, tricks, speed-ups, and shortcuts do you have available?

To find out what kinds of tips and tricks I have available, find the tip/trick in the index below that you're most interested in learning about and click the link. Following the link is a basic description on what it's about.

Version 4.2.1 and 5.0 update: now, all tips and tricks have measures for them. These include reliability, usefulness, how much of a time saver it is, how hard it is to apply, how easy it is to understand, and the strength of your topic-related skills. Here's how each is determined:

  1. reliability - how reliable the tip, trick, speed-up, and/or shortcut** is. The more limitations the tip, trick, speed-up, and/or shortcut has, the lower the score.
  2. understandability - how well the tip, trick, speed-up, and/or shortcut can be understood. The harder it is for me to explain and the harder I feel that the tip, trick, speed-up, and/or shortcut is to understand for those not skilled on the subject, and how much information there is to know in order to use the tip, trick, speed-up, and/or shortcut, the lower the score.
  3. time saver - what difference of time the tip, trick, speed-up, and/or shortcut would take compared to the old or most common method or in general. The bigger the loss of your time, the lower the score, but the more time that is saved, the higher the score.
  4. usefulness - how useful the tip, trick, speed-up, and/or shortcut is. A tip, trick, speed-up, and/or shortcut that is very useful when it can be applied, regardless of the difficulty and reliability, scores the most points.
  5. difficulty - how hard the tip, trick, speed-up, and/or shortcut is to apply. Though this is highly dependant on your skill, difficulty can sometimes make or break your decision to using it, thus it is added. The harder the tip, trick, speed-up, and/or shortcut is to use to someone who is not skilled on the subject, the lower the score.
  6. required skills - the estimated skill level required [or highly recommended] on the subject for the tip, trick, speed-up, and/or shortcut. If the required skills are about that of an expert or master, the score will be low. Almost all my tips, tricks, speed-ups, and shortcuts require skills not much higher than 7 stars [6 stars would require more skill than would be of a rating of 7].

The score is determined by the number of stars shown minus 6 [a 1-star rating is worth 0 points, but a 9-star rating, the max, is worth 8 points] and taken over 48 possible. In some cases, a value is indeterminate, or that scoring does not apply to the specific tip, trick, speed-up, or shortcut you are looking at. The overall score is based on the scores from the 6 main categories. It is an average.



1 Tips and tricks
1.1 Money savers
1.1.1 Battery trick - Want to save lots of money on batteries? This trick tells you exactly how and why you save money when it comes to battery choices.

1.2 Math tips, tricks, and shortcuts
1.2.1 Addition tips - Need to do some addition faster? 4 tips are available, one dealing with standard addition, decimals or whole numbers, and three shortcuts dealing with adding and subtracting fractions.
1.2.2 Address trick - Do you ever wonder how it's possible to find distances given only an address and no map? Not only can you find distances without the need for a map, you can find the place on a map without ever leaving your home! This trick shows you how all these can be done! Though, this trick, like some others, have limitations.
1.2.3 Calculator trick - Ever wonder how many digits the Windows calculator truly holds and how to reveal them all [well all would be a long time doing so]? This trick makes any calculator, including Windows calculator reveal these secret digits.
1.2.4 Column multiplication - Ever wonder if you can multiply a column of numbers since you can add a column? It is very possible! This challenge will show you how it works.
1.2.5 Divisibility trick - Need help factoring numbers? This tip will tell you exactly how it's done.
1.2.6 Eight ways to speed up multiplication - Wanna quickly solve that tough multiplication question? Here's 8 ways to really kick up the power in that engine!
1.2.7 Fraction trick - Need some math help with fractions? This tip will help you improve your accuracy with adding/subtracting and multiplying/dividing fractions.

1.3 Internet tips 'n' tricks
1.3.1 Bandwidth trick - Need help lowering your site's bandwidth consumption? This tip/trick will be mighty handy to you.
1.3.2 Connection trick - Ever wonder why some pages, even if you've just viewed it, take a wide variety of times to load from a few seconds to a minute and more? This tip tells you exactly what's going on and how you can tell.
1.3.3 GIF, JPG, and PNG image tip - Do you know what type of image file to save that image you just created? These tips will give you something to think about.
1.3.4 Internet form trick - Did you just lose all that work typing something because something went faulty with your internet connection or browser? This tip will help prevent that from happening again.
1.3.5 URL trick - What's with the %20, %2b, and the related in many internet URLs? This explains it all and tells you how to encode URLs yourself.

1.4 Food and drink tips 'n' tricks
1.4.1 Bottled soda trick - Do you keep spilling your soda because the bubbles churned up? This trick will nearly, if not always prevent it from happening again.
1.4.2 Fat Removal trick - This trick will teach you how to eliminate your meat and pizza fat content by up to 98%.
1.4.3 Meat trick - Want juicy meats? This trick will help you get the juiciest meat possible with a special cost though.

1.5 General tips 'n' tricks
1.5.1 Bug trick - Have bugs like moths and flies buzzin' around your house? Don't have a fly swatter to get them with? This trick will help you understand their weaknesses so you can fight them better.
1.5.2 Days in month trick - Can't tell which months have 30 or 31 days without looking at a calendar? This trick will help with that.
1.5.3 Minesweeper game guide - Can't figure out Minesweeper on Windows? This guide will help you win with a high chance [includes a tutorial game!]!
1.5.4 Mowing speed-up - Does mowing that tall grass or your yard take too long? I have a way to reduce the need for it and still keep those engine RPMs high.

2 Help promote my site - If you love my site, feel free to use the many banners I have available. You can choose, zero, 1, 2, or all that are available! Instructions for using them are given on the page.

3 Reports and essential documents - Contains the essential reports and documents [as well as some "unessential" ones].

4 About Me

5 Games index - Has some games that you can play for often no more than a dollar and can be played infinitely!

6 Stories - Contains a collection of stories I wrote including things about my script, The Legend of the 10 Elemental Masters.

7 Ulillillia Site FAQ - The frequently asked questions and referalls that are pointless to make an individual report on.

8 My image collection - All the neat and detailed images I've made.

9 Previews of my game's development as events occur


* These items here are those that don't seem to fit any of the above categories.
** The terms tip, trick, speed-up and shortcut each has a different meaning. A tip is a piece of information of value. These often score around the same for all fields. A trick is a special thing that isn't known by many but can sometimes help a lot and require a special task to accomplish. These typically can give indeterminate ratings for time, and can vary widely in the other fields. A speed-up is just what is says, it's a process that can help speed up a main process. These focus heavily on saving time. A shortcut is an alternate process taken that makes a process take much shorter periods of time. It's focus is mainly time, however, some of these can be pretty tough so check the required skills as well.