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Feller Musings
Friday, 5 June 2009

I haven't visited here in a while but according to the tracking statistics a few people check in regularly (30 + hits yesterday). Somewhat to my surprise Google lists this site at or near the top of all of the Feller-related searches I did today, so I guess it's easy enough to find. I'd have to pay actual money to see who you all are but that's not going to happen anytime soon.  Maybe I should have a guest book. 

It seems that most of the visible Feller chat sites are moribund.  The move to Multiply cut the membership by more than half and posts are even more infrequent than previously.  If my feelings of ennui towards anything Feller are typical, I guess it's not surprising.  I moved my sites over but no one's posted anything since the move so I'm likely going to put them out of their misery and delete them.

Well, it doesn't take any energy or money to keep this site going and the photos are nice so I'll keep it open as long as Angelfire lets me.  If anyone has any more photos they'd like to share get in touch and I'll make arrangements to get them posted. 

Posted by Don Ferguson at 10:08 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 5 June 2009 10:33 AM EDT
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Monday, 19 October 2009 - 2:11 PM EDT

Name: "Lucy Anex Pelly"

It's nice to know that there are a few of us left to touch base every few years.  Heaven knows this won't go on forever but until we're all gone - let's touch base once in a while.

Any of you coming to Vancouver for the Olympics?



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