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I was cleaning up some boxes and I came across some memorabilia (mostly Feller) that I’d misplaced.



This is a nice picture of Liz Todd. I believe that she gave it to my

parents and I ended up with it when I was helping to pack up

their apartment after they passed away. 


Head boys were the lowest rank in the prefect system.  I’m amused by the duties with which I was charged;

supervising all those unruly day boys. 

My certificate of appointment as a prefect, somewhat the worse for wear, wherein I agree to sell out to the man,

i.e., the authorities of the school! The date on this document appears to support a conjecture I made elsewhere. 

The fact that I was not appointed as a prefect until partway through the school year suggests that John Baxter

likely did start the year as CPO of RCSCC Ft. Lennox and I took over when he joined the Army Reserves. 
I was let out of Steve May's doghouse and re-appointed as a prefect
to coincide with that.



The certificate acknowledging that I passed the PO1 exam. This is a semi-historic document

in that only two were evere issued. David Oliver was the only other person to officially earn

the rank of Petty Officer First Class while a cadet in RCSCC Ft. Lennox.



This divisional proficiency badge was earned by approximately 6 cadets from Ft. Lennox (including me).

Instead of keeping all the cadets from each corps together as a division, this was the first year they split us up and distributed a few cadets from each corps amongst the divisions. I suppose that it was supposed to enhance camaraderie amongst the different corps, but it also put a damper on the traditional rivalries. At the time we all saw this as a bad thing. But now we are encouraged to raise our kids in an environment of reduced competitiveness so it probably was a notion ahead of its time.



I had forgotten all about these until I came across them in with the other memorabilia. The annual sportscrest competition, an athletic event that was the brainchild of Kurt Brosi, was inaugurated when I was in grade 10.


I think that there were three levels, bronze, silver and gold. You accumulated points based on your performance in 3 out of 4 possible events: 100 metre dash, high jump, long jump and shotput. I got the silver in grade 10, but practiced a bit harder and received enough points to get the gold in grade 11. This was one of the more enjoyable experiences of my time at Feller. Thank you Mr. Brosi great idea. Much better than 6:30 AM calesthenics.



I know that this is not strictly a Feller item, but it was in with the other stuff and it is sort of interesting.


This was clipped from the Montreal Star circa August 1952. We were at Merton Elementary School in Cote St. Luc to get our smallpox vaccinations prior to entering kindergarten. I am the little guy at the back with the deer-in-the-headlights expression and you probably recognize my mom just behind me.


Apparently I wasn't paying attention when the photographer told everyone to look interested and not stare at the camera. Either that or I was the only one observant enough to notice that someone was taking a picture. Yeah, that's probably it.