Senior Girls Basketball Team 1962-'63. Give me an
"F" Judy Doe, Evelyn Georges, Give me an "E" Pat
Greenop, Joan Chamberlain, Give me an "L" Gloria Liggett, Sandy
B, Saima Kavander, Give me another "L" Sharon Oliver, Monica
Kahn, Give me another "E" Carolyn McDougall, Give me an
"R" Helen Markowski. I'm putting this on a page by itself because it brings back real memories. In those days, boys and girls played by different rules. Come to think of it they still do, and I've still not been able to figure out what their rules are... but I was actually talking about basketball. Anyway, on the girls teams there were six players a side, three forwards and three guards. The forwards had to stop at their own 10 second line and were not able to come back all the way under the basket that was being defended and the guards were not permitted to cross the other team's 10 second line to shoot on the opposing team's basket. This must be really puzzling to people looking back at stats from this era. Hey, Joe. All of the guards have scoring averages of 0.0, couldn't any of those girls shoot? Well, no, they weren't allowed to. I'm not certain of the rationale for this, perhaps the male powers-that-were felt that having 10 girls clustered in one place fighting for the ball would have led to mayhem (hey Murray, just a bit of irony here). I'm sure that this is just co-incidence, but if you count the number of girls you will find that there are 11. I remember helping out 'coaching' during the period my dad was in hospital. Most days this involved helping to referee during the scrimmages but some days there were only 11 girls present and I filled in as one of the guards on the second team. I don't know how they ever conned us into that weaker sex nonsense. I used to limp around battered and bruised, with scratches all over my forearms and torso, for days after one of these sessions. (In college I would have been the envy of all my peers if I wandered around the dorms with my shirt off looking like I did then, but in high school I was too naïve to even show off my war wounds). I also remember some fairly effective hip checks from Joan and Sandy that would be admired by the old farts with whom I currently play hockey. My one shining moment was getting rambunctious and shooting a basket from outside the 10 second line. Swish! Which goes to show that I was showing off even then, eh? Well, I don't want to clutter up the photos too much, I'll eventually have more to say in my actual chapter on sports. |
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