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With Our Troops So Far From Home We Need To Let Them Know That We Are With Them In Our Hearts And In Spirit.

At this moment in our troops lives, some of them are facing their last dance. Memories of their loved ones last dance, embrace, or kiss with them are dancing through all their minds. Over seas and in their homeland. Although their lives are 'left to chance' at this time of war, our troops are definding our beliefs and trying to bring peace and freedom to a less privledged country. They have left their lives to chance and some will have danced their last dance, we as Americans support and love our men and women who are the real heroes!

Some of our young men and women have paid the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.
May GOD hold them in his hands for the sacrifice they have made.

It's time to put GOD back where he belongs:

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
And to the republic for which it stands
One Nation under GOD,
Indivisable with liberty, and justice for all.

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I would like to thank Angelfire for providing webspace so people like myself can let the world how we support our Country, The United States America.

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