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This is dedicated to Ryan!
I Love Ya Ry!
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I know that you have seen this picture used on one of my other pages, but with the news today of a sucide bomber killing 4 Americans I felt the need to use it again!

We are sending our Sons, Daughters, Mothers, and Fathers to Iraq to rid the world of such cruel dictatorship. We know that with Victory comes death. Some of our Sons, Daughters, Mothers and Fathers will not come back home to us. They go to war and fight so we all may be FREE!

GOD is holding HIS children in his hands. I have a young man over in Iraq fighting in the 3rd Infantry. I know that GOD will hold him in his hands and will take care of him. Please, support our troops! Pray for the courage they have to do what they have to do. Don't condem them!

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Copyright © 2003

I would like to thank Angelfire for providing webspace so people like myself can let the world how we support our Country, The United States America.

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