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Easy Steps To Making A Web Page

Steps to building your own webpage:

  1. Get a visual in your mind of what you what your site to look like.

  2. Then gather all of your graphics and music and upload them to your site.

  3. Now it is time to start building.

  4. If you are starting with a blank page the first thing you need to put in is this <HTML>

  5. Next you would put this code in <TITLE> The title of your page goes here and then </TITLE>

  6. Now I don't always use this <HEAD>. You should get in the habit of putting it in. There are some scripts that will require that you put part/or all of the code in the HEAD. REMEMBER that if you put <HEAD> in you have to STOP it by placing this </HEAD> after your header information. Like I said you don't use it that often and you will see in the example below that I have omitted it.

  7. The most important part of your HTML is the <BODY>. This is where you will place all of the codes that I am going to show you. When you are COMPLETELY finished with your webpage you will place </BODY> at the end.


  8. It is now time to put your background on. Your background maybe a color or an image. If you are using a color your code will be: <bgcolor="whatever color you want"> . If you are using a image that you have uploaded the code will be as follows: <body background="image.jpg"> NOTE: A BACKGROUND IMAGE MAYBE A JPG OR A GIF AND MAY BE A MOVING BACKGROUND.

  9. Now lets say that you want some music on your page. That is easy to do. Make sure you have uploaded your midi to the site. Then simply insert this code: <bgsound src="whateveryouwant.mid" loop=3>. The loop number maybe any number you choose.

  10. The next thing that you will want to do is put some words on your page. You will have to choose the color of your font, the type of font you want to use and the size of font you want to use. To do this follow these codes: <FONT COLOR="RED"> <FONT SIZE="5"> <FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS">Then you type what you want to say! Now isn't that easy?

  11. If you want to put an image on your webpage you need to use this code
    <"img src=?"> This places your image. Make sure to include the extension of your image. Ex: water.jpg or water.gif. The image name and extension replaces the "?".

    <img src="flower.gif">

  12. Now this is how your codes will look when typed into your html. <HTML>
    <body background="image.jpg">
    <bgsound src="whateveryouwant.mid" loop=3>
    <FONT COLOR="RED"> <FONT SIZE="5"> <FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS">Then you type what you want to say!
    <center><img src="flower.gif">

    If you cut and paste these codes into your html and change to the colors and pics and music that you have selected then you have made your first webpage. Congratulations! When you are completely done with your page you must STOP THE BODY OF THE HTML AND THE HTML ITSELF AND TO DO THIS YOU SIMPLY PUT</BODY>
  13. <BR> This is the code for BREAK...You put <BR> in to places spaces between images and words of words and titles or just any ole place you want some space!
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