Cat Demon
Demon Fighting a Dragon
RavenWood and Brian Griffith
Rich's Demon (full)
Winged Demon (Colored)
Death Gone Prep
Hell Cat
This is a demon I drew to represent fear.
I'm not sure what the thing on the right is, so it's a demon. I need to scan this pic with it's BG.
RavenWood asked me to draw a pic of him. So I did, and at the time I was very angry. Are Phleeeeb Phlaarps demons? I don't know, but this pic is kinda demonic with the killing and all...
I was very angry at my uncle. So I drew this. I shaded it a few days later on a bus.
I don't know if Sylis was a demon, or not, but he sure did creep the hell out of me. I saw him outside the window once, and then I drew what I saw iemedietly afterwards. Sence one of my friends came and saw him, he's never been seen again. A few ther firend's of mine have seen him, too.
This pic I drew at my one of my moms rentals. This one was oneof he corner units of the triplex. I freaked ou the kid who lived there, I think. It's hard to tell, but the BG is wierd colored fire.
I realize I've gotten a litte obsessive about drawing demons, and htings relating to "Death", but this was half my idea and half someone elses idea. I love this pic. ^^ The little fox guy on the right, I don't know his name, or reasn for being. Unless my other friend has already said, and I misunderstood him.
I didn't ink it! I DIDN'T INK IT!!! I'm sorry, OK?? drew this at Tessa's dance recitel. The thing was called "United We Dance" it ended percicly at 9:11, my mom and I went to Mc Donalds afterwars and the total we spent was $9.12. Creepy, huh?