Buster Atacing Ozzy
Buster is a Shape Shifter
Chattin on a Disk
Drunken Legolas
Irken Extream Sports
Jay and Lokar
Jonen in a Bunny Costume
Jhonen-ish Sketches
Link Being Scared
Nargom Biting a Picture
orko Eating Peas
Randy Hanging Upside Down
Randy and Kurt Hiding
Talking It Out
Tallests at a Candy Shop
Tallests Having Fun With Pens
Thrac With AIDS
Thrax and Zak
Xia and Kurt
Zak's Rotting House
This pic, if I remeber crrectlly, was drawn at the Lodge. Ozzy's feet are melting into rubber! Oh no! AHHHHHH!!!!
This is Buster proclaiming he's a shape shifter. He's doing the lock-jointy finger thing that maks him infamous. I do that too, for that is why he does.
This is how Scorch and I pass notes..well it was really only that one time, but we did it! I don't really consider it note-passing, so I don't think we shoud get busted for it. I mean the sudet manual says "No note passing on paper. Any notes found will be thrown in recycling" and I don't think disks are recyclable.
This is a picture based on something I tought I heard on the movie. I coulda sworn I heard Legolas mumble "Man,I gotta have some gin." My friend was overaround Christmas time, so I drew that for her.
This is Gus. This is a frame from one of my comix, and despie the looks of this frame, it's not as suspencful as it sounds. I really like the shadig and detail here.
This was based on one of my freind's talking about the Extream Sports that go one down by his hosue. I drew this for one of my friends on their B-day. I was going to give them a more revisd version but I realized time was running out. I still love this pic!
I drew this for Morgan, cuz she wanted a new past life. I was donning her Jay, who is from the days long ago when Space Ghost was my most favorate show in the world. Everyone else thought it was stupid, but now it's getting to be popular. The people who hated it, now love it.
So I didn't draw this, but I did cut it out and color it. You see, Scorch was printing a whole bunch of stuff, then cutting it out, so I joined in in cutting this out out and also decided to color it. Fun Stuff...
These are some sketches of Jhoneney stuff. I drew Johnny, Squee and Zak (now Kaz), and the begining of Dib's hair. Zak drew Zim, and the first pic of Pig. We decided that if we ever got the chance to send this to Jhonen himself.
I drew this for a friend at school. I do not know what he's done with the picture, but hopefully it's somewhere in his house, and not in the garbage.
This picture was based on Morgan biting a picture off of my knee when I was drawing this pic. BTW-I got a little lazy drawing Cathy's feet.
I forget what induced this picture, but I remember thinking it was pretty funny, and I think Zak was over...and we were in the front room by the fire place...or something...
This is a pic I drew with Zak. It's based on an inside joke containing a paper, a picture of Thrax, Ozzy music, Enya, and a CD/radio. I'll leave you hanging there. Good bye!
As my friend said, it's hard to imagne a Jägermonster doing that, but I guess I imagened it...inspiered by The Lovin' Spoon Full, and Girl Genious! erm ^^;;;
O.o;;; Sorry, I have some pretty wierd ideas, and somehow randy became from a random drwning into a character (a lot of characters come that way). This is based on..."Christmas"...
This jsut came to me one day, and I consider it fan art because the doctor mysteriousely turned into Jhonen. I have no idea how, but he did!
This picture was made all for the reason of putting it onto the computer and making it look like your looking out of a peep hole. I'd upload that but I forgot where I put it and I'm too lazy to do it again.
This picture was based on Scorch sticking a pen into his eye, and going "Whoa! Lookit those colors!" I had an urge to draw the tallests, and that's what became of it.
This is...umm...my...AIDS campagin?
I'm comtimplating taking this down, but now it's up... I was at the Lodge when I drew this. I notived that the two pictures I drew of Zak she seems aloof to what's going on around her.
This was based on a quote from the Evelution show. Xia was just there like that, and I didn't know what to do with the dead space. Thus I added that quote, and Kurt.
This was from a dream I had shortly after Skeeter died. I can remeber each detail as vividly as the night it happened. everyone and everything besides myself, Zak, and Zak's computer (have no idea why) was rotted, and horrificlly mouformed. At one point there were people, all rotting alive, squirming over eachother like maggots. Or in other words, that dream disturbed the hell out of me.