Tod's story is a strange one. Not even I compleatly undrstand it. He was killed or something and then took the form he is now. He lies in limbo between the dead and living, holding the powers of many supernatural beings, yet still having the ability to be hurt and felt by those of this physical relm. He's albe to pass through solid objects, and has the ability of being seen only by those he chooses to see him. He can, as many ghosts, play with energy and electricity. There are few who accept him in the physical relm, and yet fewer who accept him the the relm of the deciceced. Despite his fate, he cannot reincanate, nor die. After his "death" more than 90 years ago, he's been on a search for those who understand him. He's found few companins.
About 20 years before he met Creed, he knew a girl by the name of Sharla. She loved im for who he was, and igored his "condition". When he met Creed, he warned him of a horrible happening. Creed was greatful of the warning after returning, and became his newest friend. Creed's on a quest to make people understand about Tod. When Creed origenally met Tod, Tod didn't have a name. Or at least he couldn't remeber his name. Creed started out calling him "Übel" which in germna translates to Evil. For when he first met Tod, under the cercumstances he thought he was an evil spirit. After a little more understanding he called him Tod which translates to Death in german.
Tod tries to be protective, but he's relaly a big coward. He warns Creed about a lot, and usually his predictions become true.
Some Fun With Shading
This was a fun little sketch when I was playing with shading. I think it came out rather well. The girl is Sharla, a person Tod met 20 years before he met Creed. I think I drew her at a younger age then I ment in this pic (hence what Tod's sayng). He met and lived with her until her death of 75 years old. He met her when she was 22, and livd with her for 53 years. Now he lives with Creed who is now 14 years old.
Talkig It Out
I had some fun with this pic. It was more for the humor scale than anything, but I swear, Jhonen wasn't supposed to be there! He was supposed to be the doctor, and somehow it tured into Jhonen! (No, I am not saying that Jhonen Vasquez has any mentel problems)
Tod Drawn With Charcole
I was at Morgan's house when I drew this, with Amanda, too. We light some candles, and then we started burning random things. I burnt my pencil, then got the idea to draw something. I started sketching in my book, but the charcole died quickley. I put the pencil inthe melted wax, then burnt it adn started again. After awile I got boared of watching it burn, so I started sketching and coloring while the pencil was on fire. This pic faded a lot sense then, but you can still see it. It's browner now.